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研究生: 林旻葦
Min-Wei Lin
論文名稱: 製造業轉型自主品牌的個案研究
The case study of business model transformation from OEM to OBM
指導教授: 陳玲鈴
Lin-Lin Chen
口試委員: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
Wei-Ken Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 製造業轉型自主品牌商業模式
外文關鍵詞: Manufacturing Transformation, Own Brand, Business Model
相關次數: 點閱:284下載:6
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台灣經濟結構以製造代工業為主體發展起步,於全球供應鏈扮演著重要角色,惟全球化的波瀾對台灣經濟造成劇烈影響,企業紛紛尋求轉型出路,持續投入技術研發或帶入品牌行銷概念,導出OEM、ODM與OBM幾種不同的經營模式。有鑑於此,本文鎖定正在發展中的自主品牌(OBM),取樣「品家家品」、「urban prefer」與「祥業工業」三者進行個案研究與訪談,期望探討台灣的製造業轉型自主品牌者之發展現況。以商業模式畫布(Business model canvas)為架構來分析複雜的企業運作活動,期望瞭解當企業已擁有優勢製造資源與營運經驗,對新品牌的經營將有何助益,描繪出其商業模式運作情形。
研究結果指出,商業模式畫布正中央的價值主張,品家家品強調「跨越東西文化之品牌意象」;urban prefer希望表達「簡約都會生活品味」;祥業工業主張「將台灣本土製造力融入居家」,迥異其趣但皆跳脫以往製造代工思維,希望帶給消費者價格以外的新價值。畫布左半為較肯定區塊,「關鍵資源」與「關鍵伙伴」除前身企業之製造設備、所經營的供應商,亦有代工客戶轉變為其品牌推廣夥伴的案例,或是尋求外部設計師進行合作;畫布的右半部,「客戶區隔」除原代工客戶外多了一般消費者,之於轉型企業來說是全新面向;「行銷通路」需搭建自有虛擬通路如「設計講」及「urban select」做專屬的品牌形象打造,並慎選調性相符之實體通路進駐;「客戶關係」一開始透過獲獎以及每年度海內外參展維持,除了定期曝光也是獲得訂單的重要管道,近年來漸注重網路社群經營,能更瞭解一般消費者的想法與回饋。

Taiwan’s economic structure mainly starts with OEM industries and plays a significant role in global supply chain. However, the trend of globalization also causes a significant impact which forces the manufacturers to transform, either to invest in design and technology development (ODM) or to develop their brand product and marketing skills (OBM). Thus, in this thesis we interviewed three OBM brands originated from OEM manufacturers - JIA Inc. (品家家品), urban prefer (唷吼設計) and Sitpls (祥業工業) and analyzed their complicated operations and development processes by Business Model Canvas. The purpose is to understand how to build a new brand and how the product development could be benefit from their existing manufacturing resources.
The results showed that for the core “value proposition” of Business Model Canvas, JIA Inc focuses on "across the eastern and western culture"; urban prefer stresses on "concise urban lifestyle," and Sitpls emphasizes on "embedding Taiwan’s local manufacturing power into house living." They all try to break the thinking out of the OEM and to bring new values (rather than price differentiation) to their customers. For the left part of Business Model Canvas, the relationships between blocks are affirmative. The "key resources" and "key partners" include not only the former manufacturing facilities and the suppliers but also the former customers who become their promoting partners. Furthermore, outsourced designers are also important partners because they can bring diverse ideas to the topic of cross-culture. For the right half of Business Model Canvas, the "customer segments" is a whole new challenge because the needs of the general consumer are much different from OEM customers. Virtual “channels” needs to be built up for presenting a clear brand image (such as the JIA plus (設計講) and urban select), and physical “channels” should be carefully chosen to fulfill the corresponding brand image and quality. “Customer relationships” are kept by annual exhibitions on domestic and foreign markets. At the beginning of brand launch, awards winning and regular exposures connect the customer relationship and purchase order. Later in these years, online community marketing becomes important for the reason that could closely observe the thoughts and feedbacks from consumers.
In conclusion, compared to new brand start-ups, OBM business grow faster at the beginning due to their former experiences and existing resources. However, despite the growth of the new brand, three interviewees don't stop their OEM business. How to avoid the conflict between developing an own brand and keeping the manufacturing business with their OEM customers would be another important issue. We found that the new brands could sometimes bring positive benefits, such as attracting new clients or developing the new manufacturing process. The proportion between OEM and OBM mostly depends on the entrepreneur's business strategy.

一、緒論 5 1.1 研究背景 5 1.2 研究動機 6 1.3 研究目的 8 二、文獻探討 10 2.1 台灣傳統製造業 10 2.1.1 定義 10 2.1.2 產業發展歷史 11 2.1.3 台灣製造代工業特徵與結構 13 2.1.4 追求轉型之創新模式可能性 14 2.2 品牌 16 2.2.1 品牌管理與品牌定位 17 2.2.2 企業經營創新策略 18 2.3 商業模式九宮格 19 三、研究方法 21 3.1 研究方法 21 3.2 研究架構 22 3.3 研究對象 23 3.3.1 品家家品 25 3.3.2 urban prefer 26 3.3.3祥業工業 27 3.4 研究流程 28 四、研究結果 30 4.1 品家家品訪談結果整理 30 4.2 urban prefer訪談結果整理 39 4.3 祥業工業訪談結果整理 48 4.4 各受訪案例之商業模式畫布 57 五、討論 60 5.1 轉型時間點與理由 60 5.2 設計之於品牌的影響力與重要性 62 5.3 如何執行品牌轉型 64 5.4 如何運用製造優勢 64 5.5 與原有客戶的關係 65 5.6 擁有自有通路的目的 66 5.7 參賽為初期曝光所需 66 5.8 參展為必要投資 67 5.9 參加比賽與參加展會的關聯性 67 六、結論與建議 68 6.1 結論 68 6.1.1 轉型自主品牌的理由 68 6.1.2轉型自主品牌的困難 68 6.2 建議 69 6.3 研究限制 71 參考文獻 72 附錄--訪談大綱 76

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