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研究生: 賴謙忱
Chien-Chen Lai
論文名稱: 弱視兒童遊戲化產品設計和評估
Product Design with Gamification and Assessment of Amblyopia in Children
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 許言
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 知覺學習產品設計弱視兒童遊戲化
外文關鍵詞: Perceptual Learning, Product Design, Children with Amblyopia, Gamification
相關次數: 點閱:210下載:1
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  • 弱視 (Amblyopia) 是導致兒童永久性視力損傷的主要因素之一。基此,針對弱視兒童在遮眼治療期間所搭配的知覺學習活動,本創作的設計旨在減少兒童對弱視治療的排斥性。
    1. 成功引發弱視兒童進行訓練的樂趣,在遊戲化知覺學習活動的喜好上,獲得受測兒童一致且高度評價,此發現有助於兒童自發性的訓練行為,進而減少兒童對弱視治療的排斥性。
    2. 受測弱視兒童的家長與眼科專家均認同本創作之模組化與遊戲化設計價值,模組化設計提供可擴充的內容,如多元模塊的設計和互動繪本的主題迭代,有助於維持產品對弱視兒童的新穎性。  

    Amblyopia is a primary factor leading to permanent visual impairment in children. Therefore, the design of this creation focuses on perceptual learning activities integrated into occlusion therapy for children with amblyopia, aiming to reduce children's resistance to amblyopia treatment.
    The design feature of this creation is the modular design of the product kit. These modules can be combined and applied to four perceptual learning activities in interactive picture books. These activities include treasure-hunting tasks, 3D mazes, 2D mazes, and tracing tasks. This creation recruited six children with amblyopia and conducted a 28-day usability evaluation test. After the experiment, interviews were conducted with the subjects' parents and multiple ophthalmic experts. The strengths of this creation include:
    1. This creation successfully elicited enjoyment in perceptual learning activities among children with amblyopia and received consistently high ratings from the participants. This finding contributes to the spontaneous engagement of children in visual training activities, thereby reducing their resistance to amblyopia treatment.
    2. Parents of children with amblyopia and ophthalmic experts who participated in the study both acknowledged the value of the modular and gamified design in this creation. The modular design, offering expandable content through the design of diverse modules and thematic iterations in interactive picture books, was recognized for maintaining the novelty of the product for children with amblyopia.
    Additionally, after conducting usability assessments with children with amblyopia, this creation proposes several modification suggestions. The creation recommends that future creations of similar products focus on customized development for children with amblyopia of different age groups and varying treatment durations.

    中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 致謝Ⅲ 目錄Ⅳ 圖目錄Ⅶ 表目錄XI 第一章 緒論1 1.1 創作背景1 1.2 創作動機1 1.3 創作目的4 1.4 創作限制5 1.5 創作流程6 第二章 文獻探討7 2.1弱視(Amblyopia)7 2.2弱視治療(Amblyopia therapy)9 2.2.1光學矯正 (Optical correction)9 2.2.2遮眼治療(Occlusion therapy)10 2.2.3知覺學習 (Perceptual learning)12 2.2.4弱視復發(Recurrence)14 2.3 設計創作方法15 2.3.1遊戲化(Gamification)15 2.3.2模組化設計(Modular design)17 2.3.3使用者經驗(User experience)18 2.4小結20 第三章 案例分析21 3.1弱視相關產品案例探討21 3.1.1 Patch Pals 客製化眼貼21 3.1.2 CAM視覺刺激器 (CAM vision stimulator)22 3.1.3基於平板電腦的攜帶式視覺刺激器23 3.1.4反轉拍 (Accommodative flippers)24 3.1.5 Frostig 視覺知覺學習計畫25 3.1.6未來視界智能訓練視力保護鏡27 3.1.7 OTUS奧特視視力訓練智慧眼鏡28 3.1.8基於VR設備的弱視訓練療程-Vivid Vision29 3.1.9 一目視界–弱視幼兒訓練圖畫冊設計30 3.1.10 Tiger Tribe互動式玩具/教具31 3.1.11 Lazy Eye Training (APP)32 3.1.12 See Worthy (APP)33 3.2小結33 第四章 設計創作34 4.1創作方向分析34 4.2設計創作概念37 4.2.1設計創作之遊戲化框架37 4.2.2設計創作前期專家討論38 4.2.3設計概念-Vitopa兒童視力訓練組39 4.2.4設計概念-產品使用說明40 4.2.5設計概念-產品操作模式43 4.2.6設計概念-四種知覺學習活動45 4.3設計概念-互動繪本完整內容49 4.4設計概念-產品規格65 4.5原型製作68 第五章 設計創作驗證72 5.1實驗目的72 5.2實驗流程74 5.3受測者資料75 5.4產品使用說明76 5.5實驗結果79 5.5.1 每週操作時間的變化79 5.5.2 單一受測者操作時間的變化81 5.5.3 小結83 5.5.4四種知覺學習活動的操作時間差異84 5.5.5小結85 5.5.6知覺學習活動的喜好度86 5.5.7 小結88 第六章 設計創作發現89 6.1 實驗結果統整89 6.2 受測家長問卷訪談91 6.3專家訪談95 6.4 設計創作發現總結98 第七章 結論與建議100 7.1結論100 7.2設計創作作品建議101 7.3後續作品建議102 參考文獻103 網路資料111 附件(一)「Vitopa」使用心得與活動特性評估113 附件(二) 受測者家長訪談大綱116

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    全文公開日期 2026/05/24 (校外網路)