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研究生: 劉逸平
Yi-Ping Liu
論文名稱: 動態創業家能力 -概念分析、量表建構與認知模型發展
Dynamic Entrepreneurs’ Capability: Construct Analysis, Scale Development and Cognitive Model
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Yi-Ying Chang
口試委員: 陳厚銘
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 174
中文關鍵詞: 動態能力創業家創業精神量表開發認知模型動態創業家能力
外文關鍵詞: Dynamic Capability, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Scale Development, Cognitive Model, Dynamic Entrepreneurs’ Capability
相關次數: 點閱:355下載:0
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在研究一中,我們依循AMO架構,即「才能、動機、機會」三構面建構量表,透過創業家訪談蒐集並建立題項,再分別以探索性與確認性因素分析方法,以兩個不同的樣本逐步篩選出因素負荷量高的題項,最後形成八題項的動態創業家能力量表,Cronbach α=0.85,並經建構效度的檢測,具備區辨效度與收斂效度,同時確定一階三因子模型為最佳模型,且在校標關聯效度中,也與(個人層次的)動態能力、創業導向具中度相關。皆與我們的理論論述相符。

The "Dynamic Capability View"(DCV), a compelling and fascinating strategic perspective with research and cumulating over 20 years, has fully complemented the resource-based theory and provided strategic thinking of enterprises' response and transformation in a dynamic environment to observating and understanding. In fact, however, the entrepreneurship of SME are maybe more rich and bright, as Dynamic Capability View emphasized, sensing, seizing and transforming, especially during the entrepreneurial and newly developing stages.
Especially entrepreneurs or decision makers are the core and origin of dynamic capabilities. Recently, scholars have also emphasized the individual level of research. This study attempts to extend DCV to the field of small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups, and establish a concept, Dynamic Entrepreneurs’ Capability (DEC) , which can be used for empirical research, and construct scales to explore or establish dynamic capabilities of entrepreneurs or decision makers at the individual level. As well as we step further to explore the cognitive antecedents.
In Study 1, we followed the AMO framework, "Ability, Motivation, Opportunity",to construct a three-dimension scale. Items were collected and created through interviews with entrepreneurs, and then used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methods, respectively, to gradually screen out the items with high factor loadings from two different samples. Finally, an eight-item DEC Scale was formed (Cronbach's α=0.85) , which also was tested in construct validity, with both discriminant and convergent validity, and the first-order three-factor model was identified as the best model.
In Study 2, we attempted to develop cognitive model and the antecedents with the constructed scale. Using the basis of Information Processing Theory, we examined how DEC is affected by different attentional strategies and affective informations. Through the results of the quasi-experimental method and two-way ANOVA, we found: (1) The effect of attentional strategy on DEC is significant, and the bottom-up attention strategy is higher than top-down; (2) The effect of affective information on DEC is significant, and the affective ambivalence is the highest; (3) The interactive effect of attentional strategy and affective information also showed significant, with affective ambivalence and bottom-up attentional strategy being the most significant.
Finally, we conducted discussions of academic and practical implications, and made some suggestions for future research.

摘要 I Abstrct III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1 第二節 研究問題、目的與貢獻 6 第二章 文獻探討 12 第一節 動態能力觀點 12 第二節 關於創業精神 23 第三節 動態能力微觀基礎與創業精神結合的新概念:動態創業家能力 34 第四節 關於動態創業家能力的概念比較 38 第三章 動態創業家能力概念分析 46 第一節 概念形成—AMO架構 46 第二節 創業才能、創業動機、創業機會三構面定義 48 第三節 三構面的內容 55 第四節 三構面之間的互動關係 59 第五節 動態創業家能力AMO架構—從訊息處理理論角度的觀察 66 第四章 研究方法 82 第一節 研究架構 82 第二節 研究設計 83 第三節 研究一:量表建構 85 第四節 研究二:認知模型發展 86 第五章 研究一:量表建構 90 第一節 題庫建立 90 第二節 題項刪減與信度檢測 96 第三節 內容效度建構 99 第四節 外部效度檢測 103 第五節 小結 108 第六章 研究二:認知模型發展 110 第一節 研究假設 110 第二節 研究設計 111 第三節 資料分析與結果 113 第四節 小結 120 第七章 討論 122 第一節 學術研究方面的意義 122 第二節 管理實務方面的意義 126 第八章 結論 130 第一節 研究結論 130 第二節 研究貢獻 132 第三節 研究限制與研究建議 134 參考文獻 136

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