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研究生: 陳鳳滿
Fong - Man Chen
論文名稱: KTM的轉型-從傳統到創新
The Transformation of KTM:From Tradition to Innovation
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 自行車行銷管理變革管理危機管理領導理論
外文關鍵詞: Marketing, Organization Change, Crisis Management, Leadership Theory, Bicycle
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:27
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  • 過去分析型的個案,多以平鋪直敘的方式來呈現企業問題、分析的過程與解決方案,使沒有管理經驗的學生無法體會管理理論應用在實務上的意義,而有實務經驗的學生則無法理解教科書上的理論內涵,在理論和實務無法結合的情況下,個案教學往往變的事倍功半。

    In the past, analytical case study uses plain and direct narration to describe how enterprises solve operational problems. The result is students without any working experience face difficulty in applying these theories to the real world. As for students with working experience, they are not able to fully understanding the meaning of the theory. Under such situation, traditional case study can't reflect the real world situation.
    From 2005, Harvard Business School encouraged schools in Asia to use the Harvard Business School case teaching. A case is a real business situation which helps student to study the environment and learn decision making skills. Through group discussion, students are able to understand more about the views of self and others.
    This case is a real business situation of brand transformation. It describes the CEO of KTM company Carol in charge of KTM when the company was facing bankruptcy. She worked hard and used her intelligence to solve problems and gained the trust from the employees. Then she triggered a series of changes on production process, internal purchase process, employee training plan and RandD activity. These changes not only allowed KTM to have positive income in 2001 but also increase it’s market share and customer satisfaction. In 2008, Carol planed to launch a product design change on all product models, however she faced an unexpected crisis. The decision is between to continue or to give up. No one knows which one is the right choice.

    目錄I 表目錄II 摘要III AbstractIV 誌謝V KTM的轉型-從傳統到創新1 一、自行車產業概況1 (一).自行車產業的發展和趨勢1 (二).全球自行車生產國2 (三).全球自行車消費市場3 (四).台灣自行車產業概況4 二、KTM的崛起5 (一).獲利的迷思5 (二).台灣女子一肩扛起6 (三).杯酒釋兵權7 (四).燃眉之急7 (五).去除陳疴8 (六).第一次的改變9 (七).浴火重生11 三、順境中的波濤12 (一).好品質=好產品?12 (二).四面楚歌12 (三).第二次的改變?14 (四).討論問題15 教師手冊16 一、個案總覽(Case Synopsis)16 (一).教學目標(Teaching Objectives)17 (二).課前準備(Assignment)17 (三).適用課程與對象(Course and Levels for which the Case is Intended)18 (四).教學總覽(Pedagogical Overview)18 二、問題與參考答案(Discussion Questions and Answers)18 三、教學建議(Teaching Suggestions)44 四、後記(Epilogue)45 參考文獻46 附錄48

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