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研究生: 黃世鈺
論文名稱: 臺灣3PL 企業e 化之研究探討-以H 公司為例
The study of e-commerce for third party logististics industry in Taiwan –the case study of H company
指導教授: 楊文鐸
Wen-Dwo Yang
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Sheng-Lin Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 全球化供應鍊企業資源規劃供應鏈管理顧客關係管理射頻辨識系統經濟規模
外文關鍵詞: Globalization, Supply Chain, ERP, SCM, CRM, RFID, Economic of Scale
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:0
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  • 自上個世紀末80年代以降,隨著產業的演進、經濟的起飛及國際社會的去規則化如GATT與WTO等以談判取代對立,加速關稅壁壘及非關稅性障礙的減少、降低,全球化趨勢因應而起將產業帶向國際化。繼之而起,先進國家中競爭企業因國內市場的飽和,且為追求生產成本的降低,而將製造外移至開發中國家尋求價廉物美的資源,也進而培養更強競爭力及尋求大好機會開拓海外市場。第三方物流因而風起雲湧隨著跨國企業供應鍊需求遍佈全球。
    90年代中葉網際網路興起.com的浪潮,雖然流留下一些泡沫,但是B to B〈企業對企業〉, B to C〈企業對個人〉的商業應用欲趨成熟,虛擬網路世界加上實體通路物流,使得多樣的通路配合多變的產品滿足銷費者最大的需求及創造客戶最高的滿意。臺灣的產業及學界在政府機關及公協會的領導推動下,遍及各界既提高產業競爭力也提昇國家競爭力。
    本研究藉由國內物流界導入e化成功的個案研究,依序以產業環境研究、有別於一般買賣、製造企業e化的ERP、SCM、CRM,尋求最適化IT機會如HHT、GPRS、OCR及最新的 RFID資訊應用整合,適切地自我評估並訂定策略目標、系統架構及作業流程,掌握關鍵成功因素。最後於導入後依內部效益、客戶價值及產業效益作績效評估。以國內環境個案企業做此經濟、範疇規模兼具的完整3PL產業e化實例仍屬少見,除予以對未來提出建議,並開創國內對 3PL產業e化研究或發展提供參考。

    After 1980s’, a world-wide trend of industrial improvement, economy boost, internationalization effects, eg; GATT and WTO, gradually reducing taxation/ non-taxation barriers and replacing confrontation caused by negotiation. The trend of globalization forces industries internationalization revolution in the present days. Many developed countries find their competitive industries experiencing limited growth within local markets. In order to achieve the “cost effective” objective, seeking alternative cost effective sourcing in developing countries becomes inevitable. At the same time, this opens up opportunities of developing competitive strengths and oversea markets penetration. 3rd party logistics providers catch the ride of multi-national supply chain scope expansion in the logistics requirement surge.
    In the mid 90s, wave of .com, Internet website technology, despite some busted bubble effects, but B to B and B to C commerce applications grow to be more mature. Intangible Internet world plus physical distribution channels, forcing diverse channel changes to best meet consumer requirements and create highest customer satisfaction. Under Taiwan government and industrial associations’ support, any advance in industry competitiveness would also increase the nation’s competitiveness as a whole.
    This case study is based on successful E-commerce inductions by local logistics industry. Considering the market environment differentials with general merchandising and manufacturing E-commerce (ERP, SCM, CRM), Logistics sector ought to seek for best IT applications such as HHT, GPRS, OCR and the latest RFID information applications integration, appropriately conduct self-evaluation, goal setting, system infrastructure, and operation process to control key success factors. After implementation, evaluation focus should be set on internal efficiency, customer value, and industry effectiveness. It is not common at the moment to find a 3rd party logistics provider enterprise with both economy of scale and economic of scope to implement successful E-commerce within Taiwan markets. This thesis includes suggestions for 3rd party logistics provider E-commerce implementation for future research and development reference.

    目    錄 第一章 緒論  第一節 研究背景  第二節 研究動機與目的  第三節 研究架構 第二章 文獻探討  第一節 物流與汽車貨運業  第二節 RFID現況運用  第三節 EPC與Bar Code  第四節 電子化企業相關研究 第三章 個案公司導入背景  第一節 產業現況  第二節 個案公司概況  第三節 個案公司之SWOT分析  第四節 e化前作業流程說明 第四章 e化之導入及實施  第一節 e化歷程  第二節 e化策略與目標  第三節 個案公司e化之開發及應用  第四節 績效評估 第五章 RFID之策略應用  第一節 導入前e化作業方式  第二節 應用情境及模型  第三節 績效評估 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 參考文獻

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