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Author: 姜孟志
Meng-chih Chiang
Thesis Title: 在隨意網路環境下,以雜湊函數為基礎之匿名安全路由協定
Hash-based Anonymous Secure Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-wei Lo
Committee: 徐俊傑
Chiun-chieh Hsu
Yuan-cheng Lai
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2010
Graduation Academic Year: 98
Language: 英文
Pages: 44
Keywords (in Chinese): 隨意網路匿名安全路由協定雜湊函數
Keywords (in other languages): Mobile ad hoc network, Anonymity, Security, Routing protocol, Hash function
Reference times: Clicks: 642Downloads: 6
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  • 隨意網路是一個沒有固定式基礎架構的無線網路環境,它是由一群無線移動
    它的名稱為以雜湊函數為基礎之匿名安全路由協定(Hash-based Anonymous
    Secure Routing protocol),英文簡稱為HASR。我們所提出的協定可以滿足身份、
    由維護攻擊及阻斷服務攻擊。此外,HASR 的運作是以抗碰撞單向雜湊函數為基
    示無線移動裝置在隨意網路通訊的過程中,HASR 可以在訊息傳遞上達到匿名及

    The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a non-fixed infrastructure wireless network, composing by a collection of wireless mobile devices which can communicate with others freely.
    Some applications, such as the e-business or interpersonal communication, may be applied in mobile ad hoc environments in the near future.
    For this reason, anonymity and security become momentous issues for MANETs.
    When mobile devices communicate without any protection, adversaries can easily launch attacks by collecting route control packets and data packets through eavesdropping.
    The personal data are leaked through these information, which will infringe privacy seriously.
    In previous literatures related to anonymous secure routing protocols in MANETs, the key cryptographic operation to protect route control packets and data packets is used.
    It causes very high process overheads, which is not practical in MANETs.
    In this thesis, we propose a novel anonymous secure routing protocol in MANETs, named Hash-based Anonymous Secure Routing (HASR), which can satisfy the identity, location and route anonymity, and defend against major security threats, such as replay, spoofing, route maintenance, and denial of service (DoS) attacks.
    Moreover, the operation of HASR is based on a collision-resistant one-way hash function, and the pseudo name generation and exchange mechanism without using any key cryptography.
    Detailed analyses show that HASR can achieve both anonymity and security on message routing with high performance during node communication in MANETs.

    1 Introduction 2 Related work 3 Hash-based anonymous secure routing protocol 3.1 RREQ phase 3.2 RREP phase 3.3 DATA phase 3.4 RERR phase 3.5 Routing table maintenance 4 Anonymity and security analyses 4.1 Anonymity analysis 4.1.1 Identity anonymity 4.1.2 Location anonymity 4.1.3 Route anonymity 4.2 Security analysis 4.2.1 Replay attack 4.2.2 Spoofing attack 4.2.3 Route maintenance attack 4.2.4 DoS attack 5 Comparison 5.1 Security comparison 5.2 Key management cost 5.3 Cryptographic operation time 5.4 Message size 5.5 Synergy comparison 6 Discussion 6.1 Tracking attack 6.2 Route maintenance attack 6.3 Utilization of message authentication code (MAC) 7 Conclusion A The operation of AODV [14]

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