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研究生: 劉又瑄
Yu-Hsuan Liu
論文名稱: 手搖飲料點餐系統介面輔助功能與選單樣式之設計研究
Usability Study on the Auxiliary Functions and Menu Styles of the User Interface for Handmade Drink POS System
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 吳志富
Chih-Fu Wu
Jin-Dean Cheng
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 銷售點系統自助服務科技輔助功能選單樣式使用者介面設計使用者經驗
外文關鍵詞: Point-Of-Sale (POS) system, Self-service technology, Auxiliary functions, Menu style, User interface design, User experience
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:8
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  • 隨著自助服務與無人化加上智慧行動裝置的普及盛行,使用者對於操作軟體介面時會依照以往經驗來操作,相較於點餐系統鮮少被人們探索及取得並直接操作,在視覺層面也較少被琢磨,本研究目的旨在探討未來無人化商店的興起,希望透過由業者端所使用之點餐系統經由簡化並整合設計後給消費者使用,強調主要資訊在點餐系統介面上的美觀性及操作流暢度,達到操作時的成就感,有順暢的介面將能使消費者不需要經過長時間學習就能熟悉操作介面,締造整個操作過程中的愉悅感,並願意繼續使用此點餐系統,創造嶄新的使用體驗。本研究以國內前三大連鎖手搖飲料店使用的點餐系統為例,進行介面互動設計之研究。研究包含三部份實驗:(1)業者訪談:邀請目前在線的飲料店業者,透過訪談方式找出產品首要問題;(2)前導性實驗:現有點餐系統介面調查分析,了解目前介面操作上的優點及缺點,包含選單樣式呈現與操作流程的直覺與便利性、介面互動滿意度、系統使用性,並請受測者操作介面結束後進行短暫訪談了解使用者需求與建議;(3)驗證實驗:依據文獻探討、業者訪談及前導性實驗結果進行介面模擬樣本設計,建立一套消費者偏好趨勢的點餐系統介面。

    驗證實驗採:2(輔助功能) x 3(選單樣式)雙因子組間實驗方式進行,「輔助功能」變項採取兩層級:(1)限制功能:操作事件以外不需使用的功能將被鎖定;(2)動態功能:操作介面靜止三秒時,系統自動跳出提示視窗。而「選單樣式」變項採取三層級:(1)傳統改良式選單:依據現有的點餐系統介面進行修正並改良設計;(2)矩陣創新式選單:獨創市面上目前未曾出現過的點餐點選介面設計;(3)電子商務式選單:相仿現有電子商務平台之操作行為介面設計。


    Self-help service, unmanned operating, and the universal of smart devices have constituted the fact that users tend to operate on an interface according to their past experience; however, the visual aspect of the Point-Of-Sale (POS) system has seldom been discovered and improved. As a consequence, the possibility of unmanned stores in the future is surely taking place. The purpose of this search study is to enable the end users to complete the ordering process more effectively and smoothly by displaying main functions on the ordering panel. The end users may spend less time on learning how to operate on the ordering device. It is hoped to create a brand new user experience, as well as generate their interests in using the interface to order by themselves again.

    The research first examined the POS system from the top three chain handmade drink stores as examples. The researcher conducted a pilot study by redesigning the user-interacting interface. The research is constituted by the following three experiments: (1) Interviews: The researcher interviewed owners of current handmade tea shops to explore the main problems of the POS system; (2) Preliminary study: By analyzing and investigating the current drink ordering interface, the researcher tried to understand the advantages and disadvantages from the current system, including menu design, users’ intuition while using the POS system, convenience of the panel display, users’ sense of satisfaction of the interactive interface, and the usability of the system. The researcher also conducted a brief interview to help generate users’ needs as well as their advices after they had used the original user interface; (3) Verification experiment: In the end, the researcher proposed a sample POS panel layout design which meets the needs of current consumers’ requirements according to the literature reviews, the interviews with current handmade tea house owners, and results from the preliminary experiment.

    The verification experiment was conducted via a 2 (auxiliary functions) x 3 (menu styles) two-factor experiment. There are two levels of auxiliary function variable: (1) Restrictive function: Functions that are not used during operation will be locked; (2) Dynamic function: A pop-up window will appear automatically when the machine has not been used for more than 3 seconds. On the other hand, there are three levels of menu style variable: (1) Traditional modified menu: Modified and improved from the current POS ordering system; (2) Innovative matrix menu: An original design that has never been developed nor used among the current food ordering systems; (3) E-commerce style menu: The researcher referred the operating interface of current E-commerce platform and proposed a new style of user interface design.

    The following results were generated from the study: (1) “User intuition” and “instructive flow” are two important factors on the interface design of a drink ordering system; as a result, with the assistance of auxiliary functions, a user’s learning time on how to operate on the system was lower, while effectiveness went higher. The researcher has also found that users like both designs but tend to prefer the “dynamic function” due to it provides feedbacks and solutions to users on a regular basis; (2) The design of selection format with less interference from unnecessary information provided on the interface has been liked and accepted very positively by experiment participants; (3) With the popularization of smart devices, it is necessary to take the consistency on operating on an interface into consideration, as this helps customers follow their past experience to achieve their goals, as well as lowers the uncertainty and frustration while using a new system; (4) the interface with a simpler hierarchy structures of main menu led to better performance of operating and less perplexity from using the system.

    第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究架構與流程 1.4 研究範圍與限制 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 銷售點(Point of sale , POS)系統 2.1.1 POS系統演進過程 2.1.2 POS系統的類型 2.2 自助服務科技 2.3 人機介面 2.3.1 人機介面定義 2.3.2 互動設計 2.3.3 心智模式 2.4 選單設計 2.4.1 功能選單的介面設計 2.4.2 選單項目的排列方式 2.4.3 選單設計原則 2.5 文獻探討總結 第三章 研究方法與流程 3.1 研究方法 3.2 研究進行步驟 3.3 研究流程與建構 第四章 前導性實驗 4.1 現有POS點餐系統前導性實驗問卷設計進行步驟 4.2 POS點餐系統實驗樣本分析 4.3 前導性實驗任務 4.3.1 實驗設備 4.3.2 實驗流程 4.3.3 實驗操作任務設計 4.3.4 前導性實驗受測者基本資料分析 4.3.5 前導性實驗之任務操作績效分析與討論 4.3.6 前測系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)結果分析 4.3.7 使用者主觀感受評量結果分析與討論 4.3.8 前導性實驗研究結果歸納與建議 第五章 實驗設計與驗證 5.1 實驗設計概念發展 5.1.1 實驗變項 5.1.2 實驗樣本設計與說明 5.2 實驗問卷設計 5.2.1 各項操作任務說明與流程 5.3 實驗結果與分析 5.3.1 基本資料分析 5.3.2 任務操作績效實驗結果與分析 5.3.3 使用者主觀感受評量結果分析 5.3.4 有用性/滿意度/易用性量表(USE)分析 5.3.5 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)結果與分析 第六章 研究結論與建議 6.1 研究結果 6.1.1 手搖飲料點餐系統介面使用狀況調查與前導性實驗結果 6.1.2 實驗設計與驗證結果 6.2 結論建議與後續研究發展 6.2.1 結論與設計建議 6.2.2 後續研究發展建議 參考文獻 附錄一 附錄二 附錄三

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