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研究生: 張育慈
Yu-Tzu Chang
論文名稱: 田口品質法及神經-遺傳法於椎弓足螺絲最佳化設計與參數分析之研究
The Comparison of Taguchi Method and Neuro-Genetic Method in the Design of Pedicle Screw
指導教授: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Jinn Lin
口試委員: 林宗鴻
Tsung-Hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 椎弓足螺絲田口品質法神經遺傳法類神經網路遺傳演算法因子貢獻度
外文關鍵詞: Connection Weights Approach, Profile Method
相關次數: 點閱:561下載:18
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臨床上,椎弓足螺絲失效主要為斷裂及鬆脫,故設計擁有強抗彎強度及抗拉強度的螺絲為一個重要的課題。本研究利用田口品質法及神經遺傳法搜尋最佳的螺絲設計並探討螺絲參數的影響程度。建構L25的直交表,並用有限元素法模擬螺絲強度,並分別找到其最佳的設計。本研究以變異度分析計算各螺絲參數的貢獻度為標準,探討兩種以神經遺傳法計算參數貢獻度的方法(即:profile method 和 connection weight)之準確度。結果顯示,神經遺傳法擁有比田口方法找到較佳的螺絲設計能力;並利用connection weights 計算出與變異度分析相近的解。

Improper design of pedicle screw may seriously affect the bending strength which resists breakage and pullout strength which resists loosening. With the increasing importance of optimization method which has been sprung up these decades in engineering field, many methods were evolved. One of conventional approaches to find optimum is Taguchi method which is applied widely and successfully. Another approach utilized in this study is Neuro-Genetic which is regarded as the powerful method of optimization. Two capabilities of both methods are considered in this study. One is the capability of searching optimal solution. Another one is the capability of calculating contribution of each factor.
The study simulates the performances including bending strength and pullout strength of pedicle screws by finite element analysis (FEA). The orthogonal array L25 is constructed to study optimization by Taguchi method and calculate contribution of each factor by analysis of variation (ANOVA). Then, 6 artificial neural networks (ANNs) trained by these 25 data are inserted into the genetic algorithm (GA) individually as the fitness function. According to the predicted performances (calculated from ANN), the GA will research the optimal design from generation to generation. On the aspect of contribution, the result of ANOVA is considered as the standard. Based on the consideration, the Profile Method and the Connection Weights Approach are compared which one’s contribution is more similar to the standard by Student’s T-Test.
The results show that the bending strength of optimal design found by Neuro-Genetic method is 7.65% lower than Taguchi method; and is 3.23% higher for pullout strength. For the parameter of IP in bending case, the contribution of Connection Weights Approach is more similar to the standard than the Profile method significantly. But there are no differences for other parameters. In conclusions, the study can optimize the design by the Neuro-Genetic method, beyond doubt. In addition, the contribution can be calculated by the Connection Weights Approach in place of the ANOVA.

Abstract I Acknowledgement II Table of Contents III List of Symbols V List of Figures VII List of Tables VIII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Backgrounds and the motive 1 1.2 Taguchi method 5 1.3 Neuro-Genetic method 8 1.3.1 Artificial Neural Network 8 1.3.2 Genetic Algorithm 10 1.3.3 Searching the optimal design by Neuro-Genetic method 10 1.3.4 Calculating the contribution by Artificial Neural Network 10 1.4 Literature review 12 1.5 Purpose of the study 18 1.6 Structure of the thesis 19 Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 20 2.1 Finite element analysis 21 2.2 Searching the optimal design 25 2.2.1 Taguchi method 25 2.2.2 Neurogenetic method 27 2.3 Calculating the contribution 32 2.3.1 Analysis of variance in Taguchi method 32 2.3.2 Methods from Artificial Neural Network 33 Profile method 33 Connection weights approach 34 Chapter 3 Results 36 3.1 Finite element analysis 36 3.1.1 Bending case 36 3.1.2 Pullout case 37 3.2 Searching the optimal design 38 3.2.1 Bending case 39 Taguchi method 40 Neuro-Genetic method 41 3.2.2 Pullout case 44 Taguchi method 45 Neuro-Genetic method 46 3.3 Calculating the contribution results 49 3.3.1 Bending case 49 Analysis of variance results 49 The contribution by using Artificial Neural Network results 50 (a) Profile method 50 (b) Connection weights 50 Comparison of contributions 51 3.3.2 Pullout case 52 Analysis of variance results 52 The contribution by using Artificial Neural Network results 53 (a) Profile method 53 (b) Connection weights 53 Comparison of contributions 54 Chapter 4 Discussion 56 4.1 Instability of artificial neural networks 56 4.2 Searching the optimal design 57 4.3 Calculating the contribution 60 4.4 Limitations of the study 62 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 63 Appendix 64 References 70

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