簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王偉
Wei - Wang
論文名稱: 企業轉型與挑戰-以淞運泰企業個案為例
Business Transformation and Challenges – A Case Study of Sung Yun Thai Enterprises
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 商業模式行銷管理品牌策略電子商務
外文關鍵詞: Business model, Marketing management, Brand name strategy, Electronic business
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:10
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  • 本個案為探討企業轉型與挑戰之實例,個案描述淞運泰企業有限公司的創辦人Ken Wu於1995年在高雄創業專營國際品牌代理,經濟在台灣經營時環境影響,使得庫存管理不易時有產品品質有問題造成公司產品原後及運送時程在國際貿易採購上,期間經歷2000年第一次政黨輪替、2001年911恐怖攻擊導致世界經濟受創、股票大跌;2001年法國皇家易主;2003年SARS病毒、2004年寶路毒飼料事件使得它牌銷售量驟減,淞運泰代理之產品需求量增加造成供不應求;2006年狂牛症疫情影響淞運泰貨源問題;2008年國民黨恢復執政、2010年中國大陸經濟的崛起讓創辦人有了去大陸開發新通路的想法。在國內部份,歷經2008年3次風災的經濟損失、長年通路惡性競爭及2012年失去法國皇家狗、貓處方系列的代理權,面對新東家瑪氏食品高壓政策以及不合理的業績要求下,2016年底可能再失去公司主要銷售的狗、貓皇家寵物飼料系列的代理權,在上述的內憂外患衝擊下,Ken Wu必須決定公司是否需要再次轉型來面對不確定的未來。

    This case study is to investigate a business transformation and challenges it faced during the transformation. In 1995, Mr. Ken Wu, founded Sung Yun Tai Enterprises in Kaohsiung to specialize in the international known brand names. Initially it began operating multi-brand agents and distribution channels. Then it was transformed to a single brand agency and changes in distribution channels, distributors, and vendors followed.
    During this period the glooming global economy adversely affected the business environment in Taiwan and caused numerous problems for his companies. For example, at times other brand names inventory shortages caused the company's main brand to be in short supply. The after effect of an epidemic also exacerbated the inventory problem. The unreasonable annual sales quotas demanded by Vonn Pet Foods, in combination with expiration of cat and dog food formula license make this almost a desperate situation. In 2016 the company further will face the potential loss of its exclusive agency license by Royal Pet Foods. In view of the above series of events, Mr. Ken Wu must decide whether he should make another dramatic move to steer the company into the right direction.
    This paper is divided into two main themes: 1. Case study content, and 2. Instruction manuals. The case study details its history, present situation, crises and challenges Sung Yun Thai companies are facing today. Through an analysis of its assets and intangible conditions we attempt to perform Sung Yun Thai companies’ risk analysis. Then we can lay out further alternatives.
    Teaching manual contains an overview of the case and the problems encountered as references. They are used in an attempt to guide the readers to focus the issues a single brand management faces, how to face the inventory shortage problems and how to respond when losing an exclusive agency. This paper also collected data, reviewed documents, search literature, and summarized several alternatives.
    Via this paper it is hoped readers can understand how an innovative company can go through a process of destructive innovation, business model innovation, and yet be able to evaluate from its core resources and capabilities to assess its own competitive edges. Furthermore, how one can be inspired and overcome similar adversities in the future.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 I 圖目錄 IV 表目錄 V 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 產業現況與個案公司概述 1 1.2 個案公司概述 3 1.3 個案公司代理品牌概述 3 1.3.1 ROYAL CANIN法國皇家 3 1.3.2 Vet plus 4 1.3.3 GEOHELLAS 4 1.3.4 宙斯凝結貓砂IMPERIAL CARE 5 第二章 企業轉型與挑戰-以淞運泰企業有限公司為例 6 2.1 個案公司介紹 6 2.2 遲來的喜悅 7 2.3 品牌數量的糾結 8 2.4 台灣獸醫師之小蝦米對抗大鯨魚-毒飼料事件 10 2.5 危機與轉機-全球狂牛症病 11 2.6 資訊化的開始 13 2.7 通路的成功 14 2.8 再次面對取消代理權 14 第三章 教學手冊 17 3.1 個案總攬(Case Synopsis) 17 3.1.1 教學目標(Teaching Objective) 17 3.1.2 課前準備 18 3.1.3 適用課程與對象 18 3.1.4 教學總覽 18 3.2 問題與參考答案 19 3.2.1 代理單一品牌的經營重點 19 3.2.2如果你是,如何面對存貨不足的問題?以存貨管理的角度探討 26 3.2.3面對再次失去代理權該如何去應對 32 3.3 教學建議 39 參考文獻 42

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