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研究生: 莊小葳
Hsaio-wei Chuang
論文名稱: 如何真心關懷顧客?探討服務補救於關懷計畫中對補救滿意度之影響
How to care your customers sincerely and effectively? The influence of different recovery actions on customer satisfaction of recovery in incidental service failure of the caring program
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-chen Wu
口試委員: 葉明義
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 關懷計畫服務失敗服務補救補救滿意
外文關鍵詞: Caring Program, Service Recovery, Satisfaction of Recovery, Regulatory Fit, Service Failure
相關次數: 點閱:319下載:0
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  • 在愈來愈重視顧客導向的服務業中,大多數的企業都強調“關懷我的顧客!”,然而,要真正落實關懷理念且讓顧客有深刻感受,卻不是一件容易的事,往往在溝通的過程中,ㄧ個沒有注意到的小環節便會使顧客造成誤解,也因此發生了服務失敗的案例,且企業必須採取適當的服務補救,而在這樣的服務補救過程裡,企業面臨了放棄或堅持關懷理念的兩難;究竟是應該放棄其關懷的初衷,順應顧客的渴望給予其想要的補償,亦或堅持關懷理念,給予顧客適當的解釋?又怎麼樣的解釋能帶來較高的補救滿意度?

    過去的研究較少出現談論服務補救與關懷顧客的相關主題,本研究著重於關懷顧客的計畫,透過兩個實驗設計來呈現不同的補救策略對於補救滿意的影響。實驗ㄧ檢測了三種不同的補救策略對顧客的補救滿意度的影響,結果顯示,不提供解釋的服務補救將帶來最低的補救滿意度,然而,在放棄或堅持關懷理念的討論中發現消費者仍渴望企業順應其心意,即使企業堅持關懷顧客並提供了合理解釋,也無法帶來較高的補救滿意度;因此,實驗二加入了「regulatory fit」的概念,探討當顧客面臨「提供與顧客心意相對立的合理解釋策略」時,又接收到使其達到「regulatory fit」的解釋下,是否對堅持關懷初衷的「提供與顧客心意相對立的合理解釋策略」帶來正面的影響,結果顯示,當顧客接收到「regulatory fit」的解釋時,會產生和「順應消費者心意策略」相同的滿意度。

    本研究針對企業在推行關懷計畫中所面臨的服務失敗提出了適當的補救建議,發現企業不ㄧ定要順從消費者的心意,只要提出符合消費者orientation的解釋,使其達到「regulatory fit」,便可兼顧關懷理念與顧客滿意度。

    In the highly customer-oriented service industry, most companies claim that they care for their customers. However, any unmentioned details or inadequate communication may cause the misunderstanding of the caring program. In such situation, service failure occurs and companies would try to recover it. During the process of recovery, companies face the dilemma of giving up or persisting in the caring program. Do they give up the initial caring mind to compensate customers by following their desires or persist in it to provide adequate explanation without tangible compensation? And what kind of explanation brings the higher satisfaction toward the recovery?
    In the past, few researches talked about the topic of service recovery and caring programs. Our research focused on the caring program and two experiments were designed to investigate the relationship between the different recovery actions and satisfaction toward recovery. Study 1 examined the influence of satisfaction toward three different service recovery actions. The result revealed that“action without explanation” would bring the lowest satisfaction. However, among the discussion of giving up or persisting in the caring program, it discovered that consumers still want to be compensated by following their original desire. Even the companies indeed care them and offer the reasonable explanation; it would not bring the higher satisfaction. In study 2, we join the effect of “regulatory fit” during the recovery to discover the best strategy for companies to deal with the service failure without abandoning the caring program. The result exposed that while making customers get regulatory fit, “action with counterfactual reasoning explanation” would bring the satisfaction as good as “action that follows customers’ desire.”
    This research provided some suggestions for companies to recover the service occurred in the caring program. We find that if the companies make customers feel “regulatory fit”, it is not necessary to follow customers’ intention but bring as good as satisfaction. Therefore, companies can look after both sides of caring program and satisfaction.

    Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 8 Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 11 2.1 Service Failure from the Caring Program 11 2.2 Service Recovery Actions 12 2.3 Satisfaction of Recovery 14 2.4 Regulatory Fit 16 2.5 Regulatory Fit and Satisfaction 17 Chapter 3 Study 1 19 3.1 Stimulus Materials 19 3.2 Experiment Design 19 3.3 Pretest 21 3.4 Participants 22 3.5 Procedure 22 3.6 Measures 22 3.7 Results 23 3.8 Discussion 24 Chapter 4 Study 2 25 4.1 Stimulus Materials 25 4.2 Experiment Design 26 4.3 Participants 26 4.4 Procedure 26 4.5 Manipulation Check 27 4.6 Measures 28 4.7 Results 28 4.8 Discussion 30 5.1 Summary of Key Findings 32 5.2 Managerial Implication 34 5.3 Limitation and Future Research 35 Reference 37

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