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研究生: Solomun Teklahymanot Tesfay
Solomun Teklahymanot Tesfay
論文名稱: Growth and Characterization of GaN Thin Films on Graphene/Sapphire Substrate
Growth and Characterization of GaN Thin Films on Graphene/Sapphire Substrate
指導教授: 柯文政
Wen-Cheng Ke
口試委員: 郭東昊
Dong-Hau Kuo
Meng-Lin Tsai
Meng-Lin Tsai
I-Chen Chen
I-Chen Chen
Ting Hua Lu
Ting Hua Lu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 石墨烯氮化鋁氮化鎵穿脫肖特基接觸碳掺雜GaNAlN覆蓋層深層陷阱活化能深度瞬態光譜
外文關鍵詞: threading dislocation, carbon-doped GaN, Deep level trap, DLTS
相關次數: 點閱:593下載:0
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這項研究研究了通過嵌入複合氮化鋁緩衝層(AlN BL),可以在少層石墨烯(FLG)/藍寶石基板上生長高質量GaN薄膜。複合氮化鋁緩衝層分別通過濺鍍和金屬有機化學氣相沉積(MOCVD)生長的低溫AlN成核層(LT-AlN NL)和高溫AlN 緩衝層(HT-AlN BL)構成。 GaN樣品中的高密度刃穿隧插排(TD)無電流洩漏路徑,從而導致了基於Ni的肖特基接觸的對稱且獨立於溫度的I-V特性曲線。 LT-AlN NL的優異附著力和濺射在FLG層上的均勻覆蓋可以克服成核問題,並防止MOCVD磊晶過程中石墨烯的熱蝕刻效果; 其顯著降低複合AlN BL / FLG /藍寶石基板上生長的GaN薄膜的刃狀TD密度和碳濃度,從而在17-K光致發光光譜上產生較低強度的藍色,綠色和橙色發光並獲得了能障高為0.69 eV,漏電流密度為4.38×10-6 A / cm2的肖特基鎳金屬接點,這表明通過嵌入複合AlN BL可以在FLG/藍寶石基板上生長高質量的GaN薄膜。
在第二部分中:通過控制基板上石墨烯中間層(GI)的破壞狀態來製備碳摻雜GaN(GaN:C)肖特基二極管。由於氨前驅物在高溫磊晶中蝕刻的行為使得沒有濺鍍AlN覆蓋層(CL)的GI被破壞。像納米石墨作為固態碳摻雜源一樣,受損的GI摻入了GaN層的磊晶成長。 二次離子質譜深度分佈表明,由於在更高溫度下成長的高結晶質量AlN CL對GI的更好的阻隔能力,可以優化AlN CL的濺射溫度來進一步調節GaN層中的碳含量。在GI襯底上嵌入550°C生長的AlN CL之GaN:C層的刃穿隧差排密度和碳濃度可以顯著降低至2.28×109 cm-2和〜2.88×1018 cm-3。因此,在GaN:C的肖特基鎳金屬二極體上,其理想因數為1.5,能障高度為0.72 eV。串聯電阻從303 K時的28k增加到473 K時的113k,而串聯電阻的正溫度係數(PTC)歸因於碳摻雜引起的補償效應和晶格散射效應。供體濃度的降低透過與溫度相關的電容電壓(C-V-T)測量來確認。將GI分解作為碳摻雜源產生的GaN:C肖特基二極體的PTC特性應允許將來並聯使用高壓肖特基二極管,特別是在高溫環境中。
在第三部分中:通過金屬有機化學氣相沉積(MOCVD),在具有濺鍍AlN覆蓋層的石墨烯中間層/藍寶石基板上生長碳摻雜(C摻雜)GaN,以及通過X射線衍射(XRD)缺陷結構,電缺陷和深層缺陷進行分析並測量室溫電流電壓(IV),電容電壓(CV)和電容瞬態。 XRD掃描的搖擺曲線顯示了與所有穿隧差排有關的(102)反射的半峰全寬(FWHM),其值為4.38×109 cm-2。由室溫IV曲線分析確定0.6V的導通電壓。Ni / C摻雜的GaN肖特基接觸的施體濃度Nd 取決於C-2 – V曲線的頻率,其值從5.02 x 1014減小到4.36×1014 cm-3。這歸因於深能階陷阱的存在。此外,我們通過深能階瞬態光譜(DLTS)分析了C摻雜GaN中產生的深能階陷阱。並觀察到深能階陷阱的活化能為Et = 0.46 eV,捕獲截面為σn = 3.91×10-20 cm2。活化能Et與在MOCVD腔室內的高溫生長過程中摻入GaN薄膜中的碳(C)或鎵取代位碳(CGa)有關。

