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研究生: 莊靜嫻
Ching-Han Chong
論文名稱: 發展網絡式資源整合社會企業以陽光廚房為例
The development of Network style of Resources Integration Social Enterprise: The case of Sunny Kitchen
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 社區發展商業模式資源模組化資源拼湊社會企業
外文關鍵詞: community development, business model, resource modularization, sbricolage, social enterprise
相關次數: 點閱:319下載:70
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  • 個案描述社會企業陽光廚房的20多年發展歷程,從前身筑茶坊以自發性組織組成,開始一連串的社區發展活動,創造民眾共同發展社區的機會,陽光廚房初期以一個輕鬆的組織來營運,以創新資源運用的方式,用弱勢族群(婦女)去服務弱勢族群(銀髮族),繼而設立嚴格的組織中央廚房訓練弱勢婦女,多年來堅持著五星級的餐飲製作訓練,培養不少弱勢婦女自行創業,與社區共同創造多贏的局面。但是在2012年卻陸續發生了一些問題,因為社區中央廚房的嚴格訓練,被嚴格訓練的弱勢婦女在生活及訓練的雙重壓力下,弱勢婦女覺得已經喘不過氣,大力反彈來自訓練壓力,另外,社區資源協會在長期運行後規模變大,內部人員有著不一樣的意見及有不同的營運想法、各持已見,漸漸陸續發生一些衝突,亦偏離了社會企業的基本面。

    This case described over 2 decades of development process of the Social Enterprise, Sunny Kitchen. The spontaneous organization started out as Chu Tea House, which subsequently organized a series of community development activities to provide opportunities for citizens to develop their community collaboratively. At first, Sunny Kitchen was operated as a rather casual organization that utilized resources in an innovative approach to facilitate one minority group (women) helping another minority group (the elderly). It later established an organized central kitchen to train disadvantaged women. Over years of persistence in providing 5-star meal preparation training, Sunny Kitchen has trained many disadvantaged women to start up their own business. This was a win-win solution for everyone in the community. However, a series of problems happened in 2012 as the stringent training at the community central kitchen overwhelmed these women with pressures from both life and training. Strong protests arose against the training pressure. In addition, the organization has grown over time. Internal personnel developed different thoughts and diverse ideas for operations, and held their opinions against each other. Conflicts took place over time which made the organization derailed from the fundamental aspect of Social Enterprise.
    In 2014, Ms. Chang Hung Ya serious thoughts were given to the real needs of these women. In fact, what they really need is simply company and partner interactions as a channel to relieve their pressure. We started over and sought out the development path for Sunny Kitchen. Eventually we planned to operate as a flexible organization and take advantage of community relations, manage idle manpower and work with those seeking to start a small business so as to form a network social enterprise.

    目錄 摘 要 I 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 表索引目錄 V 圖索引目錄 VI 壹. 個案本文 1 一、 序幕 1 二、 台灣的非營利機構與社會企業 1 三、 陽光廚房的前身-筑茶坊 5 四、 社區資源交流協會成立 6 五、 陽光廚房的成立 7 (一)、 陽光廚房的服務範疇 7 (二)、 陽光廚房的財務管理 9 (三)、 銀髮送餐的改善 9 六、 最小的社區中央廚房 10 (一)、 中央廚房的管理機制 11 (二)、 中央廚房與早期廚房管理比較 15 (三)、 矛盾與衝突 15 (四)、 陽光廚房的下一步:網絡式資源整合社會企業 16 七、 附錄 17 (一)、 附錄一、中華民國社區資源交流協會 17 (二)、 附錄二、社區博覽會文宣 18 (三)、 附錄三、陽光廚房健康餐點範例 19 (四)、 附錄四、陽光廚房大事錄 20 貳. 教學指引 21 一、 個案總覽 21 二、 教學目標與適用課程 22 三、 學員課前討論問題 25 四、 個案背景 25 五、 個案分析 27 (一)、 課程目標一、商業模式議題探討 28 (二)、 課程目標二、資源模組化議題探討 34 (三)、 課程目標三、資源拼湊議題探討 38 (四)、 課程目標四、網絡式資源整合社會企業議題探討 42 六、 課程結論 44 七、 教學建議 45 八、 板書規劃 49 參. 參考文獻 56 一、 中文部分 56 二、 英文部分 56 三、 網站部分 57

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