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研究生: 陳一寬
Yi-Kuan Chen
論文名稱: 氧化亞銅表面修飾二硫化錫形成Z-scheme異質結構提升光催化二氧化碳還原效率之研究
Cu2O Decorated on SnS2 as Z-scheme Heterostructure to Boost the Activity of CO2 Reduction Reaction
指導教授: 王丞浩
Chen-Hao Wang
口試委員: 王丞浩
Chen-Hao Wang
Li-Chyong Chen
Kuei-Hsien Chen
Bing Joe Hwang
Shawn D. Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 水熱法氧化亞銅二硫化錫光催化二氧化碳還原Z-scheme異質結構
外文關鍵詞: hydrothermal process, Cu2O, SnS2, photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Z-scheme heterostructure
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:0
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本研究是利用Z-scheme異質結構作為光觸媒還原二氧化碳形成一氧化碳以及碳氫化合物。本實驗成功利用水熱法將氧化亞銅修飾於二硫化錫表面,藉以形成Z-scheme異質結構,用以進行光催化二氧化碳還原反應。經由紫外光電子能譜儀鑑定兩材料的功函數藉以證明此異質結構為Z-scheme異質結構,此機制能有效減少電子電洞對的再結合,即能有效提升載子分離率,使更多的電子電洞能夠與水以及二氧化碳進行反應。於本研究中,探討以不同溫度修飾氧化亞銅在二硫化錫表面對於材料的結構、性質等等的影響。並利用X光光電子能譜儀探討經過光催化反應前後各個元素的價態變化,藉以探討Z-scheme異質結構對於反應前後氧化態的影響,可以發現於反應後氧化亞銅的二價銅的比例降低而錫的結合能向較高能量偏移,此現象顯示電子由二硫化錫傳遞至氧化亞銅並且符合Z-scheme異質結構的電子傳遞機制。光致激發光譜儀的量測結果顯示,將氧化亞銅修飾二硫化錫表面後,載子再結合導致的螢光放光強度大幅下降,顯示此異質結構能有效的提升載子分離,並結合氣相層析儀探討催化活性以及產物的變化,氧化亞銅修飾的二硫化錫主要產物為一氧化碳,產率為2.813 μmol h-1 g-1,對比修飾前的量子效率提升至兩倍,證實經由氧化亞銅修飾後,能有效提升電子電洞對的分離,減少載子複合的機率,並能有效提升光觸媒對二氧化碳還原的效率。

In this study, we successfully synthesized Cu2O/SnS2 Z-scheme heterostructure as a photocatalyst for CO2 reduction to produce CO and hydrocarbon. This study used a simple two-step hydrothermal process to synthesize Cu2O on the SnS2 nanoflower. This heterostructure forms a Z-scheme structure and it can efficiently improve the separation of electron-hole pairs and the results proved by Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Due to the Z-scheme structure, the electron-hole pairs get a higher chance to react with reactants and improve the hydrocarbon production yield. In this study, we used X-ray diffraction and Raman spectrum to compare the crystal structure of Cu2O and SnS2 heterostructure synthesized by different hydrothermal temperatures. After the structure analysis, we used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to compare the catalysts before and after the photocatalytic reaction. The ratio of Cu+ increased and Sn4+ shifted to the higher binding energy. These results indicated that the Z-scheme structure induces photo-carrier transfer from SnS2 to Cu2O and suppresses the oxidation of Cu2O. From the photoluminescence results, the intensity of the Cu2O/SnS2 heterostructure dramatically decreased. The results indicate Cu2O/SnS2 Z-scheme heterostructure reduces the charge recombination. According to the gas chromatography results, the Cu2O/SnS2 heterostructure produced CO as the main product and the production yield reach 2.813 μmol h-1 g-1 after three hours of illumination. The quantum efficiency becomes twice as much as origin SnS2. The results proved that Cu2O decorated on the SnS2 nanoflower as a Z-scheme heterostructure reduces the chance of charge recombination and efficiently improves catalyst activity.

目錄 中文摘要.........................................................................................................................I Abstract..........................................................................................................................II 致謝..............................................................................................................................IV 目錄...............................................................................................................................V 圖目錄.......................................................................................................................VIII 表目錄..........................................................................................................................XI 第一章 緒論................................................................................................................1 1.1 前言...................................................................................................................1 1.2 研究動機...........................................................................................................2 第二章 文獻回顧與實驗原理....................................................................................4 2.1 二氧化碳還原的原理與發展...........................................................................4 2.2 半導體複合材料觸媒.......................................................................................8 2.3 氧化亞銅(Cu2O)半導體材料性質.................................................................13 2.4 二硫化錫(SnS2)半導體材料性質..................................................................19 第三章 實驗儀器與方法..........................................................................................26 3.1 實驗藥品.........................................................................................................26 3.2 實驗步驟.........................................................................................................27 3.2.1 SnS2合成..............................................................................................27 3.2.2 Cu2O/SnS2合成....................................................................................28 3.3 材料鑑定與分析儀器.....................................................................................29 3.3.1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field-Emission Scanning Microscope,FESEM) ...............................................................................................29 3.3.2 能量色散X光光譜儀(Energy Dispersive Spectroscopry) ................30 3.3.3 X光繞射分析儀(X-ray diffraction,XRD) .......................................30 3.3.4 紫外-可見光光譜儀(UV-visible Spectrum) .......................................33 3.3.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡..............................................................................34 3.3.6 X光光電子能譜儀(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, XPS)............35 3.3.7 拉曼震動光譜儀(Raman Spectrum) ...................................................36 3.3.8 光致激發光譜儀(Photoluminescence spectrum) ................................37 3.3.9 紫外光電子能譜儀(Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy).............38 3.3.10 氣相層析儀(Gas chromatography) .............................................38 第四章 實驗結果與討論..........................................................................................40 4.1 二硫化錫結構鑑定與分析.............................................................................40 4.2 水熱法以不同溫度合成氧化亞銅/二硫化錫結構鑑定與分析....................42 4.2.1 Cu2O/SnS2表面形貌及元素分析........................................................42 4.2.2 不同溫度合成材料晶體結構分析......................................................46 4.2.3 Cu2O/SnS2光學性質分析....................................................................48 4.2.4 光致激發光譜儀分析..........................................................................49 4.2.5 紫外光電子能譜儀能帶結構分析......................................................51 4.3 有機溶劑合成氧化亞銅/二硫化錫結構鑑定與分析...................................54 4.3.1 不同比例摻入乙二醇之Cu2O/SnS2表面形貌及元素分析..............54 4.3.2 不同比例摻入乙二醇之Cu2O/SnS2晶體結構分析..........................56 4.3.3 不同比例摻入乙二醇水熱合成之Cu2O/SnS2異質結構光致激發光譜儀分析..............................................................................................57 4.4 反應前後價態變化分析.................................................................................58 4.4.1 Cu 2p 價態分析...................................................................................58 4.4.2 Sn 3d 價態分析...................................................................................61 4.5 光催化二氧化碳還原效率分析.....................................................................63 4.5.1 不同溫度合成之異質結構生成之產物及產量效率分析..................64 4.5.2 摻入不同比例乙二醇合成之樣品產物及產量分析..........................65 4.5.3 不同樣品之光催化背景值量測..........................................................66 4.5.4 量子轉換效率比較..............................................................................67 4.5.5 光催化活性穩定性測試......................................................................69 第五章 結論..............................................................................................................71 第六章 參考資料......................................................................................................72

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