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研究生: 周致丞
Chih-Cheng Chou
論文名稱: 探究我國政府科技計畫規劃與審議之效率與品質: 採跨國比較分析與邏輯模式導入之觀點
Analysis of Planning and Ex-ante Evaluation in Science and Technology Program:Cross-country Comparisons and Logic Model
指導教授: 朱曉萍
Sheau-Pyng Ju
口試委員: 洪國棟
John S. Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 政府科技計畫文件分析法專家深度訪談法加拿大歐盟邏輯模式
外文關鍵詞: Science and Technology Program, Documentary Analysis, In-depth interviews, Canada, EU, Logic Model
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:0
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  • 科技演進是提升經濟發展與促進產業升級的原動力,加上近幾年各國財政較吃緊,使許多科技強國皆積極推動「評估」來加強科技計畫之研議、執行、監測、經費配置到成效追蹤,使整體科研體系能夠更環環扣合、互相反饋,也確保政策與目的之實現。若回歸到事前評估的概念,即是為了審查計畫目標是否正確、計畫內容是否能達成目的,並據以進行決策與資源分配,而其中,事前評估的嚴謹度決定了事後評估的優勢,也成為未來檢視之依據,因此,從事前審議與規劃之調整開始,為提升我國科研計畫之效率與系統性循環的第一步。



    Technology evolution is the driving force behind the economic development and industrial upgrading. However, in recent years, due to budget constraints, many countries have actively promoted the concept of "evaluation" to strengthen the research, implementation, monitoring and allocation of funding of Science and Technology Program and also ensured the realization of policies and objectives. If we returned to the purpose of Ex-ante evaluation, it’s applied to examine whether the goal of the program is correct and the objectives of the program can be achieved and used those results to allocate resources. Besides, the quality of Ex-ante evaluation will determine consequences of Ex-post evaluation and influence the future review. In addition, adjusting ex-ante evaluation will be the first step in enhancing the efficiency and systematic circulation of our scientific system.

    The first stage of this study used Documentary Analysis to research STI system and the process of development of international organizations (EU), advanced countries (Canada) and Taiwan. By examining the formation, execution and performance evaluation of technology programs, our study realized international trends of the mechanism in development and management of technology programs and chose " enhance the quality and efficiency of Planning and Evaluation in Science and Technology Program " as the main research direction. Among those process, we found the potential advantages of using Logic Model and collected aspects from its initiation, instructions, the status of development in different countries to the combination with evaluation criteria and also focused on the linkage of the project evaluation cycle. For more practical advice and improvements, in the second stage, we conducted Expert In-depth Interview to discuss suggestions found out from Documentary Analysis and the system of Evaluation of Science and Technology Program in Taiwan. Through the collection of two phases of academic observation and practical expert experiences, our study hopes to provide the valuable references and the direction of adjustments in the future operation system.

    The result shows that when designing the research proposal for Science and Technology Program, we should consider how to conduct the effective evaluation and do the systematic and coherent cycle before receiving applications. On top of this, we can try adjustments from " adopting Logic Model to increase efficiency ", " improving the current structure of Science and Technology Program proposal ", " adjusting concepts and thinking in Science and Technology Program " and " enhancing innovation and internal energy of the evaluation " to reinforce the relationship between Ex-ante and Ex-post Evaluation and construct the more cyclical evaluation mechanism of Science and Technology Program in Taiwan.

    目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 縮寫字對照表 IX 第壹章、 前言 1 1.1 研究動機與背景 1 1.2 研究目的與重點 3 1.3 研究限制 4 1.4 研究架構 5 第貳章、 文獻回顧 6 2.1 台灣 6 2.1.1 科技政策之形成機制 6 2.1.2 執行機構與推動方式 9 2.1.3 績效評估與管考 14 2.2 歐盟 20 2.2.1 科技政策之形成機制 21 2.2.2 執行機構與推動方式 26 2.2.3 績效評估管考 31 2.3 加拿大 37 2.3.1 科技政策之形成機制 37 2.3.2 執行機構與推動方式 39 2.3.3 績效評估與管考 46 第參章、 政府科技計畫規劃與審議制度之比較 49 3.1 法律框架 49 3.2 審議與評估原則 51 3.3 政府科研計畫之邏輯模式運用 60 3.3.1 邏輯模式之介紹 60 3.3.2 邏輯模式之導入 64 3.3.3 各國邏輯模式之發展狀況 72 3.3.4 邏輯模式之融合應用 77 3.3.5 小節 85 第肆章、研究方法 87 4.1 研究架構與歷程 87 4.2 研究方法 87 4.3 研究倫理問題 89 第伍章、 結果與討論 91 5.1 文獻回顧之統整與觀察 91 5.2 專家訪談之統整與觀察 96 第陸章、 結論與建議 102 6.1 研究結論 102 6.2 研究建議 103 6.3 學術與實務管理意涵之貢獻 105 6.4 未來研究建議 106 參考文獻 107 附錄 115

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