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研究生: 蔡嘉恩
論文名稱: 基於潛行更新偏好之可攜且伺機式物聯網互動服務
Mobile and Probabilistic IoT-enabled Interactive Services based on Implicitly Mined and Continuously Updated User Preference
指導教授: 陸敬互
Ching-Hu Lu
口試委員: 馬尚彬
Shang-Pin Ma
Sheng-Luen Chung
Shun-Feng Su
Chun-Feng Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 推薦系統語義網絡本體匹配重構服務物聯網微定位跨螢人 機互動
外文關鍵詞: Recommendation System, Semantic Web, Ontology Matching, Service Reconfiguration, Internat of Things (IoT), Beacon, Cross-Screen HCI
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:2
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  • 在進入人人都擁有智慧行動裝置與物聯網的時代後,實體店面的零售業者開始在店內布置各式智慧裝置,藉此收集消費者的資訊並在行動裝置上推薦各式促銷商品。然而,網路與實體零售業者目前皆受限於資訊碎片化的可應用範圍之限制,導致無法更全面性的瞭解使用者的偏好,造成推薦內容常常不是消費者真正需要的,更無法讓廣告內容成為對消費者有用的資訊。另外,消費者無法自主地擁有與跨場域的應用屬於自己的偏好資訊,且消費者的智慧行動裝置與周遭智慧裝置的互動是單向且固定的,導致智慧裝置僅提供制式化服務,因此消費者只能被動地接受店家提供的廣告推薦服務,也無法充分發揮物聯網時代應有的效益。基於上述問題,本研究希望透過「潛行式消費偏好收集與發掘模組(Market and Discover,或MnD)」自然地收集使用者與日常生活相關物件互動之情境資訊,在不影響使用者日常生活的前提下達到持續發掘使用者的潛在偏好,再藉由「移動式本體資訊即時雲端匹配模組(Match and Recommend,或MnR)」,提供有效率與準確的雲端匹配,讓使用者可以透過所儲存的偏好資訊主動與店家微定位裝置協同提供客製化可攜式或是跨應用場域服務,最後透過「伺機式(Probabilistic)智慧元件跨協定互動模組(Meet and Interact,或MnI)」,透過此模組讓使用者裝置與隨機所遇到的環境智慧裝置建立動態且互惠地連接及互動,並藉此提供使用者更輕鬆製作可攜式服務,讓系統能更根據當下環境的既有設備自動重構服務,達到服務自動跟隨的效果,上述的模組將可大大降低在智慧環境中的人力介入,更能因應物聯網系統跨螢與碎片化時代所帶來的挑戰。透過測試,MnD在探索等級越高的情況下,使用者偏好本體的節點數在使用初期會成長越快速,但只要經過一定時間的使用後,由於使用者的偏好已大致探索完成,所以節點數量會成長趨緩並漸漸收斂。此外透過MnR的匹配可比傳統的匹配技術更能精確探索出相似的物品並根據不同的本體樹大小減少15%~50%的時間。最後利用MnI可成功與環境智慧裝置互動,不再局限制式化的服務,本研究也透過展示情境來展現其效益。

    The upcoming IoT era enables everyone to own various mobile smart devices, and a retailer with a physical store begins to deploy all kinds of smart devices in the store to collect consumers’ information for recommending advertisements via mobile smart devices. However, both the data collected by online and physical retailers can only partially reflect customers’ daily lives, resulting in very limited understanding of their preferences. The fragmented preferences often lead to undesirable service recommendations. In addition, the consumers cannot autonomously apply their own preferences for cross-field services, which reduces the system reusability and forces the consumers to passively accept unwanted advertising service. Furthermore, the interactions between consumers' mobile devices and the ambient ones are unidirectional and non-customizable, leading to inflexible services and being unable to fully leverage the benefits of IoT. To address the above issues, this study first collects more comprehensive information from various shopping (or purchasing) sources, i.e., on-line and off-line stores, through the "Market and Discover, or MnD" module to implicitly and continuously explore customers’ potential preferences. Next, the customers can quickly and efficiently match their preferences with the ones from nearby stores to receive more flexible and desirable services through the "Match and Recommend, or MnR" module. Finally, the proposed "Meet and Interaction, or MnI" module enables the cusomers’ mobile devices to dynamically connect with a variety of smart sensors and actuators, integrated via the beacons of a smart store, to establish reconfigurable services such that bidirectional interactions can be realized to leverage the benefits from ever-increasing ambient smart things around us. With the above modules, the resultant IoT-enabled recommendation system will be able to reduce human intervention and make better use of IoT benefits and advances. In our experimental results, when the MnD chose higher level to explore, user preference nodes increased drastically in the beginning, but converge when the system has explored the users’ preferences. The MnR can recommend more accurately than those of the previous matching technologies and faster by about 15%~50% in execution time. Finally, in the testing scenario the MnI enables the mobile devices to connect flexibly with a variety of smart sensors and actuators in different fields.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 演算法目錄 X 第一章 簡介 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 相關文獻 3 1.3 本研究貢獻與架構 7 第二章 整體系統架構簡介 9 2.1 系統綜合概述與示範情境 9 第三章 相關背景技術 11 3.1 本體匹配技術 11 3.2 物聯網相關通訊協定 16 第四章 潛行式消費偏好收集與發掘模組 21 4.1 模組概觀 21 4.2 電子發票蒐集模組 (E-invoice module) 22 4.3 網路消費記錄蒐集模組 (Online transaction module) 24 4.4 偏好探索模組 (Preference exploration module) 25 4.5 本體更新模組 (Ontology update module) 26 4.6 偏好管理模組 (Profile management module) 27 4.7 實驗結果 29 第五章 移動式本體資訊即時雲端匹配模組 33 5.1 移動式本體資訊即時雲端匹配模組概觀 33 5.2 權重計算模組 (Weight calculation module) 34 5.3 本體匹配模組 (Ontology matching module) 36 5.4 評估結果 39 第六章 伺機式智慧元件跨協定互動模組 42 6.1 伺機式智慧元件跨協定互動模組概觀 42 6.2 伺服器搜尋與通訊模組 (Server discovery and communication module) 43 6.3 物聯網服務組合模組 (IoT service composition module) 44 6.4 服務重構模組 (Service reconfiguration module) 45 6.5 綜合展示成果 46 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 50 參考文獻 52 發表著作與作品列表 55 口試委員建議與回覆 56

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