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研究生: 黃晟瑜
Cheng-Yu Huang
論文名稱: 純反饋系統之輸入狀態回授線性化研究
Input-to-State Feedback Linearization of Systems in Pure Feedback Form
指導教授: 黃安橋
An-Chyau Huang
口試委員: 陳亮光
Liang-Kuang Chen
Chi-Ying Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 20
中文關鍵詞: 純反饋系統非線性系統回授線性化
外文關鍵詞: Pure Feedback Form, Nonlinear Systems, Feedback Linearization
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:5
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純反饋型式(Pure Feedback Form)非線性系統可藉由輸入-狀態回授(Input-State Feedback)進行線性化。其中的座標轉換的求取,必須解出一組非線性的聯立偏微分方程式。一般來說,這種運算是非常複雜繁瑣的。另一方面,純反饋型式非線性系統,可使用Backstepping程序來求得控制器。但是,其推導過程中,必須針對每一子系統都要設計控制器,且隨著階數的增加,其設計複雜度會大幅增加。由於回授線性化所求得的Diffeomorphism並非唯一,因此本文針對純反饋型式非線性系統,提出一回授線性化的簡單方法,其不需要求解聯立偏微分方程式,也不必為各階設計控制器。

Nonlinear systems in the pure feedback form are well-known to be input-to-state feedback linearizable. The diffeomorphism for the coordinate transformation has to be found by solving a set of nonlinear partial differential equations which involves tedious derivations in general. On the other hand, the powerful backstepping procedure is applicable to nonlinear systems in the pure feedback form, where a stabilizing controller should be designed for each sub-system. Since the diffeomorphism obtained from the traditional linearization is not unique, we would like to propose a special set of coordinate transformations for systems in the pure feedback form by utilizing some good properties of its triangular structure. To find this new transformation, there is no need for solving partial differential equations, nor do we have to construct controllers for sub-systems

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖文索引 第一章 緒論 第二章 純反饋系統回顧 2.1 輸入狀態回授線性化法 2.2 Backstepping 設計 第三章 純反饋系統的簡易回授線性化 3.1 二階系統 3.2 三階系統 3.3 N階系統 第四章 新回授線性化法之應用 第五章 結論 參考文獻

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