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研究生: 莊坤霖
Kun-Lin Chuang
論文名稱: 以營建專案BIM模型為基礎之施工管理模式
A BIM-Based System Model for Construction Project Control and Management
指導教授: 陳鴻銘
Hung-Ming Chen
口試委員: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
Jui-Sheng Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 建築資訊模型(BIM)三維視覺化施工管理進度與成本控制
外文關鍵詞: Building Information Modeling (BIM), three-dimensional (3D) visualized, construction project control and management
相關次數: 點閱:264下載:20
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  • 目前普遍的現地施工管理模式,為施工管理人員於巡視工地時針對所施作的項目填寫進度與成本的管控表單,基於填表所不斷地累積施工進展的資訊,再配合己規劃擬定好之作業排程,採用如S-Curve等工程進度與成本控制方法來掌控營建專案施工的進展。已有研究嘗試將此一填表式的施工管理作業數位電子化,並整合行動式的運算設備以及無線網路傳輸,讓施工管理人員於巡視工地時可透過行動運算設備將填寫好的表單即時上傳至資料庫彙整,此一電子化的作業模式提昇了填表資料的彙整與分析處理效率,但基於文字敘述呈現的表單,視覺化程度不足,對於現地作業的人員,尚不夠具體直觀。

    In present, there are E-Construction systems which provide performance indexes based on progress information updated regularly by project manager. However, the information presentation mode of these systems mostly is based on text in form or data in chart. This mode sometimes is not intuitive enough for user to handle data input and interpret feedback information for decision making. Therefore, this study proposed a three-dimensional (3D) visualized system model for assisting the operations of construction project control and management based on the Building Information Modeling (BIM) mode. A prototype system based on the proposed system model was developed for concept proofing. The goal of this study is to achieve that the project manager can update the construction progress and monitor the performance of control and management based on interacting with a 3D model.
    In the proposed system model, the BIM model and project schedule inherited from the project design phase are integrated by correlating model components with project activities. In addition, the information of construction progress is integrated with the BIM model as the additional attributes of its model components. The BIM model is the main system interface for user to intuitively input construction progress and visually receive system response. The integration of BIM model and project schedule can achieve dynamic rescheduling based on the most up-to-dated progress information in BIM. The system compares the updated schedule with the original schedule to indentify activities which is ahead or delaying for user visually on the BIM model. EVM is also applied to both schedules to provided user performance indexes. On the other hand, amount calculation can be performed with design attributes and progress information integrated in the BIM model for assisting material-related cost control and supply chain management.

    論文摘要 I 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 5 1.4研究方法 6 1.5論文架構 7 第二章 研究背景 8 2.1文獻回顧 8 2.2實獲值管理 12 2.3系統開發技術 16 2.3.1三維電腦繪圖(3D Computer Graphics) 16當前轉換矩陣(Current Transformation Matrix, CTM) 16觀點轉換(Viewing Transformation) 16投射矩陣(Projection Matrix) 17渲染(Render) 18 2.3.2物件導向(Object-oriented) 19封裝(Encapsulation) 20繼承(Inheritance) 20多型(Polymorphism) 20 2.3.3 .NET Framework 21 2.3.4關聯式資料庫(Relational Database) 21實體關聯模型(Entity-Relationship Model) 22正規化(Normalization) 22 SQL(Structured Query Language) 23 2.4系統開發工具 23 2.4.1 Visual Basic 23 2.4.2 OpenGL 24 2.4.3 Microsoft SQL Server 24 第三章 系統功能需求分析與規劃 25 3.1即時動態更新施工排程 27 3.2基於動態排程與工程執行績效評估方法之進度控制 28 3.2.1作業排程匯入機制 29 3.2.2 工程進度執行績效評估 30 3.3基於BIM數量預估之工程成本執行績效評估 32 3.4以三維模型為基礎之視覺化系統訊息回饋 33 3.5系統運作相關功能 35 3.5.1 BIM模型匯入機制 35 3.5.2 BIM模型元件依作業項目群組化 36 3.5.3點選模型元件之施工資訊查詢 39 3.5.4作業項目施工的進度與成本之即時更新 41 3.5.5模型操作 42 第四章 系統架構與功能實作 44 4.1系統資料庫之資料綱要 45 4.2系統類別架構 46 4.2.1 Database Class (資料庫類別) 48 4.2.2 Main Program Class (系統主程式類別) 49 Preprocessing Class (前處理類別) 51 Operate Class (系統操作類別) 54 System Analysis Class (系統分析類別) 56 Utility Class (系統基礎功能類別) 59 第五章 系統使用範例 62 5.1系統登入 63 5.2系統環境設定 64 5.2.1專案排程匯入動作 64 5.2.2 BIM模型匯入動作 65 5.2.3施工作業項目切割之動作 65 5.2.4施工作業項目關聯BIM模型之群組化動作 66 5.3系統操作 69 5.3.1模型呈現控制 69 5.3.2警訊模式 71 5.3.3點選模型查詢新增 72 5.3.4動畫呈現施工進展 73 5.3.5工程績效評估 74 5.3.6材料單價表調整 75 5.3.7施工日報表填寫 76 5.3.8進度歷史記錄查詢 78 5.4系統使用情境模擬 80 5.4.1以基於動態排程之工程落後項目及績效指標回饋 80 5.4.2施工現況之即時視覺化回饋 81 5.4.3施工月進度報告 82 第六章 結論與未來展望 83 6.1結論 83 6.2未來展望 84 參考文獻 85 附錄 89 附錄A資料庫實體成員 89 作者簡介 94

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