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研究生: 呂毓暄
Yu-Xuan Lu
論文名稱: 智慧科技的友善社會影響力-众社會企業
Social Impacts of the friendly with smart technology: OurCityLove social enterprise
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 社會企業商業模式服務藍圖服務主導邏輯社會影響力
外文關鍵詞: Social Enterprise, Business Model, Service Blueprinting, ServicesDominant Logic, Social Impacts
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:4
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  • 現今,普遍的智慧科技型態社會,人手一支行動裝置是社會不可或缺的工具。而這些工具亦將為人們取得資訊最方便的管道之一,如此措手可得的資訊,卻忽略了少數族群的權益。在多元化的社會中,存在有任何不論性別、種族、民族、宗教、身心障礙等的族群,如何使這些資訊更多元,更為人們使用呢?本個案描述友善社會企業-众社會企業股份有限公司,面對高齡與平權社會的挑戰,以「用智慧與科技來圓滿愛」作為願景,訓練與聘僱身心障礙者,發揮其不同能力(Not Disability, but a Different Ability)參與社會,運用科技建置各種無障礙友善城市的智慧行動資訊服務(餐廳、交通、旅館、旅遊、公共設施等)。

    Nowadays, everyone has a mobile device is an indispensable tool and also smart technology is common society. These tool can let people get more information conveniently. But these available information ignore the minority rights and interests. In a pluralistic society there are no matter what gender, race, ethnicity, religion, physical or mental disorders groups. How can let these information more diversity and for everyone? Therefore build the universal system will followed social equality principle, and then universal design is "put the human fundamental". Development the human fundamental universal design, arrive at the community equality interests. The case describes the friendly social entrepreneur" OurCityLove Social Enterprise", facing in aging and right of equality Challenges. OurCityLove vision is using the smart technology to perfect the love world, train and hiring who has not inconvenient, to development disability strength "Not Disability, but a Different Ability" join the society, Using technology to build the friendly date base with accessibility and smart mobile information service ( Restaurants, such as transport, hotels, tourism, public facilities)
    OurCityLove enterprise is from National Chiao Tung University at service learning and problem base learning by Professor Chong Wey Lin combination of oriented innovation course, led the field of 12 student teams living lab at disability solve the problem with accessibility information service. And they has developed the world's first set of friendly environment survey tool around for people with disabilities and cloud management platform.
    The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: social enterprise, business model, service blueprinting, service dominant logic, social impacts, and so forth. The case will be also explored on the viewpoints of: how social enterprise designs business model, how the Friendly restaurant by OurCityLove social enterprise to describe the service blueprinting, how the organization achieves core goals by service dominant logic, ultimately, how social entrepreneur creates the influences and impacts of “Friendly” on the society and environment by means of social innovation.

    目錄 摘要III ABSTRACTIV 誌謝V 目錄VI 表目錄IX 圖目錄X 壹、個案本文12 一、序場 – 以人為本的智慧科技12 二、用“友善”重塑“多元”14 三、滿足不只有80%人的出發點17 四、众社會企業。用智慧科技圓滿愛19 五、友善服務。串連在地關懷 25 六、資訊匯集。無障礙友善平台30 七、在地能量,實踐社會價值 32 貳、個案討論34 一、個案總覽34 二、教學目標與適用課程35 三、學生課前討論問題38 四、個案人物背景39 五、個案分析40 教學目標一:社會企業商業模式之探討 41 教學目標二:服務藍圖之探討 52 教學目標三:服務主導邏輯之探討56 教學目標四:社會影響力之探討63 六、課程結論70 七、教學建議71 八、板書規劃75 參、參考文獻76 一、英文參考文獻76 二、中文參考文獻77 三、網站部分79

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    众社會企業官方網站 (http://www.OurCityLove.com/)
    众社會企業官方網站 (https://www.facebook.com/LoveMichelinTaipei/)
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    2014友善台北好餐廳指南 (https://issuu.com/ourcitylove/docs/2014)
    2015友善台北好餐廳指南 (https://issuu.com/ourcitylove/docs/2015)