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研究生: 黃弘文
Hong-Wen Huang
論文名稱: 敏捷精密的大範圍地景設計與文件生成
Agile and Explicit Large-scale Landscape Design and Documentation
指導教授: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
口試委員: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
Wen-Kai Tai
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Shih-Syun Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 程序化建模建築資訊建模互動式建模自動文件產生電腦輔助設計
外文關鍵詞: Procedural Modeling, Building Information Modeling, Interactive Modeling, Automatic document generation, Computer Aided Design
相關次數: 點閱:218下載:0
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  • 地景設計是一個龐大的設計任務,除了需要將設計施作前後樣貌以虛擬三維影像呈現給客戶外,為了設計能被核准施工,亦須提供施工圖說資料。 實務上,設計案依不同任務被分為數個設計階段,設計師們再分別依任務在個別軟體設計,然而各階段任務僅考量整個設計案流程上的部份結果,因此一旦更改部分設計,也需要一併人工修改與此更改相依的設計,且在設計物繁多時,分別對設計修改更是巨大的工作量;尚有軟體相容性問題,這都增長每一件地景設計案的流程及成本。 因此本系統整合地景設計所需功能於單一軟體內,讓設計師在設計過程中能參考施作前的虛擬三維影像並即時渲染目前設計結果,且僅需調整少量設計元素,便能大量建置設計物並連動更新與其相依的所有設計,藉此減少大量設計師的工作量。 故本研究從傳統設計流程中分析,並且整合必要的功能於單一系統中,並引用建築資訊建模(Building Information Modeling,BIM)概念,結合數位模型及其元件屬性資料,以設計師熟悉的電腦輔助設計(Computer Aided Design,CAD)元素通過程序化建模(Procedural modeling,PM)概念生成大量且多樣的建築資訊模型(Building Information Model),並在編輯設計元素同時觸發系統內部更新,對場景之呈現模型、估價計算和施工圖說一併連動更新。本研究亦針對該系統進行驗證其效能,藉由設計師以本系統復現已設計完成的設計案,證明本系統確實能降低完成設計所需的時間。

    Landscape design is a huge task. Designers should not only provide virtual scene images before and after construction for clients, but also provide the related document for construction agency to be approved for construction. The design process can be divided into several stages according to the issue types. Designers are assigned subtasks of each stage and process them in different software. However, subtasks just are concerning the part of designed results. If one part of design is modified, others are in relation to the one will need to be modified manually. Also, huger design is, more time consuming is that designers modify them one by one. And also, incompatibility between software is a issue. These reasons increase the time and cost required for the design. Therefore, we integrate tools about landscape design into one system. The system let designer can do design based on 3D environment model and get the preview of design in real time. Also, we reduce designer's workload by automatically placing products and updating elements related to modifications. Therefore, designer just needs to edit few design elements. We analyze the traditional way and integrate landscape design tools into our system. Basing on Building Information Modeling concept, we combine digital models and their properties. Basing on Procedural Modeling concept, we place massive and variety of building information models in the scene and update the system internally at the time elements are modified by editing elements of computer-aided design. We implement and evaluate our system performance by designer reproducing designed project to prove the system reduce design time.

    中文摘要......................................iii 誌謝........................................ v 目錄........................................ vi 表目錄....................................... ix 圖目錄....................................... x 符號說明...................................... xv 1 緒論....................................... 1  1.1 系統目的................................... 3  1.2 主要貢獻................................... 5  1.3 章節概要................................... 5 2 既有軟體研究................................... 7  2.1 瑞彼特(Revit)................................ 7  2.2 民用3D(Civil 3D)............................... 7  2.3 草圖大師(SketchUp).............................. 8 3 相關背景知識................................... 11  3.1 相關地景設計系統............................... 11  3.2 貝茲板條線(Bézier spline).......................... 12  3.3 細節程度(LOD)................................ 13 4 系統總覽..................................... 15 5 重建修飾..................................... 17  5.1 空拍自動重建................................. 18  5.2 區域減面................................... 18  5.3 清理修飾................................... 24  5.4 地形測量................................... 25 6 地景配置設計................................... 28  6.1 設計案規劃.................................. 29  6.2 高程設計................................... 34  6.3 產品配置................................... 38  6.4 道路設計................................... 44 7 施工圖說估價................................... 51  7.1 估價表.................................... 52  7.2 施工圖說................................... 53 8 竣工模擬展示................................... 56  8.1 動畫模擬................................... 57  8.2 運鏡設計................................... 58  8.3 渲染參數................................... 58 9 實驗結果與討論.................................. 60  9.1 地景設計生命週期比較............................. 60  9.2 設計瀏覽地景測試............................... 61  9.3 曲線負載測試................................. 64  9.4 基於限制建模高程面的更新測試......................... 68  9.5 線配置更新測試................................ 70 10 結論與未來工作................................. 97 參考資料...................................... 98

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