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研究生: 周天賜
論文名稱: 行動號碼可攜政策對消費者移轉行為之研究
A Study of Consumer Switching Behavior per the Mobile Number Portability Policy
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 陳家祥
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 行動號碼可攜服務轉換動機品牌認同忠誠度滿意度服務品質
外文關鍵詞: mobile number portability, switching motivation, brand perception, loyalty, satisfaction, quality of service
相關次數: 點閱:274下載:0
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  • 台灣於2005年10月15日正式啟用行動號碼可攜服務。我國電信市場進入完全競爭市場,對行動通訊服務業者造成不小的衝擊。行動號碼可攜服務業務牽動電信業者的市場重新劃分,已經被行動通訊業者視為市場競爭中相當重要的一項指標。如何在行動號碼可攜服務中獲得最大的優勢更是台灣行動通訊業者積極在思考的問題。過去電信服務相關的研究多著重於消費者如何選擇電信服務業者,較少有實施行動號碼可攜服務後的消費行為研究。本研究的研究目的在探討不同的號碼可攜服務轉換動機如何影響行動號碼可攜服務的消費行為。不同的轉換動機如何影響行動號碼可攜服務後的顧客忠誠度。是否會因為消費者特性不同,轉換動機對號碼可攜服務的消費行為的影響程度也會有所不同。

    The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) policy was launched on Oct 15th, 2005. Thereafter, the telecom market in Taiwan entered a new era of hyper competition which impacted the involved firms. This policy resulted in the
    reallocation of market shares which is one of the key performance indicators in competition. Consequently, telecom operators strive to gain competitive
    advantages in light of the MNP policy. Although there are studies done on how consumers choose the telecom service providers in light of the MNP policy, rare are done on how MNP influences the true consumption behavior. This research aims to investigate the consumer behavior attributed to the MNP policy. We in particular explored the motivators that affect consumer’s loyalty. Besides, the above investigation was conducted with respect to different consumer characteristics to show their impact degree.
    Telephone survey was conducted on telecom services subscribers. The
    research result will provide invaluable insights to mobile operators in Taiwan.
    The research results show that the key affecting factors for consumer switch are attributed to the quality of service, brand value of operator and sensitivity to the tariff.

    1 緒論 ..................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................................ 1 1.2 研究動機 ............................................ 4 1.3 研究目的 ............................................ 6 1.4 研究流程 ............................................ 7 2. 文獻回顧 ................................................. 8 2.1 電信產業概況 ........................................ 8 2.1.1. 台灣電信發展................................... 8 2.1.2. 電信業者併購................................... 9 2.1.3. 4G 時代,競爭激烈 ............................. 10 2.1.4. 台灣行動電話用戶各網概況...................... 11 2.1.5. 移轉法規...................................... 15 2.1.6. 手機門號可攜式服務簡介........................ 16 2.2 轉移誘因 ........................................... 17 2.2.1. 轉換意願...................................... 17 2.2.2. 顧客轉換影響因素.............................. 17 2.2.3. 服務品質...................................... 17 2.2.4. 品牌認同...................................... 20 2.2.5. 電信費率...................................... 26 3. 研究方法 ................................................ 28 3.1 資料蒐集 ........................................... 28 3.2 研究架構 ........................................... 28 3.3 研究假說 ........................................... 29 3.4 資料分析工具及方法 ................................. 30 3.4.1. 分析模型...................................... 30 4. 資料分析 ................................................ 31 4.1 敘述性統計分析 ..................................... 31 4.2 迴歸分析結果 ....................................... 32 4.3 研究發現 ........................................... 34 5. 結論與建議 .............................................. 36 5.1 結論 ............................................... 36 5.2 建議 ............................................... 37 5.3 管理意涵--優劣勢分析 ............................... 39 5.4 管理意涵--策略建議 ................................. 41 5.5 學術貢獻 ........................................... 45 參考文獻 .................................................... 46

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