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研究生: 魏貝珊
Pei-Shan Wei
論文名稱: 消費者網路購物決策過程之研究-以女性消費者網路購物行為為例
Studies on online consumer decision-making behaviors ─ Insights into female consumer shopping patterns
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Tain-Yi Luor
Ta-Sheng Lo
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 網路購物決策過程衝動購買刺激-個體-反應理論直覺捷思理論名人代言消費者評論
外文關鍵詞: Online shopping, Decision-making process, Impulse buying, S-O-R theory, Heuristics theory, Celebrity endorsement, Online customer reviews
相關次數: 點閱:404下載:0
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  • 電子商務多年的蓬勃發展,創造出2015年全球B2C電子商務交易額將達到1.7兆美元,較2014年成長15.6%。隨著網際網路服務愈趨成熟,2018年的交易額預估將達到2.3兆美元。亞洲消費市場一直備受全球矚目,據EIU預測,2015年亞洲零售市場預期成長4.6%,達到7.6萬億美元,穩居全球最大消費市場。台灣的電子商務市場不斷擴張,2014年民生消費品網路購物之家戶普及率高達39%,排名全球第二,數位化生活將成為家庭的新興消費趨勢。值得注意的是,女性經濟能力及消費意欲在亞洲社會不斷提升,造就女性在整個亞洲消費市場中佔有舉足輕重的地位,以女性消費為主導的「她經濟」”She” Economic時代已經來臨。因此,要探討網路購物市場的特性,發掘市場商機,則不可忽略女性網購族群的研究與分析。

    Women consumers are responsible a significant majority of all online retail purchases, both in terms of volume and total dollar amounts, yet little research has been devoted to provide an improved understanding of women’s e-shopping behavior and decision-making processes. We propose a theoretical model based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) paradigm and heuristics theory to reveal how certain characteristics of online stores are related to online impulse buying behavior among women shoppers. The casual model was validated using structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques with a sample of 386 women with online shopping experience. The results indicate that product presentation and style advice are important factors that contribute to the shopper’s perception of esthetics and fashion trends, and time-limited sales promotions contribute greatly to perceived price advantage. Furthermore, perceived price advantage and perceived esthetics are the most significant factors in driving impulse buying, while perceived fashion trends appear to play a less direct role.
    In addition, while firms have long employed celebrity endorsements as a key advertising strategy, more than 90% of online shoppers base their purchasing decisions on online reviews. For the reason, we integrated the AIDMA and AISAS models to provide further insight into how celebrity endorsements and customer recommendations influence the shopping behavior patterns of female consumers. A survey of 176 female shoppers revealed that search good (shoes) endorsed by a celebrity in an advertisement have a greater impact than online customer reviews in terms of consumer attention, desire, and action. However, online customer reviews were found to have a deeper impact than celebrity endorsements on participants’ attitudes towards memory, search and sharing toward the experience good (toner).
    This is an industry who's primary customer base is female. Apparel retailers, department stores, discount stores and supermarkets all refer to their customers as “she”. This study discusses the implications of these findings and offers directions for future research. The findings can help guide the marketing decisions of B2C online marketers and retailers to maximize traffic and revenue.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII List of Tables X List of Figures XI 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Research purpose 3 1.3 Organization of the dissertation 5 2. Literature Review 6 2.1 Online shopping and consumer behavior 6 2.1.1 Online Shopping and website attribute 6 2.1.2 Consumer decision‐making process 7 2.2 Theoretical base of study1: S-O-R model 13 2.3 Theoretical base of study2: AIDMA/AISAS principle 19 3. Study 1: Factors Influencing Female's Impulse Buying Behavior on Online Apparel Stores 21 3.1 Introduction 21 3.2 Conceptual background 24 3.2.1 Impulse buying definition and research on e-impulse buying 24 3.2.2 The S-O-R paradigm 25 3.3 Research model and hypotheses 30 3.4 Research methodology 32 3.4.1 Research instrument 32 3.4.2 Data collection and demographics 33 3.4.3 Data analysis 34 3.5 Results 36 3.5.1 Measurement model 36 3.5.2 Tests of the structural model and hypotheses 38 3.5.3 Open-ended questionnaire results - Views of respondents 40 3.6 Discussion 42 3.7 Limitations 45 4. Study 2: An examination of the celebrity endorsements and online customer reviews influence female consumers’ shopping behavior 46 4.1 Introduction 46 4.2 Conceptual background 48 4.2.1 Celebrity endorsements 48 4.2.2 Online customer reviews 49 4.2.3 Information processing theory 50 4.2.4 The AIDMA model and AISAS models 50 4.3 Research methodology 52 4.3.1 Experiment framework 52 4.3.2 Stimulus material 52 4.3.3 Research instrument 54 4.3.4 Research procedure 54 4.3.5 Participants 55 4.3.6 Validity and reliability 55 4.4 Results 57 4.4.1 Manipulation check 57 4.4.2 Analysis of variance results 57 4.4.3 Open-ended questionnaire analysis 60 4.5 Discussion and conclusion 62 4.6 Limitations 64 5. Conclusion and future research 65 5.1 Conclusion 65 5.2 Implications of two studies 67 5.2.1 Implications for academic researchers 67 5.2.2 Implications for web retailers 69 5.3 Directions for future research 73 References 74 Appendix 95 Appendix A. Research instrument of study 1 95 Appendix B. Four treatments of study 2 97 Appendix C. Research instrument of study 2 101 Publication list 103

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