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研究生: 洪偉傑
Wei-Jie Hong
論文名稱: 重構臉型關注學習之單張大角度人臉重演
Recomposed Shape Attention Learning for One-Shot Large-Pose Face Reenactment
指導教授: 徐繼聖
Gee-Sern Hsu
口試委員: 鍾聖倫
Sheng-Luen Chung
Chu-Song Chen
Huei-Yung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 人臉重演人臉辨識三維人臉模型
外文關鍵詞: Face Reenactment, Transformer, FLAME
相關次數: 點閱:240下載:0
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我們提出重構臉型關注學習之單張大角度人臉重演模型 RSAL。相比於主流
方法以 GAN 為主要生成器,我們引入了 Transformer 機制,提升在大角度及表
情變化下身分保留。RSAL 模型由三個模組組成,分別為臉型重構編碼器(Shape
Recomposition Encoder, SRE)、臉型強化轉換器(Shape Enhanced Transformer, SET)
和注意力嵌入生成器(Attention-Embedded Generator, AEG)。首先 SRE 生成目標
的臉型編碼,將來源人臉身份和參考人臉動作重新建構成目標臉型編碼。SET 從
來源的人臉及臉型編碼中提取風格特徵碼。AEG 將目標臉型編碼和風格特徵碼
但本方法可以使用單張來源人臉,並實現跨身分人臉重演。本方法在 MPIE-LP、
VoxCeleb1[16] 和 VoxCeleb2-LP 資料庫與相關論文進行比較,結果證實本方法

We propose Recomposed Shape Attention Learning (RSAL) for One-Shot
Large-Pose Face Reenactment. Different from previous approaches that based on
GAN for identity preservation during training, we introduce transformer mechanism
to improve identity preservation across large poses. The RSAL model consists of
three modules, namely the Shape Recomposition Encoder (SRE), the Shape
Enhanced Transformer (SET) and the Attention-Embedded Generator (AEG). Given
a source face and a reference face, the SRE generates the depth shape code that
combine the source identity and reference action. The SET extracts style code from
the source face and fused depth code. The AEG takes the fused depth code and style
code as inputs to generate the desired reenacted face which show capable of
producing high-quality facial images. The favorable properties of the approach is
training mechanism, which improves weak controllability in the previous methods
used to fine-tuned few images (few shot). Our method can use single source image
(one-shot) and enable cross reenactment. We evaluate our approach on the MPIE-LP,
VoxCeleb1, and VoxCeleb2-LP datasets. The large pose qualitative and quantitative
results show that proposed approach produces reenacted faces better than

目錄 摘要................................................................................2 Abstract............................................................................3 誌謝................................................................................4 目錄................................................................................5 圖目錄..............................................................................7 表目錄..............................................................................9 第 1 章 介紹.......................................................................10 1.1 研究背景和動機..................................................................10 1.2 方法概述.......................................................................13 1.3 論文貢獻.......................................................................14 1.4 論文架構.......................................................................16 第 2 章 文獻回顧...................................................................17 2.1 FLAME ........................................................................17 2.2 TransEditor...................................................................18 2.3 Style Transformer for Image Inversion and Editing.............................19 2.4 StyleSwin ....................................................................21 2.5 First Order Motion Model for Image Animation .................................21 2.6 HeadGAN.......................................................................22 2.7 Bi-layer......................................................................22 2.8 Face2Face.....................................................................22 第 3 章 主要方法...................................................................25 3.1 整體網路架構...................................................................26 3.2 角度適應編碼器設計.............................................................27 3.3 臉型重構編碼器設計.............................................................29 3.4 臉型強化轉換器和注意力嵌入生成器設計.............................................29 第 4 章 實驗設置與分析..............................................................33 4.1 資料庫介紹.....................................................................33 4.1.1 Multi-LP....................................................................33 4.1.2 VoxCeleb1 ..................................................................36 4.1.3 VoxCeleb2-LP ...............................................................36 4.2 實驗設置.......................................................................37 4.2.1 資料劃分、設置...............................................................37 4.2.2 效能評估指標.................................................................38 4.2.3 實驗設計.....................................................................40 4.3 實驗結果與分析.................................................................43 4.3.1 臉型強化轉換器之設置比較......................................................43 4.3.2 FLAME 特徵之影響 ............................................................45 4.3.3 探討身分損失函數比較..........................................................46 4.3.4 探討自注意力機制.............................................................46 4.3.5 探討重演人臉微調張數比較......................................................46 4.4 與相關文獻之比較...............................................................50 第 5 章 結論與未來研究方向..........................................................54 第 6 章 參考文獻....................................................................55

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