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研究生: 楊韻薇
Yun-wei Yang
論文名稱: 《科學怪人》中譯本比較研究
A Comparative Study of the Chinese Translations of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
指導教授: 賈繼中
Chi-chung Chia
口試委員: 鄧慧君
Huei-chun Teng
Yung-aun Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 《科學怪人》翻譯策略目的論語義翻譯溝通翻譯
外文關鍵詞: Frankenstein, translation strategy, skopos theory, semantic translation, communicative translation
相關次數: 點閱:527下載:3
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  瑪麗.雪萊(Mary Shelley)所寫的《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)是極富盛名的一部科幻小說,也是一部傑出的浪漫主義小說。然而,《科學怪人》的重要性並不只在於它驚悚和科幻的元素提供給廣大讀者無限樂趣,還因為瑪麗.雪萊在這部作品中探討了一些值得深思的議題:藉由刻畫對科學著迷入魔的科學家法蘭肯斯坦(Frankenstein)和他創造的生物,瑪麗.雪萊引導讀者去思考人類應如何探索並運用科學知識;此外,她同時也提醒了讀者人類與自然合諧共存的重要性以及一旦浪漫想像力被扭曲誤用,會帶來萬劫不復的悲劇災難。

  Mary’s Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is one of the most famous works of science fiction and an extraordinary English Romantic novel. However, the novel is more than a mere horror story or science fiction. Rather it is heavily influenced by the central tenets of English Romantic literature, that is, the sanctification of Romantic imagination and the inseparable bond between man and nature. By portraying the obsessed scientist Frankenstein and the Creature he created, Mary Shelley is tackling the issue of how man should pursue and apply scientific knowledge; meanwhile, she is also reminding people that man should live in harmony with nature and that tragedy will strike when the powerful imagination is abused and runs amok.
  This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter One describes the motivation and purpose of the study. Chapter Two gives a brief introduction of Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. In Chapter Three, some studies related to Frankenstein and translation are reviewed. Chapter Four focuses on the comparison of three Chinese translations of Frankenstein, including the translation strategies adopted by the three translators and some problematic passages. In Chapter Five, a conclusion is given to summarize the findings of the research.
  This study compares three Chinese translations of Frankenstein. In the study, Peter Newmark’s translation studies and Vermeer’s “skopos theory” were used to explore the translation strategies and methods adopted by the translators; some translation problems spotted in these translation versions were discussed as well, with possible solutions to these problems suggested. The results of the study indicate that the difference between the target readership of the three translations and the publishing companies’ varying orientation towards the entertaining and literary value of the novel had an influence on the strategy and method choice of the translators. The findings conform to Vermeer’s theory that the “purpose” of the translation is a vital factor that can determine how a translator conducts his/her translation task. In addition, the results of the research also reveal the importance of “context” and “culture” in literary translation. All these factors, if contemplated thoroughly by the translator, can help the translator produce a translation of high quality.

Chinese Abstract i English Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation of the Study 1 1.2. Purpose of the Study 5 1.3. Summary 6 Chapter Two Mary Shelley and Frankenstein 7 2.1. Mary Shelley’s Life 7 2.2. The Origin and Plot of Frankenstein 9 2.3. Chinese Translations of Frankenstein 12 2.4. Summary 14 Chapter Three Literature Review 16 3.1. Studies on Frankenstein 16 3.1.1. The Role of Nature 16 3.1.2. The Role of Science 21 3.1.3. Summary 23 3.2. Translation Studies 24 3.2.1. Language Functions and Text Types 24 3.2.2. Translation Theories and Methods 25 3.2.3. Literary Translation 29 3.2.4. Summary 32 Chapter Four Discussion 33 4.1. Translation Strategies 34 4.1.1. Amplification 35 4.1.2. Shift of Perspective 40 4.1.3. Conversion 47 4.1.4. Division 53 4.1.5. Annotation 59 4.1.6. Illustrations 68 4.2. Problematic Translations 70 4.2.1. Translation Errors 71 4.2.2. Translations with Inaccurate Meaning and Unnecessary Omissions 78 4.2.3. Passages with Multiple Translation Problem Types 88 4.2.4. Translation Problems Relevant to Cultural Components 94 4.3. Summary 102 Chapter Five Conclusion 110 Works Cited 115 List of Tables Table 1 Three Chinese Translations of Frankenstein 13 Table 2 Language Functions, Cores, and Text Types 25 Table 3 Comparison of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 28 Table 4 Translation Problem Types in the Three Translations 106 Table 5 Comparison of the Three Translations 108 List of Figures Figure 1. Illustration from Chen’s translation by Jin, Zi-jian, et al. 69

Primary List
In Chinese
Chen, Yuan, trans. 弗蘭肯斯坦 [Frankenstein]. By Mary Shelley. Shenyang: Liaoning Children’s Publishing House, 2010.
Yang, Yu-niang, trans. 科學怪人 [Frankenstein]. By Mary Shelley. Taipei: Lin Yu Cultural Enterprise, 1996.
Yu, Er-yan, trans. 科學怪人 [Frankenstein]. 2nd ed. By Mary Shelley. Taipei: Commercial Press, 2012.
In English
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions, 1993.
Secondary List
In Chinese
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