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研究生: 王迪诺
Dino Caesaron
論文名稱: 立體環境中直接和間接互動的距離估計和空間感知研究
A Study on Distance Estimation and Spatial Perception of Direct and Indirect Interactions in Stereoscopic Environments
指導教授: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
口試委員: 江行全
Bernard C. Jiang
Yu-Chung Tsao
Tien-Lung Sun
Yuh-Chuan Shih
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 立體投影顯示以自我為中心的距離精度空間感知虛擬環境直接互動技術間接互動技術
外文關鍵詞: Stereoscopic projection-based display, Egocentric distance accuracy, Space perception, Virtual environment, Direct interaction technique, Indirect interaction technique
相關次數: 點閱:221下載:0
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  • 準確的距離感知和判斷在日常生活中至關重要。人類的空間行為取決於正確感知的距離,並且許多任務要求個人能夠足夠準確地感知物體的位置以能夠進行交互。實際環境中的許多應用程序都使用精確距離感知的概念作為其原理的基礎。此外,此概念已用於特定培訓中,該培訓用於使用戶在現實世界中完成任務之前做好準備。時至今日,虛擬現實已被廣泛用於處理此培訓,其中虛擬現實允許開發在現實世界中可能創建成本過高或危險的場景,例如,模擬空域飛行器或軍事戰爭。隨著虛擬現實應用程序的最新發展已經達到了人類與三維物體交互的階段,與三維物體交互時用戶的性能成為重要的問題。此外,當前虛擬現實研究的基本信念是,這將導致更有效的人機界面。本文根據用戶與三維物體的交互方式提出了一種用戶交互技術。直接互動和間接互動技術。此外,儘管有很多潛在的應用可以從虛擬現實中受益,但我們對虛擬現實中幾個基本的感知和認知任務的理解-距離估計,具有直接和間接交互作用的空間/空間感知尚未得到很好的發展。為了提供對虛擬現實研究理論和實踐的見識,本研究尋求就基於立體投影的顯示器中的距離估計建立兩種用戶交互技術的特徵。

    Accurate distance perception and judgment are essential in daily life. Human spatial behavior depends on correctly perceived distances, and many tasks require an individual to be able to perceive the location of an object accurately enough to be able to interact with. Many applications in the real environment use a concept of accurate distance perception as a base of their principles. Moreover, this concept has been used in such particular training that is used to prepare a user before their tasks in the real world. To this day, virtual reality has been widely used to handle this training, where virtual reality allows for the development of scenarios that could be too costly or dangerous to create in the real world, for example, simulating an airspace craft or military war. As the recent development of virtual reality applications has reached the stage of human interaction with three-dimensional objects, a performance of a user when interacting with the three-dimensional objects becoming an important issue. Moreover, the underlying belief of current virtual reality research is that this will lead to more effective human-machine interfaces. In this dissertation, we proposed a term of user interaction technique depending on how the user interacting with the three-dimensional objects; direct interaction and indirect interaction techniques. Moreover, while there are many potential applications that could benefit from virtual reality, our understanding of several basic perceptual and cognitive tasks in Virtual Environments – distance estimation, space/spatial perception with direct and indirect interactions is not yet well developed. In an effort to provide an insight for virtual reality research theory and practice, this study sought to establish characteristics of the two user interaction techniques, with respect to the distance estimation in the stereoscopic projection-based display.
    Fourteen participants were recruited to perform an acquisition task in both interaction techniques, at three levels of parallaxes (target displayed in-depth/egocentric distance) and three indices of difficulty. Accuracy of egocentric distance estimation, task completion time, throughput, and perception of space were analyzed for each interaction technique. The results show that the indirect cursor technique was found to be more accurate (estimations are close to the reference targets position) than the direct pointing one. On the other hand, a higher throughput was observed in the direct pointing technique compared to the indirect cursor. However, there were no significant differences in task completion time between the two interaction techniques. The result also shows that accuracy was higher at the greatest distance (150 cm from the participant) than the closer distances of 90 cm and 120 cm. Furthermore, the difficulty of the task also significantly influenced the accuracy, with the highest difficulty level suffered more than the medium and the low levels of difficulty conditions. During the direct pointing, estimations tend to converge to the center of virtual space; however, this convergence was not observed in the indirect cursor condition. The pointing estimations accuracy suffered on the left side of the participants. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of user interaction techniques in a stereoscopic environment. Furthermore, developers of the virtual environment may refer to these findings in designing effective user interactions, especially of which performance relies on accuracy.

    Abstract v Acknowledgements vii List of Tables x List of Figures xi List of Equations xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Study Motivation 4 1.3 Study Framework 4 1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study 7 CHAPTER 2 PERCEPTUAL EVALUATION AND INTERACTION IN VIRTUAL REALITY 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Practical applications of VR 10 2.3 Benefits of VEs 11 2.4 Problems of VEs 11 2.5 Perception and estimation of distances 13 2.6 Distance/depth cues 14 2.7 Reporting perceived distance 15 2.8 Distance estimation in VE 16 2.8.1 Egocentric distance estimation 17 2.8.2 Exocentric distance estimation 19 2.9 Reasons for inaccurate distance estimation in VEs 20 2.9.1 Type of display 20 2.9.2 Surrounding (environment) context 21 2.9.3 Quality of graphics (rendering) 21 2.9.4 Avatar (feedback and scaling cues) 22 2.10 Direct vs. indirect interaction methods 23 2.10.1 Direct interaction with virtual objects 24 2.10.2 Indirect interaction with virtual objects 25 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND METHOD 28 3.1 Participants 28 3.2 Experimental variables 28 3.2.1 Independent variables 28 3.2.2 Dependent variables 32 3.3 Experimental task and settings 33 3.4 Apparatus and Materials 34 3.5 Procedure 36 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 37 4.1 Accuracy of egocentric distance 37 4.2 Task completion time and throughput 41 4.3 Perception of space in frontal view 45 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 48 5.1 Effect of the interaction technique 48 5.1.1 Visual conflicts in the direct pointing technique 48 5.1.2 Distance/depth cues in the indirect cursor technique 49 5.1.3 Two representations of visual space 49 5.1.4 Perception of frontal view 52 5.2 Effect of the parallax (egocentric distance) 54 5.3 Effect of the index of difficulty (ID) 54 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 56 6.1 Research contributions 56 6.2 Future directions 57 REFERENCES 58 APPENDIX A – Personal information of participants 66 APPENDIX B – Experiment condition 67 APPENDIX C – Participant consent form 68 APPENDIX D – Description of apparatus 70 APPENDIX E – Complete Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 72

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