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研究生: 林欽祥
Chin-Shiang Lin
論文名稱: 企業併購與內部衝突 - 以時代固網為例
A Study on the Internal Conflicts with the Enterprise Merger & Acquisition: The Case of Times Fixed Network Co., Ltd.
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 欒斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 企業併購組織文化領導風格薪資調整職能管理
外文關鍵詞: Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions, Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Wage Adjustment, Competence Management
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:35
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  • 本個案公司是一個占有台灣三分之一電信市場的大型電信公司,並面臨著因為科技進步,而造成產品需求銳減的困境;為此,決策者大膽進行公司併購與組織重新劃分,以強化公司的核心競爭能力。而個案主角Frank,正是在這種情況下臨危受命,接下併購後新公司的營運長,統領一家規模比之前大上數倍的公司。接手之後,擺在他面前的,是來自三家不同公司背景成員的文化衝突,是同工不同酬、職高卻薪低的人資糾紛,以及大量的部門人員職能重疊問題,稍一處理不慎,除了造成員工大量流失、營業績效下滑,新公司也可能因此一蹶不振,不但沒能達到當初併購的目的,也讓這間結合基礎薄弱的新公司就此分崩離析。身為領導者的Frank,要如何帶領大家走過這個難關,讓新團隊能上下一心,共創營收佳績?


    The case in this study is a large telecommunications company which occupies a third of the telecom market in Taiwan. Because of the great advancement of technology, it faced the dilemma of the sharp reduction in demand for products. The decision makers started proceeding enterprise merger & acquisition and readjusting the organization to strengthen the company's core competitiveness. Frank, the chief operating officer of the new company in this case, is commanding the company that is several times larger than the previous one now. He faced many problems like different pay for the same job, higher position but lower payment, and numerous departments overlap the functions of the ones already in existence. If Frank does not do well, lots of employees maybe quit, the operating profit maybe decline, and the new company could be unable to recover from a failure. He could not only fail to achieve the purpose of acquisition, but also make this new company collapsed. What actions Frank took to lead the company to overcome the crisis and gain better achievements is the main part of this study.

    Nowadays, merger & acquisition has been the most chosen way for enterprises to transit or expand. No matter to merge or to be merged, many business people have faced the merger events more than once. The outcomes of them often fail short of the expectations. Because the problems of merger & acquisition are similar, this study tries to give a possible solution to the problems by investigating the case.

    壹、個案本文 一、面對「小孩開大車」的質疑聲浪 (一)電信產業介紹 (二)併購事件的原由 二、公司合併後面臨的困境 (一)公司文化衝突 (二)薪資與職級的問題 (三)人員功能重疊 貳、教學指引 一、個案總覽 二、教學目標與授課對象 三、討論問題與參考答案 四、其他值得討論的問題 五、教學建議 六、課程建議選讀文章 參考文獻 一、中文參考文獻 二、英文參考文獻 三、網路資源

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