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研究生: 廖漢雨
Han-Yi Liao
論文名稱: 用於 IEEE 802.11e 無線區域網路中具服務品質考量之公平排程機制設計
Design of Fair Scheduling Mechanisms with QoS Consideration for IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 陳省隆
Hsing-Lung Chen
Chyou-Hwa Chen
Ray-Guang Cheng
Jeng-Ji Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 無線區域網路優先權服務品質公平性排程機制
外文關鍵詞: Wireless LAN, Priority, Quality of service, Fairness, Scheduling
相關次數: 點閱:427下載:1
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近年來無線區域網路 (Wireless LAN) 的發展技術逐漸成熟,加上各種可攜式的行動裝置也越來越普遍,許多在有線網路上的多媒體應用在無線區域網路也逐漸被考量,
因此在 802.11e 無線區域網路中可給予不同優先 (Priority) 順序以考量多媒體傳輸不同的服務品質 (QoS) 需求,但以不同優先順序傳輸將造成低優先權產生飢餓問題,因此在此環境下如何同時考量公平 (Fairness) 及服務品質傳輸實為重要議題。
本碩士論文提出四個具服務品質考量之公平排程機制,分別是具後退程序之增強型分散式逆差循環資源配置機制 (Enhanced Distributed Deficit Round Robin with Backoff Interval, EDDRR--BI) 、具後退程序之增強型分散式彈性循環資源配置機制 (Enhanced Distributed Elastic Round Robin with Backoff Interval, EDERR--BI) 、
增強型分散式逆差循環資源配置機制 (Enhanced Distributed Deficit Round Robin, EDDRR) 、增強型分散式彈性循環資源配置機制 (Enhanced Distributed Elastic Round Robin, EDERR),在機制 EDDRR--BI 與 EDDRR 中,我們加入 DC 計數器進行排程,
而在機制 EDERR--BI 與 EDERR ,則加入動態允許值進行排程,
經由模擬得到具後退程序的排程機制與 802.11e 的增強型分散式通道分配機制 (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access, EDCA)
及較早提出的 Elastic Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function (EEDCF) 在流通量 、 碰撞率 、 延遲時間 、 服務品質及公平性上皆有所改善,
而在不具後退程序的排程機制中,我們與 802.11e EDCA 機制及較早提出的 Distributed Elastic Round Robin (DERR) 機制相比,亦獲得較佳的結果,相較於具後退程序方法,其效能改善更為顯著。

With the rapid development of wireless LAN technologies and the popularization of various kinds of mobile devices,
multimedia applications in wired networks are also expected in wireless networks.
In the IEEE 802.11e wireless LAN, different priorities are given to multimedia transmissions depending on the quality of service requirements.
Because prioritized transmission results in the starvation problem for low-priority services or flows,
how to simultaneously achieve fairness and quality of service in such an environment is an important issue.
Therefore, four fair scheduling schemes, i.e., enhanced distributed deficit round robin with backoff interval (EDDRR-BI),
enhanced distributed elastic round robin with backoff interval (EDERR-BI),
enhanced distributed deficit round robin (EDDRR),
and enhanced distributed elastic round robin (EDERR) are proposed and studied in this thesis.
EDDRR-BI and EDDRR use deficit counters for fair scheduling,
while dynamic values of allowance are utilized for EDERR-BI and EDERR to take care of fairness.
Through a simulation approach, EDDRR-BI and EDERR--BI are compared with enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) of IEEE 802.11e and a previously proposed scheme called elastic enhanced distributed coordination function (EEDCF).
Based on simulation results, we show that EDDRR-BI and EDERR-BI can improve throughput, collision rate, delay, and fairness.
For schemes without backoff intervals, they are also compared with EDCA and a previously proposed scheme called distributed elastic round robin (DERR).
Again, we demonstrate that the two proposed schemes have better performance and fairness.
Our results also show that schemes without backoff intervals perform even better than schemes utilizing backoff intervals.

中文摘要 英文摘要 目錄 表格目錄 圖表目錄 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2 研究背景 1 1-3 研究動機 3 1-4 研究目標 3 1-5 論文架構 4 第二章 相關文獻回顧 5 2-1 簡介 5 2-2 相關機制介紹 7 2-2-1 增強型分散式通道分配機制 (EDCA) 7 2-2-2 公平性排程機制 7 第三章 用於無線區域網路中具服務品質考量之公平排程機制研究 16 3-1 具後退程序之排程機制設計 16 3-1-1 具後退程序之增強型分散式逆差循環資源配置機制 (EDDRR-BI) 17 3-1-2 具後退程序之增強型分散式彈性循環資源配置機制 (EDERR-BI) 20 3-2 不具後退程序之排程機制設計 22 3-2-1 增強型分散式逆差循環資源配置機制 (EDDRR) 22 3-2-2 增強型分散式彈性循環資源配置機制 (EDERR) 23 3-3 數值結果與討論 24 3-3-1 模擬環境設定 25 3-3-2 數值結果與討論 25 3-4 結論 30 第四章 總結 53 參考文獻 54

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