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研究生: 高明志
Ming-Chih Kao
論文名稱: 求職者訊息來源與口碑效價的順序效果,對口碑採納與組織吸引力之影響-以自我效能為調節變項
The Order Effects of Word-of-Mouth Valence and Different Recruitment Sources to Word-of-Mouth Adoption and Organizational Attractiveness -Self-Efficacy as A Moderator
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
Yau-Sheng Tsai
Jia-Jen Ni
Tom M. Y. Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 33
中文關鍵詞: 組織吸引力口碑採納自我效能順序效果訊息來源
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Attractiveness, Word-of-Mouth Adoption, Self-Efficiency, Order Effects, Information Sources
相關次數: 點閱:252下載:11
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  • 網路快速發展改變了求職者應徵工作的方式,求職者能夠透過各種來源接收各類訊息。然而,訊息存在順序效果,加上求職者對於外在訊息認知有限,導致面對諸多選擇時,難以做出判斷,便透過評估自身能力,再做出是否應徵的決定。因此,訊息來源與口碑效價的順序效果,是否會對求職者造成影響,成為重要議題。


    The rapid growth of the Internet has changed the way that job seekers apply for jobs. Job seekers can receive all kinds of information through various sources. However, because of the order effects of the information, it is difficult for job seekers to make judgments by several choices under limited knowledge. Therefore, job seekers may need to make decisions in their own right. It is an important issue that the order effects of word-of-mouth valence and different recruitment sources influence job seekers.

    The study used experimental situation design to classify situations into eight categories. 300 questionnaires are distributed to participants who have graduated from finance-related departments and have been willing to engage in financial-related industries. According to the results of the analysis, (1) the order effects of word-of-mouth valence and employer word-of-mouth sources were not significant to job seekers. (2) In the positive situation, the analysis showed that there was positive relationship between word-of-mouth adoption and organizational attractiveness. On the other hand, there was no relationship between word-of-mouth adoption and organizational attractiveness in the negative situation. (3) Self-efficacy moderated the relationship between word-of-mouth adoption and organizational attractiveness in negative before positive context. Hence, in financial industry, companies should make good use of positive information to drive job seekers to apply for them. Also, they need to beware of the generation of negative information.

    摘要 I 目錄 II 表目錄 III 1. 緒論 1 2. 文獻回顧 2 2.1. 訊息理論在人資口碑上應用 2 2.1.1. 順序效果 2 2.1.2. 口碑效價 3 2.1.3. 訊息來源 3 2.2. 口碑採納對組織吸引力的影響 4 2.3. 自我效能如何影響口碑採納對組織吸引力的關係 5 3. 研究方法 6 3.1. 實驗設計 6 3.2. 問卷題項 6 3.3. 問卷設計與研究對象 7 4. 研究結果 8 4.1. 人口統計變數分析 8 4.2. 信度與效度分析 8 4.3. 獨立樣本T檢定之假說驗證 9 4.4. 迴歸模型之假說驗證 10 4.5. 調節效果分析 10 5. 結論與建議 12 5.1. 研究結論 12 5.2. 管理意涵 13 5.3. 研究限制與建議 14 參考文獻 14 附錄一 情境設計 18 附錄二 研究問卷 22 附錄三 R語言程式碼 26

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