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研究生: 張鎧盛
Kai-Sheng Chang
論文名稱: 具可變剛性關節之橫向飛躍抓枝機器人運動步態初步研究
Preliminary Study on Locomotion Analysis of a Transverse Ricochetal Brachiation Robot with Variable Stiffness Joint
指導教授: 林紀穎
Chi-Ying Lin
口試委員: 黃緒哲
Shiuh-Jer Huang
Meng-Kun Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 飛躍抓枝機器人可變剛性關節運動步態分析
外文關鍵詞: Transverse ricochetal brachiating robot, variable stiffness joint, locomotion analysis
相關次數: 點閱:411下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討具可變剛性關節的二連桿機器人創新飛躍抓枝運動步態設計與其實現上之可能性。我們首先藉由觀察運動員於爬桿間進行擺盪、飛躍與抓握等動作,將其化簡為二連桿動態系統並設計機器人飛躍抓枝步態。其中第一個階段為(1)擺盪階段,主要為藉由下肢連桿左右擺盪以便累積足夠能量進入後續階段。再者為(2)姿態調整階段,機器人於擺盪過程中需將二連桿調整至類似大於符號(>)的身體姿態作為起飛姿態,以便提供下肢連桿更大的擺盪範圍、增加身軀連桿可抓握之距離。當符合設定之起飛姿態條件後,機器人便進入接下來的(3)飛躍與著陸階段;在飛躍時我們期望能即時旋轉下肢連桿、帶動身軀連桿甩動後,使機器人於著陸時二連桿可以小於符號(<)的身體姿態抓握目標桿件,如此將能量延續至下一次的飛躍抓枝運動步態。我們以拉格朗日方程式推導二連桿機器人在不同階段中的動態數學模型進行數值模擬驗證所設計步態的可行性。模擬結果顯示擺盪階段中加入往覆式的剛性變化可以提高儲能效率,顯示擺盪階段對於整體運動步態實現的重要性。因此我們根據擺盪階段期間(1)有無剛性變化與(2)夾爪有無緊抓握桿件進行數組飛躍抓枝步態實驗。實驗結果顯示所挑選的設計參數可使機器人順利飛躍 21 mm 的間距,且整體運動流程大致符合所提出之大於符號變成小於符號二連桿姿態變化趨勢。在本研究中擺盪階段所嘗試的關節剛性變化設計似乎對於整體的飛躍距離影響有限,未來可進行最佳化的剛性變化探討並善用可變關節於著陸時的衝擊力抑制以利提高飛躍抓枝效能。

    This thesis presents a new locomotion style of ricochetal brachiation and investigates the feasibility of this locomotion using a two-link robot equipped with variable stiffness joint. By observing the various phases of movement of athletes climbing between handholders of a ladder, we propose a locomotion style comprising three phases: (1) swing phase; (2) posture adjustment phase; and (3) leaping and landing phase. The objective of the first phase is to accumulate enough energy to move on the succeeding phases by swinging the lowerlimb link. During this swing motion, the next phase is to adjust the two-link posture as similar as possible to the symbol of “ > ”, in which the robot reaches such take-off posture that is able to offer a larger lower-limb link swing range and thus increase the chance of holding the target bar using the body link. After meeting the preset condition of leaping, in the following phase the robot is commanded to instantly rotate the lower-limb link while rotating the body link at the same time, so that the robot can attain a two-link posture that is similar to the symbol of “ > ” to grasp the target bar for easier landing. The robot dynamics is first derived for different phases to explore the feasibility of the proposed locomotion. Simulation results indicate that adding repeating joint stiffness change to the swing phase truly improves the energy accumulation efficiency. Several swing tests are conducted to evaluate the effects of (1) stiffness change and (2) gripper holding condition for ricochetal brachiation. The experimental results demonstrate that the designed robot with preliminary parameter settings can perform successful leaping motion with a flight distance of 21 mm. Moreover, the snapshots of body posture in the experiments tend to match the proposed robot posture changing from “ > ” to “ < ”. The variable stiffness profile used for swing motion seems to have limited effects on the overall leaping distance. In the future an optimal stiffness profile during swing motion could be further designed and the variable stiffness joint is definitely worthy to be applied to attenuate the impact at the landing phase.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究動機 8 1.4 本文貢獻與架構 11 第二章 系統設計與概念 12 2.1 動作流程分析 12 2.2 系統設計構想與需求 17 第三章 系統架構 18 3.1 機器人機構設計 18 3.1.1 機器人夾爪 19 3.1.2 可變剛性致動器關節(VSA Joint) 20 3.2 機器人控制與驅動系統 22 3.2.1 系統微控制器(MCU) 23 3.2.2 致動器(Actuators) 25 3.2.3 感測器(Sensors) 26 3.3 機器人扭矩測試 27 3.3.1 扭矩感測器校正 28 3.3.2 扭矩量測 30 第四章 系統模型推導與模擬 32 4.1 可變剛性致動器幾何關係推導 32 4.2 機器人擺盪模型推導 35 4.3 機器人滯空模型推導 42 4.4 機器人擺盪階段與滯空階段模擬結果 49 4.4.1 VSA幾何關係模擬結果 49 4.4.2 機器人擺盪模型模擬結果 51 4.4.3 機器人滯空模型模擬結果 57 第五章 實驗結果與討論 60 5.1 實驗架設與設計 60 5.2 機器人擺盪階段實驗 62 5.3 機器人飛躍階段實驗一:無電磁鐵之機器人釋放 70 5.4 機器人飛躍階段實驗二:使用電磁鐵選取釋放時機 77 第六章 結論與未來目標 85 6.1 結論 85 6.2 未來目標 86 參考文獻 88 附錄 系統規格 92

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