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論文名稱: 專題式導向STREAM學習模式對印尼中學生的科學學習成效、21世紀能力和運算思維的影響
Effects of a project-based STREAM approach on students' learning achievement, 21st-century competencies, and computational thinking in Indonesian science courses
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
Chi-Jen Lin
口試委員: 劉子鍵
Tzu-Chien Liu
Jie-Chi Yang
Yang Kaixiang
Shu-Ling Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: STREAM 方法運算思維學習成就21 世紀能力
外文關鍵詞: STREAM approach, computational thinking, learning achievement, 21st-century competencies
相關次數: 點閱:119下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的是探討專題式STREAM(科學、技術、宗教、工程、藝術和數學)方法在提升學生學習成就、21世紀能力和運算思維於科學課程中的應用。為了應對STEM教育在解決全球問題中所遇到的若干挑戰,本研究採用了準實驗設計,涉及79名參與者,分為三組:基於專案的 STEM 方法、基於專案的 STEAM 方法和基於專案的 STREAM 方法。實驗結果顯示,採用STREAM和STEAM方法學習的學生在學習成就、複雜問題解決和創造力方面的表現明顯優於採用STEM方法學習的學生。採用STREAM方法學習的學生在後設認知和溝通能力方面的表現優於採用STEAM和STEM方法學習的學生。然而,在合作方面,採用STREAM、STEAM和STEM方法學習的學生之間沒有顯著差異。採用STREAM和STEM方法學習的學生在運算思維方面的表現明顯優於採用STEAM方法學習的學生。此外,融入宗教元素培養了學生對同儕和環境的高度關懷,以及對不同意見的尊重和認識。這些研究結果可以為教師、講師和研究人員在開發STREAM課程時提供寶貴的參考和建議。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the project-based STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) approach in improving students' learning achievement, 21st-century competencies, and computational thinking in science courses. To respond to several challenges encountered by STEM education in addressing global issues. In this study, a quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 79 participants distributed across three groups: project-based STEM approach, project-based STEAM approach, and project-based STREAM approach. The experimental result showed that students who learned with the STREAM and STEAM approaches performed significantly better in learning achievement, complex problem-solving, and creativity than those who learned with the STEM approach. Students who learned with the STREAM approach had higher meta-cognition and communication than those who learned with the STEAM and STEM approaches. However, there was no significant difference between students who learned with STREAM, STEAM, and STEM approaches in the collaboration aspect. Students who learned with the STREAM and STEM approaches had significantly better computational thinking than those who learned with the STEAM approach. Additionally, the integration of religion aspect cultivates a heightened sense of care for their peers and the environment, as well as respect for differing opinions awareness. The findings could be a valuable reference and recommendations for teachers, instructors, and researchers to develop the STREAM curriculum.

    摘要 iv ABSTRACT v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii 1. Introduction 1 1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 1.2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 1.3. THE DEFINITION OF TERMS 4 1.3.1. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) 4 1.3.2. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) 4 1.3.3. STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) 5 1.3.4. Learning achievement 5 1.3.5. 21st-century competencies 5 1.3.6. Computational thinking 5 2. Literature Review 6 2.1. STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS) EDUCATION 6 2.2. STEAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ART, AND MATHEMATICS) EDUCATION 7 2.3. STREAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, RELIGION, ENGINEERING, ART, AND MATHEMATICS) EDUCATION 9 3. A project-based STREAM approach with Kodorobot quadcopter 11 4. Experimental design 16 4.1. EXPERIMENT STRUCTURE 16 4.1.1. Independent variable 17 4.1.2. Dependent variable 17 4.1.3. Control variable 17 4.1.4. Covariance 17 4.2. PARTICIPANTS 17 4.3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 18 4.4. INSTRUMENTS 21 4.4.1. Test of learning achievement 21 4.4.2. Questionnaire of 21st-century competencies 21 4.4.3. Questionnaire of computational thinking 22 4.4.4. Interview of student perception 22 4.5. DATA ANALYSIS 22 5. Results 24 5.1. STUDENTS’ LEARNING PERFORMANCE 24 5.2. STUDENTS' 21ST-CENTURY COMPETENCIES 25 5.3. STUDENTS’ COMPUTATIONAL THINKING 28 5.4. STUDENTS’ LEARNING PERCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCES 28 5.4.1. Students’ learning perceptions and experiences from the STREAM group 29 5.4.2. Students’ learning perceptions and experiences from the STEAM group 31 5.4.3. Students’ learning perceptions and experiences from the STEM group 33 6. Discussion and Conclusion 35 6.1. DISCUSSION 35 6.2. CONCLUSION 38 References 40 Appendix 1 48 Appendix 2 50 Appendix 3 51

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