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研究生: 王則凱
Tse-Kai Wang
論文名稱: 公共工程共同遲延與管理費補償計算模式之研究
Compensation of Project Overhead Damages for Concurrent Delay in Public Construction
指導教授: 李得璋
The-Chang Lee
口試委員: 王慶煌
Sou-Sen Leu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 公共工程工期展延共同遲延工程管理費補償
外文關鍵詞: Construction Claim, Concurrent Delays, Allocable Overhead
相關次數: 點閱:551下載:12
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  • 本研究旨在針對因工期展延與共同遲延所衍生的工程管理費補償問題進行探討,確認國內承包商在工程展延與共同遲延方面有關管理費補償請求之現況與爭議重點 。並評析現行工期展延計算分析方法關於共同遲延之責任分配方式,從而研訂可補償項目,建立管理費之補償計算基準及相關處理模式,以供工程主辦機關辦理管理費補償之參考。

    It is generally recognized that construction delays is critical in public construction projects. Contractors may claim incurred costs for excusable and compensable delays. And it often leads to contract disputes due to the lack of effective settlement approaches. The presence of concurrent delay adds to the complexity of delay analysis as it has become the most common defense raised by owners faced with a contractor's claim for delay damages. Therefore, it is imperative to develop methods for calculating overhead claims for damages due to concurrent delay. Whatsoever, apportioning responsibilities of concurrent delay between the two parties is extremely difficult, due to the complicated nature both in the Construction programme as well as the circumstances under which methodology should be applied. The main objective of this study is thus aimed to assist in the quick and efficient calculation of the appropriate compensation due a contractor for concurrent delay.
    In this study, key issues and the major problems encountered in the calculation of damage of compensable delay of public construction were investigated first and guidances set up in the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol (DDP) were examined. In addition, the existing methodologies for analysing concurrent delay claims with a view to identifying the problems associated with their current usage towards apportionment were explored. Then, seven case studies were conducted to evaluate the differences of calculating overhead claims for damages due to concurrent delay using various delay analysis techniques such as Time Impact Analysis,Snapshot Analysis and Window Analysis etc. Base on the result, guidelines of appropriate compensation for concurrent delays were established consequently.

    中文摘要I Abstract II 致謝III 目錄IV 表目錄VIII 圖目錄XI 第一章 緒 論1 1.1 研究動機與目的1 1.2 研究範圍與內容2 1.3 研究方法與步驟3 第二章 工程遲延及管理費補償概述6 2.1 工程遲延的類型6 2.2 工程管理費概要8 2.2.1 工程管理費定義8 2.2.2 工程管理費補償9 2.3 工期展延管理費補償計算方式11 2.3.1 國內管理費補償計算公式11 2.3.2 國外管理費補償計算公式12 2.4 共同遲延15 2.4.1共同遲延的定義15 2.4.2共同遲延的處理方式16 第三章 工程遲延分析法及共同遲延案例分析23 3.1 工程遲延分析法23 3.1.1 遲延分析法假設案例23 3.1.2總體影響分析法25 3.1.3原規劃時程分析法26 3.1.4 淨影響分析法28 3.1.5 影響後原規劃時程分析法30 3.1.6時間影響分析法33 3.1.7刪減計算分析法37 3.1.8 區分遲延型態分析法39 3.1.9 總浮時管理分析法42 3.1.10 視窗分析法43 3.1.11 快照分析法46 3.1.12 同期時段分析法49 3.2 遲延分析法探討52 3.2.1 遲延分析法比較52 3.2.2 時間窗格分析法對於不同窗格切割點之分析53 3.3 案例分析59 3.3.1案例1、某國道拓寬工程60 3.3.2案例2、某設施環境總體營造中程計畫工程61 3.3.3案例3、某快速道路工程65 3.3.4案例4、某環河快速道路建設工程67 3.3.5案例5、某段國道交流道接續工程69 3.3小結71 第四章 共同遲延模擬量化分析及管理費補償處理模式建立72 4.1 共同遲延態樣72 4.2 共同遲延態樣探討73 4.2.1 單一路徑共同遲延態樣分析74 單一路徑同時發生之共同遲延74 單一路徑不同時發生之共同遲延77 4.2.2 兩條路徑之共同遲延分析83 4.3 模擬分析83 4.3.1 基本假設83 4.3.2 單一路徑共同遲延模擬分析85 業主遲延先發生同時結束85 承包商遲延先發生同時結束87 單一路徑業主遲延先發生先結束88 單一路徑承包商遲延先發生先結束93 單一路徑業主遲延先發生後結束97 單一路徑承包商遲延先發生後結束101 4.3.3 兩路徑共同遲延分析105 4.3.4 小結108 4.4 共同遲延管理費補償天數109 4.5 共同遲延時管理費補償處理模式架構之建立109 第五章 結論與建議112 5.1 結論112 5.2 建議113

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