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研究生: 盧宜君
Yi-Chun - Lu
論文名稱: 臺灣銀行業數位金融服務品質與顧客期望之探討-以A銀行為例
Service Quality and Customer Expectation of Digital Finance in Taiwan Banking Industry–Case Study on Bank A
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 李國光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 數位金融Bank3.0網路銀行服務品質PZB模型。
外文關鍵詞: Digital Finance, Bank 3.0, Online Banking, Service Quality, PZB Model.
相關次數: 點閱:724下載:0
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近年來在行動裝置的普及下,人們已逐漸不再倚賴銀行臨櫃服務,轉而大量使用網路銀行與行動支付等自動化金融服務;金融監督管理委員會亦於2015年1月起,因應行動通訊、社群媒體、大數據、雲端科技等資訊技術之進步,配合資訊發展、順應時代潮流及提升消費者便利性,開始啟動「打造數位化金融環境3.0」計畫,期望藉由網際網路的發展促進臺灣金融業的數位化。然而一直以來都因特許行業的高門檻所保護的銀行業,在迎向數位化浪潮時,是否能站穩腳步持續發展,客戶對於新式通路及產品服務的服務體驗將是重大的關鍵。由於服務品質對經營績效、顧客滿意、顧客忠誠和獲利皆具有重大影響,銀行業在面臨金融數位化的衝擊及激烈競爭之下,為留住客戶並增加其對銀行的忠誠度,銀行業必須提供更符合客戶需求的服務品質(Service Quality)來提高顧客滿意度。
1. A銀行顧客對於「數位金融服務品質」的期望,以及行員對於「顧客對服務品質之期望」的認知,在保證性、有形性、關懷性、反應性等四個構面達到顯著性差異。意即行員與顧客對於「行員具備執行服務所需的能力與禮貌」、「數位金融服務之相關設備與交易介面」、「電子通路之個人化服務介面」、「持續追蹤後續使用狀況與迅速處理問題」等服務品質項目,有認知上的落差。結果顯示,由於數位金融之特性,使用網路銀行服務的顧客所著重之服務品質項目已異於以往親赴分行之顧客,且因銀行所提供之服務內容未真正符合顧客需求,因此顧客對服務品質期望普遍低於行員預期之水準。
2. 行員對於「顧客對服務品質之期望」的認知,以及行員自評「現階段達成之顧客滿意程度」達到顯著性差異。意即根據行員自行評估之結果,目前銀行所提供之網路銀行服務品質尚未達到顧客所期望獲得的服務品質水準。
3. 顧客之各項「人口統計變數」之服務品質期望於五項服務品質構面皆未達到顯著性差異。意即「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「教育程度」等四項變數皆不造成「對數位金融服務品質的期望」之差異。
4. 顧客之各項「使用經驗」變數中,「網路銀行使用頻率」之服務品質期望於「可靠性」與「反應性」兩項構面達到顯著性差異。結果顯示,越常使用網路銀行之顧客,越重視行員是否有能「詳盡告知服務使用方法」與「持續追蹤後續使用狀況與迅速處理問題」的能力。
5. 行員之各項「人口統計變數」中,「服務單位」對顧客服務品質期望之「關懷性」構面認知有顯著性差異。結果顯示,相較於內部管理單位之行員,分行行員因於第一線服務直接接觸顧客,故較能理解隨顧客屬性改變所產生的服務需求。

Most people now no longer rely on the entity bank branches because of the popularity of mobile devices, but the automated financial services, such as online banking and mobile payment. In January 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission (Taiwan) conducted the "Bank 3.0" plan for the trends and customer convenience, and also in response to the advances of information technologies in mobile communications, social media, Big Data and cloud computing, and then further strengthening the automation and digitization. However, whether the banking industry, the protected industry with high barrier to entry in the past, can survive in this trend of digitization, the service experiences of new channels and products may be the key for banks to develop continually. Since service quality plays an important role in business performance, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and profitability, banks, which now under the impact of digitization of financial services and the intense competition, should provide what best meets the customers' needs to improve customer satisfaction in order to retain customers and increase customer loyalty.
This study is based on PZB service quality model, exploring the cognitive gap on the expectation of the quality in digital financial services between bank employees and online banking users (Gap 1), and furthermore examining the significant factors with urgent improvements in this gap.
The questionnaire was designed from PZB model and the quality management framework SERVQUAL, and the research objects are the customers, and employees from both internal management units and the branches in Taipei City and New Taipei City of Bank A.
The main conclusion are shown below:
1. Statistical significance exists in factors of “Assurance”, “Tangibles”, ‘Empathy”, and “Responsiveness’ between “bank employee perception of customer expectations” and “customer expected service”. It means that there are several gaps between customers expectation and bank employees' understanding, such as, "the ability and courtesy of the bank employees to perform the service", "the equipment of the digital financial services", "the personalized interface of online banking", "keep track and take care of customers' follow-up usage". The result shows that, due to the characteristics of digital finance, customers who use online banking services are now focus on different preferrences on service qualities, compare to those who visited bank branches in person. Also, the services provided by the bank does not really meet customers’ needs, therefore, customer service quality expectations are generally lower than the expected level of the bank employees.
2. Statistical significance exists between bank employee perception of customer expectations and its self-assessment. It means that according to the results of bank employees' self-assessment, the service quality of online banking services provided by the bank has not yet reached the level of service quality that customers expect.
3. No statistical significance exists in all the factors of customers' characteristics. It means that the four kinds of variables, including "gender," "age," "occupation," and "education level", may not make significant differences in customers' expectation of service quality in online banking.
4. Statistical significance exists in the factor of “Reliability” and the factor of “Responsiveness” in customer expected service among the different user experiences of online banking. The result shows that those frequent users of online banking may pay more attention to the issues about whether the bank employees can "have detailed explaination of the instruction," and the abilities of "tracking customers' follow-up usage and problem-solving."
5. Statistical significance exists in the factor of “Empathy” in perception of customer expectations between bank employees from “internal management unit” and “branches”. The result shows that, compared to the bank employees who served in the internal management units, those served in branches may better inderstand the change of customers' needs arising from the transform of the consumption habits.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 第二節 研究目的 第三節 研究範圍 第四節 研究流程 第二章 文獻探討4 第一節 數位金融與BANK 3.0的定義與特性 第二節 服務的定義與特性 第三節 服務品質的定義與特性 第四節 服務品質衡量 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究個案介紹 第二節 研究架構 第三節 研究假設 第四節 研究變數與操作型定義 第五節 問卷設計與發展 第六節 資料蒐集方法 第七節 資料分析方法 第四章 資料分析與結果 第一節 信度分析 第二節 敘述性統計分析 第三節 獨立樣本T檢定 第四節 成對樣本T檢定與相關分析 第五節 單因子變異數分析 第五章 結論與建議 第一節研究結論 第二節管理意涵與建議 第三節研究限制與未來研究方向建議 參考文獻 附錄一 行員問卷 附錄二 顧客問卷

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