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研究生: 李慧珍
Hui-jen Lee
論文名稱: 大學生的學習風格與英文單字學習策略在手機行動學習的應用研究
A Study of College Students’ Learning Styles and Strategy Use on English Vocabulary Learning with mobile Phones
指導教授: 翁楊絲茜
Sz-Chien Wengyang
口試委員: 朱子君
Zi-Chun Chu
Ju-Chun Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 行動學習學習風格記憶術
外文關鍵詞: learning style, mnemonic technique, mobile learning
相關次數: 點閱:681下載:27
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一、 手機與傳統學習環境的學生,其課程滿意度、課程參與程度沒有差別,但手機學習環境之學習者,其測驗成績得分較傳統學習環境學習者高。
二、 英文字彙記憶術課程適合所有學習風格類型之學習者進行學習,僅管各類型學習風格的學習者,在課程滿意度、課程參與度沒有差別,但偏向「反思觀察」之學習者,其對英文字彙記憶術課程感到越滿意,且對英文字彙記憶術課程參與度越高。
三、 以客觀評量方式測量學習成效,與主觀評量方式不具相關性
四、 學習者在課程參與程度越高,則對記憶術課程越感到滿意。

The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of students’ learning styles, and learning environment on learning achievement, and the correlations among different learning outcome measurements for college students who participated in “English vocabulary mnemonic course”. The course was launched from April 2010 to May 2010 with one month duration, and since the study’s emphasis was on the importance of mnemonic techniques for students’ English vocabulary learning, the “keyword method” associated with acoustic and mental image in the materials were applied.
In this study, the author used quasi-experimental design and 126 subjects were divided into two groups: the mobile learnig environment (the experimental group) and the traditional learnig environment (the control group). The data were analyzed through 2-way ANOVA to view the difference of learning achievement between students learning with the text messages and with traditional materials and the effects of their learning styles. Further Pearson’s product-moment correlation was used to describe the linear realationships between different measurements of students’ learning achievement (posttest score, course satisfaction, and course participation). Finally, subjects’ qualitative opinions of the course and learning experiences were analyzed and the study results were revealed as the following:
(1)There were no significant differences in the course satisfaction and participation between the control and the experimental groups; however, the posttest scores for those learned in mobile environment are higer than those learned in the traditional environment.
(2) “English vocabulary mnemonic course”is appropriate for students with all types of learning styles. Even though the result revealed no differences in students’ course satisfaction and participation among those four learning styles, students with higher scores on “Reflective Observantion” would have higher levels of course satisfaction and preference to participate in this course.
(3)The objective learning achievement measure (posttest score) was not significantly correclated to any subjective evaluation measures (course satisfaction and participation).
(4) Students with higher levels of participation in the course, felt more satisfied with the experiences.
Finally, according to the results of the study, suggestions were provided for the education centers, and future researches.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 謝誌 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與重要性 7 第三節 研究問題 9 第四節 重要名詞釋義 10 第五節 研究範圍與限制 11 貳、文獻探討 13 第一節 學習策略與相關研究 13 第二節 學習風格與相關研究 20 第三節 行動學習及相關研究 23 參、研究方法與實施 27 第一節 研究架構 27 第二節 研究變項 28 第三節 研究假設 30 第四節 研究對象 31 第五節 研究工具 33 第六節 研究實施流程 42 第七節 資料分析與處理 43 肆、研究結果 44 第一節、問卷回收情形與學習者背景現況分析 44 第二節、學習環境、學習風格與學習成效之描述性統計 47 第三節、學習環境、學習風格與學習成效影響 56 第四節 學習環境、四構念學習風格與學習成效之相關分析 61 第五節 英文字彙記憶術課程調查分析 66 伍、結論與建議 71 第一節 結論與討論 71 第二節 建議 78 參考文獻 83 附錄一 【多益字彙前測】 93 附錄二【學習風格量表】 96 附錄三「記憶術課程學習成效量表」專家效度名單 99 附錄四【專家效度諮詢量表】 100 附錄五【英文字彙記憶術學習成效量表】 103 附錄六 【多益字彙後測】 106

自: http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1
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