This study investigates that high-quality GaN thin films can be grown on a few-layer graphene (FLG)/sapphire substrate by embedding a hybrid aluminum nitride buffer layer (AlN BL). The hybrid AlN BL is constructed by low-temperature AlN nucleation layer (LT-AlN NL) and high-temperature AlN BL (HT-AlN BL) grown respectively by sputtering and metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The high density of edge-type threading dislocation (TD) in the GaN sample without provide current leakage paths, resulting in a symmetric and temperature-independent I-V characteristic curve for a Ni-based Schottky contact. The excellent adhesion and uniform coverage of LT-AlN NL on the FLG layer by sputtering can overcome the nucleation issue and prevent the thermal etching effect of graphene during MOCVD epitaxial process. The edge-type TD density and carbon concentration of the GaN thin film grown on the hybrid AlN BL/FLG/sapphire substrate can be reduced significantly, resulting in a lower intensity of blue, green, and orange luminescences on a 17-K photoluminescence spectrum. The Ni-based Schottky contact with a barrier height of 0.69 eV and leakage current density of 4.3810-6 A/cm2 is obtained, which demonstrates that a high-quality GaN thin film can be grown onto an FLG substrate by embedding a hybrid AlN BL.
In the second work: Carbon-doped GaN (GaN:C) Schottky diodes are prepared by controlling the destruction status of graphene interlayer (GI) on the substrate. The GI without a sputtered AlN capping layer (CL) was destroyed because of ammonia precursor etching behavior in a high-temperature epitaxy. The damaged GI, like nano-graphite as a solid-state carbon doping source, incorporated the epitaxial growth of GaN layer. The secondary ion mass spectroscopy depth profile indicated that the carbon content in GaN layer can be tuned further by optimizing the sputtering temperature of AlN CL because of the better capping ability of high crystalline quality AlN CL on GI being achieved at higher temperature. The edge-type threading dislocation density and carbon concentration of the GaN:C layer with an embedded 550 °C-grown AlN CL on a GI substrate can be significantly reduced to 2.28109 cm-2 and ~2.881018 cm-3, respectively. Thus, a Ni-based Schottky diode with ideality factor of 1.5 and barrier height of 0.72 eV was realized on GaN:C. The series resistance increased from 28 k at 303 K to 113 k at 473 K, while the positive temperature coefficient (PTC) of series resistance was ascribed to the carbon doping that induced the compensation effect and lattice scattering effect. The decrease of the donor concentration was confirmed by temperature-dependent capacitance-voltage (C-V-T) measurement. The PTC characteristic of GaN:C Schottky diodes created by dissociating the GI as a carbon doping source should allow for the future use of high-voltage Schottky diodes in parallel, especially in high temperature environments.
In the third work: The Carbon-doped (C-doped) GaN is grown on graphene interlayer/sapphire substrate with a sputtering AlN capping layer by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD), and defect structure, electrical and deep level defects were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), room temperature current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and capacitance-transient. The XRD ?-scan rocking curve shown full width half maximum (FWHM) of (102) reflection related to all threading dislocation with a value of 4.38109 cm-2. The turn on voltage, 0.6 V was determined from the room temperature I-V curves analysis. The device parameter, donor concentration Nd of Ni/C-doped GaN Schottky contact obtained from frequency dependent of C-2 – V curve with values of decreased from 5.021014 to 4.361014 cm-3. This is attributed to the presence of deep level traps. Also, we analyzed the deep level trap created in C-doped GaN by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The deep level trap with activation energy of Et = 0.46 eV and it’s capture cross-section of σn = 3.9110-20 cm2 were observed. The activation energy, Et is related to the carbon (C) or carbon in gallium substitutional position (CGa) incorporated in to the GaN thin film during the high temperature growth inside MOCVD chamber.

Abstract i Acknowledgements iv Table of contents vi LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES xiii Abbreviations xiv Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Properties and crystal structure of GaN and sapphire 5 1.2.1 Group III-nitrides 5 1.2.2 Sapphire 7 1.3 Growth of GaN on sapphire 9 1.4 Defects in III-nitrides 11 1.5 Role of Nucleation Layer in GaN Growth on Sapphire 13 1.5.1 The AlN Layer 13 1.5.2 The Graphene Layers 14 1.6 Motivation of This Study 16 1.7 Aims and Objectives of This Study 18 1.8 Organization of This Thesis 19 Chapter 2: Characterization Techniques 20 2.1 Characterization Technique 20 2.1.1 X-ray Diffraction 20 2.1.2 Raman Spectroscopy 21 2.1.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 24 2.1.4 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 24 2.1.5 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 24 2.1.6 Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) 25 Chapter 3: Experimental techniques 27 3.1 Growth Technique 27 3.2 Thermal Evaporation 27 3.3 Radio Frequency Sputtering 29 3.4 Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) 32 3.5 Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) 34 3.6 Schottky Barrier Diodes 37 3.6.1 Electrical and Optical Characterization Techniques 37 Photo-Luminescence 37 Current-Voltage (I-V) 37 Capacitance - Voltage (C-V) 39 Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) 40 Chapter 4: Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of GaN Thin Films on Graphene/Sapphire Substrate by Embedding a Hybrid-AlN Buffer Layer 45 4.1 Introduction 45 4.2 Experimental section 47 4.3 Results and discussion 49 4.4 Summary 59 Chapter 5: Solid-state Carbon-doped GaN Schottky Diodes by Controlling Dissociation of The Graphene Interlayer with a Sputtered AlN Capping Layer 60 5.1 Introduction 60 5.2 Experimental Section 63 5.3 Results and Discussion 64 5.4 Summary 80 Chapter 6: Deep-level Electronic Defect Investigation in C-doped GaN on Graphene Interlayer with AlN Capping Layer using Deep-level Transient Spectroscopy 81 6.1 Introduction 81 6.2 Experiment Section 82 6.3 Results and discussion 84 6.4 Summary 90 Chapter 7: Conclusions 91 REFERENCES 94

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