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研究生: 余冠賢
Guan-Xian Yu
論文名稱: 以估測接觸力資訊進行橫向攀爬機器人環境探索與運動規劃
Ledge Detection and Motion Planning of Transverse Climbing Robot Based on Contact Force Estimation
指導教授: 林紀穎
Chi-Ying Lin
口試委員: 黃安橋
An-Chyau Huang
Chih-Jer Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 橫向攀爬動量估測器環境探索運動規劃力量感測
外文關鍵詞: Transverse, momentum observer, searching algorithm, motion planning, tactile sensation
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:0
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  • 橫向攀爬機器人所應用之壁面環境具有複雜特徵,每種壁面特徵需要相對應的攀爬步態才得以抓握,使得辨識環境變化與自主修正步態的能力至關重要;既有攀爬機器人辨識環境能力的研究中,由於視覺感測器裝設視角固定的關係,僅能辨識少量的環境特徵,且無法適應具自由空間(Free Space)之環境。所以,本研究提出一種以接觸力資訊進行環境探索與路徑規劃的演算法,如同盲人沿著牆壁邊摸邊前進一樣,使橫向攀爬機器人能夠適應具連續變化與自由空間的攀爬環境。在接觸力回授系統的設計上,本研究採用動量估測器(Momentum Observer)量測機器人與環境間的碰撞力量;並且,透過時變閥值(Time Varying Threshold)的訂定,區分系統所受之干擾為移動慣性或碰撞力,並在機器人與環境發生碰撞時,以導納控制律(Admittance Law)計算移動修正量,切換移動軌跡,以適應具碰撞之攀爬情況。此外,當機器人攀爬至自由空間(Free Space)的環境時,基於A*演算法的搜索環境概念,以移動距離當作運動規劃考量,對當前活動空間進行環境探索,搜尋空間中的可抓握點。最後,以二連桿機器人當作系統模型,並且以模擬方式成功驗證本研究設計的基於接觸力資訊之環境探索與運動規劃演算法,可以使橫向攀爬機器人適應具:水平、水平不連續、傾斜、高低差(水平)、高低差(傾斜)的攀爬環境。

    Transverse climbing robots are applied to the tasks involving transverse movements along the complex features on the wall, such as horizontal and inclined ledges, and gap between ledges with different elevations. The abilities of recognizing wall feature variations and correctly switching locomotion strategies to adapt to the environment changes are very crucial for safe autonomous climbing. However, the methods developed with the widely used visual sensors are all suffering from the occlusion problem and thus cannot be fully applied to exploring free space environments due to the limited information of recognized environmental features. The bottom line is that the climbing robots should always be able to keep moving on the wall without falling on the ground no matter how the environment map changes. This study proposes a contact force based motion planning scheme for transverse climbing robots to explore partially-known environments and adjust joint motion trajectories for persistent movements, just like a blind man using a white cane to detect obstacles in the walking path. The study adopts the technique of momentum observers to estimate the collision force between the robot’s exploring hand and the environment, in which a time varying threshold criterion is integrated into the contact detection algorithm to alleviate the effects of model uncertainties and noises. Once the robot detects a collision, the system then smoothly revises the robot’s locomotion with joint trajectories calculated by an admittance control law to overcome the environmental transition. For the case of robot climbing in a free space, i.e., the exploring hand finds no graspable targets from the previous move, an A* based searching algorithm will be applied to identify the next feasible moving path along with proper locomotion adjustment. Finally, the above methods are implemented on a two-link robot transversely climbing along the horizontal ledges but with arbitrary elevation or inclination changes. The simulation successfully justifies the effectiveness of the developed contact force based motion planning algorithm. The proposed idea of “touch and move” exploration strategies could be also applied to developing advanced motion planning methodologies for bio-inspired climbing robots such as brachiation robots.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 符號索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.1.1 本研究適用場合 11 本文貢獻與架構 15 第二章 系統模型動態推導 17 2.1 二連桿機器人橫向攀爬動作流程設計 17 2.2 二連桿機器人動態模型 19 2.3 控制器設計 23 2.3.1 計算力矩法 23 2.3.2 導納控制 25 第三章 力覺回授系統設計 28 3.1 系統動態參數識別 28 3.2 動量估測器設計 31 3.2.1 一階動量估測器(First Order Momentum Observer, FOMO) 31 3.2.2 二階動量估測器(Second Order Momentum Observer, SOMO) 34 3.3 時變閥值(Time Varying Threshold, TVT) 37 3.4 碰撞偵測演算法 39 第四章 路徑探索演算法設計 43 4.1 壁面環境特徵分析 44 4.2 環境探索演算法設計 46 第五章 橫向攀爬模擬結果與討論 51 5.1 兩種動量估測器之響應分析 51 5.2 各類型環境之攀爬結果 53 5.2.1 環境一 54 5.2.2 環境二 57 5.2.3 環境三 60 第六章 結論與未來目標 63 6.1 結論 63 6.2 未來目標 64 參考文獻 65

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