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研究生: 陳羿帆
Yi-Fan Chen
論文名稱: 結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者閱讀動機、閱讀沉浸、閱讀情緒、情緒理解與同理心之影響
The influence of combining the EBCS framework and Augmented reality on readers' Motivation, Flow, Reading Emotion, Emotion Understanding and Empathy in picture e-Books
指導教授: 高宜敏
Yi-Ming Kao
口試委員: 高宜敏
Yi-Ming Kao
Chih-Ming Chen
Po-Sheng Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 同理心閱讀動機閱讀沉浸閱讀情緒情緒理解
外文關鍵詞: Reading Emotion
相關次數: 點閱:416下載:0
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同理心,意指一個人在保持清晰自我的情境下,能夠設想他人所處心理狀態的能力。該能力已被多項研究證實能夠幫助人們發展理性思維與利他行為,並且具有高度的可塑性,是下一代學習者的必備技能。而透過閱讀敘事文本,讀者可將自己置換至故事角色的立場之上,想像其當時的思維與情緒狀態,在這樣模擬過程中提高對故事角色的同理心,進而遷移至現實世界中的同理能力,甚至是利他行為。而兒童故事同理心框架(Empathy Building Through Children’s Storybook,簡稱EBCS),明確了繪本內容設計輔助讀者發展同理心的最高潛能。通過還原故事中可能對白的模式,將學生更能夠理解組外角色(即不相似他人)的內心歷程,同時通過電子繪本的互動與音效提示突出角色情緒,讓讀者能夠更貼近角色當時的可能想法,在強化閱讀動機與閱讀沉浸感之餘,也有效提升讀者的情緒理解能力。而擴增實境(Augmented Reality)的立體呈現的方式更有助於強化閱讀素材所展現的情緒狀態,並提供更高的互動可能,強化讀者與故事角色間的交流。本研究整合EBCS框架進行電子繪本內容設計,並在其基礎上運用Cospace.edu線上工具製作AR應用,研究對象為北部某三所大學學生共九十人,依照男女平均分配至純閱讀組、EBCS閱讀組與EBCS+AR閱讀組。研究結果發現,結合AR應用,能實際強化EBCS框架的成效,促進讀者自主嘗試探索故事內容,雖無法立即影響讀者的個人同理心能力,但卻可有效增強其閱讀動機與正向閱讀情緒,並對故事中角色有更高的情緒理解。在正向影響讀者的利他行為意願之餘,也為其未來的同理心發展可能提供立基。

Empathy refers to a person’s ability to imagine what it would be like in other people’s situation with clear self-awareness. Many studies have verified that empathy is helpful for people in developing rational thinking and altruistic behavior; furthermore, empathy is a highly malleable trait. All these aspects have made empathy an essential skill for learners of the next generation. Through reading narrative texts, readers can relate to the characters and further picture their thinking and emotions at the time. Under a scenario simulation like this, students’ empathy towards the characters can be improved, which can then be transferred to the real world and even encourage altruistic behavior. The Empathy Building Through Children's Storybook (EBCS) framework has identified the highest potential for picture book content design to assist readers in developing empathy. By restoring the possible dialogue patterns in the story, students would be able to better understand the mental process of the out-of-group characters (i.e., people whom they could hardly relate to due to the lack of reference). Meanwhile, with the interactive feature and the sound cues in the EBCS framework, the presentation of the characters' emotions in the story were reinforced, which allowed readers to imagine characters' possible thoughts. Augmented Reality (AR) is a three-dimensional presentation that helps to enhance the emotional state shown in reading materials and that provides possibilities of higher interaction to strengthen communication between readers and story characters. In this study, the EBCS framework was integrated into the content design of the e-picture book, and the Cospace.edu online tool was used to create the AR application. 90 students from three universities in northern Taiwan were recruited, and men and women were divided equally into three groups: the pure reading group, the EBCS reading group, and the EBCS+AR reading group. The results of the study showed that the combination of AR applications enhanced the effectiveness of the EBCS framework by facilitating readers' independent attempts to explore the story content. Although it did not immediately affect readers' personal empathy, it effectively enhanced their reading motivation and positive reading emotions, as well as their emotion understanding of the characters in the story. While positively influencing readers' willingness to act altruistically, it also provides a foundation for their future empathy development.

目錄 i 圖目錄 iv 表目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.1.1 同理心的重要性、定義與當前發展 1 1.1.2 閱讀與同理心 4 1.1.3 EBCS框架 8 1.1.4 電子繪本的設計模式 11 1.1.5 擴增實境應用對於閱讀之影響 14 1.1.6 閱讀中的情緒狀態 17 1.1.7 小結 19 1.2研究目的 20 1.3研究問題 21 第二章 研究方法 22 2.1 前導性實驗對象與流程 22 2.2 前導性實驗結果分析 23 2.2.1 閱讀動機 23 2.2.2 閱讀沉浸 24 2.2.4 情緒理解 24 2.2.5 同理心 26 2.3 前導性實驗反思與建議 27 2.4研究架構 29 2.4.1自變項 30 2.4.2依變項 30 2.4.3共變項 30 2.4.4控制變項 30 2.5研究設計與流程 31 2.5.1 閱讀系統建置 31 2.5.2 系統架構 35 2.5.3 閱讀裝置 35 2.5.4 閱讀素材 35 2.5.5 閱讀內容 36 2.5.6閱讀流程 47 2.5.7研究流程 48 2.6研究對象 48 2.6.1實驗對象 49 2.6.2實驗環境 49 2.7研究假設 50 2.8研究工具 51 2.8.1閱讀動機量表 51 2.8.2閱讀沉浸量表 52 2.8.3同理心量表 52 2.8.4情緒理解量表 53 2.8.6情緒壓力檢測儀 54 2.8.7質性問題 55 2.8.8訪談問答 57 2.9資料處理 59 2.9.1描述性統計 59 2.9.2單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA) 59 2.9.3單因子共變數分析(One-way ANCOVA) 59 2.9.4卡方檢定 60 2.9.5情緒編碼處理 60 第三章、實驗結果與分析 61 3.1 閱讀結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者閱讀動機之影響 61 3.2 閱讀結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者閱讀沉浸之影響 62 3.3 閱讀結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者閱讀情緒之影響 63 3.4 閱讀結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者情緒理解之影響 68 3.5 閱讀結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本對讀者同理心之影響 70 3.6 質性問卷填答結果 72 4.1 結論與討論 79 4.1.1 EBCS閱讀組與EBCS+AR閱讀組讀者皆有顯著較高的閱讀動機 79 4.1.2 結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本並無對讀者閱讀沉浸有所影響 80 4.1.3 EBCS+AR閱讀組讀者相較EBCS閱讀組有顯著較佳的正向情緒 81 4.1.4 EBCS+AR組讀者有顯著較佳的情緒理解 82 4.1.5 結合EBCS框架與擴增實境之電子繪本並無對讀者同理心有所影響 82 4.2 未來研究建議 83 中文文獻 85 英文文獻 87 附錄一 繪本閱讀動機 前測 100 附錄二 繪本閱讀動機與沉浸後測 102 附錄三 個人同理心問卷 105 附錄四 各場景互動暨台詞列表 106 附錄五 情緒理解判讀量表 109 附錄六 質性問答 110 附錄七 訪談大綱 111 附錄八 繪本內容及任務頁面 112

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