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研究生: 李紘宇
Hung-Yu Lee
論文名稱: 建築工程施工階段重工事件之失效模式與效應分析
Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to Analyze the Rework Events of Building Construction during Construction Phase
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
口試委員: 余文德
Wen-Der Yu
Hsin-Yun Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 風險管理失效模式與效應分析重工事件重工原因
外文關鍵詞: rework events, rework causes
相關次數: 點閱:572下載:1
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“Rework” is one of the factors that often lead to project schedule delays and project budget overruns. The definition of “Rework” can be understood by integrating the views and opinions of previous studies, and it can be known as the process of correcting or adjusting the completed work to meet the requirements of the project. The impact of rework is affecting not only construction companies or subcontractors, but also various parties in construction projects, such as owners, professional construction managements, supervisors, and contractors.
However, domestic research on issues related to rework is relatively limited. On the one hand, it may be that reworks quality failure, and the construction companies may not intend to make the events public. On the other hand, it may be because rework events can occur at different scales, and construction companies may ignore the problems and focus on how to repair and rescue, rather than to explore how to prevent or avoid the occurrence of rework. This study considers rework as an uncertain risk factor in construction projects. After reviewing the domestic and international literature, this study collects and summarizes rework events in the construction phase of building construction according to expert interviews. This study explores the relationship between rework events and the reasons for rework in the construction phase, and adopts the FMEA methods (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) for analysis. In addition, this study conducts a cross-comparison analysis on seniority to understand whether the difference in seniority will affect the evaluation of the impact and occurrence of rework events. Overall, the result of this study helps understand the impact of various rework events and their reasons, and assists professional engineers in future planning, so as to avoid and reduce the impact of rework in construction projects.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究範圍 3 1.4 研究方法與流程 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 營建專案管理 6 2.1.1 營建管理 6 2.1.2 專案管理 6 2.2 風險管理 8 2.2.1 風險管理之執行 9 2.2.2 風險辨識 10 2.2.3 風險分析 11 2.2.4 風險評量 13 2.2.5 風險處理 13 2.2.6 風險管理監督 15 2.2.7 風險管理改善 15 2.3 重工的定義 16 2.4 重工相關文獻回顧 18 2.4.1 重工成本 18 2.4.2 重工原因 18 2.5 小結 21 第三章 研究方法 22 3.1 研究架構 22 3.2 FMEA之解釋 23 3.3 FMEA沿革與應用發展 25 3.4 FMEA實施功能與效果 26 3.5 FMEA實施的流程 28 3.6 專家訪談 30 3.6.1 專家資格及訪談流程 31 3.6.2 訪談問題設計 32 3.6.3 訪談方法 33 3.7 建築工程施工階段之重工事件的彙整及分析 33 3.8 小結 41 第四章 訪談結果與分析 42 4.1 專家訪談名單 42 4.2 訪談結果統整 44 4.2.1 問卷統計之變異係數CV值探討 44 4.2.2 FMEA失效模式與效應分析之S1值 45 4.2.3 FMEA失效模式與效應分析之S2值 46 4.2.4 FMEA失效模式與效應分析之O值 47 4.2.5 FMEA失效模式與效應分析之D值 48 4.2.6 FMEA失效模式與效應分析之RPN值 50 4.3 FMEA失效模式與效應分析RPN值之分析探討 50 4.3.1 對於RPN值的分級標準 50 4.3.2 RPN值較大值項目探討及對策 51 4.3.3 成本嚴重程度與進度嚴重程度之RPN值差異比較 60 4.4 FMEA失效模式與效應分析中各項指標值分析 63 4.4.1 S1成本嚴重程度 63 4.4.2 S2進度嚴重程度 66 4.4.3 O發生頻率 68 4.4.4 D可監測程度 71 4.5 針對資歷之交叉比對 72 4.5.1 針對資歷之成本影響交叉比對 72 4.5.2 針對資歷之進度影響交叉比對 75 4.5.3 比較針對成本與針對進度之交叉比對結果 78 4.5.4 小結 79 4.6 小結 79 第五章 結論與建議 80 5.1 結論 80 5.2 建議 81 參考文獻 83 附錄1 專家訪談問卷 87 附錄2 問卷統計結果 104 附錄3 針對資歷交叉比對之問卷結果 141

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