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研究生: 梁心怡
Hsin-Yi Liang
論文名稱: 智慧聊天機器人輔助實境解謎遊戲式學習對博物館學習成效的影響
Effect of an artificial intelligence-based chatbot on students’ learning performance in alternate reality game-based museum learning
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員: 楊接期
Jie-Chi Yang
Shu-Ling Wang
Ting-Chia Hsu
Kai-Hsiang Yang
Gwo-Jen Hwang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 實境解謎電腦輔助回饋聊天機器人博物館學習遊戲式學習人工智慧
外文關鍵詞: alternate reality game, computer-mediated feedback, chatbot, museum learning, game-based learning, artificial intelligence
相關次數: 點閱:567下載:0
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Museum provides a free-choice learning environment with fruitful interdisciplinary learning resources to support competency-based learning in authentic learning contexts for diverse learners. Recently, alternate reality game has been applied in museum learning to encourage learners’ active engagement and their interactions with museum contexts through playful problem-solving activities. However, most learners have insufficient prior knowledge and metacognitive skills to complete the learning tasks in alternate reality games. To support learning with alternate reality games, there is a need to provide proper feedback so that the learners are capable of self-regulated learning and solve the encountered problems during the learning process. Therefore, this research intends to develop an artificial intelligence-based chatbot approach in alternate reality game-based learning to promote learning in museums. The aforesaid learning approach was implemented in a field-trip learning activity in a science museum to examine the effectiveness of this learning approach. The participants include 39 learners from two sixth-grade classes. The learners in the experimental group learned with the artificial intelligence-supported chatbot approach in alternate reality games-based learning, while those in the control group learned with a conventional alternate reality game-based learning approach to support their learning in the museum. The results showed the artificial intelligence-based chatbot approach can significantly improve metacognition awareness, affective engagement, and behavioral engagement. On the other hand, there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of learning achievements and cognitive engagement.

摘要 IV ABSTRACT V 致謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 X 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究目的與問題 3 1.3. 名詞釋義 4 1.3.1. 博物館學習 4 1.3.2. 實境解謎遊戲式學習 5 1.3.3. 電腦輔助回饋 5 1.3.4. 智慧聊天機器人 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1. 實境解謎遊戲輔助博物館學習 7 2.1.1. 博物館學習(Museum learning)定義與特性 7 2.1.2. 實境解謎遊戲(Alternate reality game; ARG)定義與特性 8 2.1.3. 實境解謎遊戲式學習(Alternate reality game-based learning)相關研究 10 2.2. 電腦輔助回饋(Computer-mediated feedback) 11 2.2.1. 電腦輔助回饋的定義與特性 11 2.2.2. 電腦輔助回饋相關研究 13 2.3. 智慧聊天機器人(Artificial intelligence-based chatbot; AI Chatbot) 15 2.3.1. 智慧聊天機器人定義與特色 15 2.3.2. 智慧聊天機器人相關研究與應用 16 第三章 系統開發 19 3.1. 系統架構 19 3.2. 實境解謎遊戲式學習情境 20 3.2.1. 學習活動及情境說明 20 3.2.2. 實境解謎遊戲式學習流程 21 3.3. 一般實境解謎遊戲式學習 23 3.4. 智慧聊天機器人輔助實境解謎遊戲式學習模式 25 3.4.1. 智慧聊天機器人回饋機制 25 3.4.2. 智慧聊天機器人回饋設計 28 3.4.3. 規則回饋模式與對話情境 29 第四章 研究設計 32 4.1. 研究架構 32 4.2. 實驗對象 33 4.3. 學習內容 34 4.4. 研究工具 34 4.4.1. 學習成就測驗 34 4.4.2. 後設認知覺知問卷 35 4.4.3. 參與度問卷 35 4.4.4. 行為參與 36 4.4.5. 繪圖心得回饋學習單 39 4.4.6. 開放性問題回饋 40 4.5. 實驗流程 40 4.6. 數據分析處理 42 第五章 研究結果與分析 44 5.1. 學習成就 44 5.2. 後設認知覺知 46 5.3. 參與度 (認知參與、情感參與、行為參與) 47 5.4. 實際行為參與 48 5.5. 博物館學習觀感 62 第六章 結論與建議 70 6.1. 結論 70 6.1.1. 學習成就 70 6.1.2. 後設認知覺知 71 6.1.3. 認知參與 72 6.1.4. 情感參與 73 6.1.5. 行為參與 74 6.1.6. 博物館學習觀感 76 6.2. 研究限制及建議 77 6.2.1. 研究限制 78 6.2.2. 對博物館從業人員的建議 78 6.2.3. 未來研究方向建議 79 參考文獻 - 80 - 附錄1—學習成就前測驗 - 89 - 附錄2—學習成就後測驗 - 91 - 附錄3—後設認知覺知問卷 - 94 - 附錄4—參與度問卷 - 95 -

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