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研究生: 張衛立
William Chandra
論文名稱: 藉由有用性及隱私意識探討數位載體影響智慧卡的持續使用意圖
The role of digitalized artifacts in affecting smart card continuance intention mediated by perceived usefulness and privacy concern
指導教授: 朱宇倩
Yu-Qian Zhu
口試委員: 魏小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Yu-hui Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 數位載體智慧卡體驗科技有用性隱私意識持續使用意圖
外文關鍵詞: Digitalized Artifacts, Smart Card, Experiential Computing, Perceived Usefulness, Privacy Concern, Continuance Intention of Use
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:3
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  • 近年來,探討體驗科技的數位載體已成為資訊管理研究領域中有趣的議題。本研究旨在藉由有用性及隱私意識的作用探討數位載體影響智慧卡的持續使用意圖。本研究基於技術接受模型(TAM)架構,先以隱私意識與數位載體特性的作用作為探討有用性及隱私意識的前提,並以印尼雅加達地區的350名智慧卡使用者作為受測對象,採用Smart PLS 3.0的統計分析軟體及PLS-SEM的統計方法進行資料分析。本研究發現數位載體的特性將影響使用者對有用性及隱私意識的認知:數位載體的設計性對有用性的認知具有最大的影響;聯結性對隱私意識的認知有最大的影響;可記憶性對於有用性及隱私意識的認知為重大的決定性因素;而有用性及隱私意識又是智慧卡的使用者願意持續使用智慧卡的重大決定性因素。本研究結果透過數位載體的特性來剖析智慧卡的持續使用意圖,提供了智慧卡的供應商或對智慧卡持續使用意圖有興趣的人,有趣的見解及建議,以達到增加智慧卡的持續使用意圖之目的。

    Digitalized artifacts in experiential computing have become an interesting topic in information research. This study explores the role of digitalized artifacts’ material properties in affecting the continuance intention of using smart card mediated by perceived usefulness and privacy concern. A research framework was developed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) along with privacy concern and material properties of digitalized artifacts as the antecedents of perceived usefulness and privacy concern. This study was conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, and 350 smart card users are included in this study. The data were analyzed using a quantitative approach with PLS-SEM technique and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The study discovered that some of the material properties of digitalized artifacts influence users’ perceived usefulness and privacy concern. Perceived programmability gives the strongest influence toward perceived usefulness and perceived associability gives the strongest influence toward privacy concern. Perceived memorability is a significant determinant for perceived usefulness and privacy concern. Perceived usefulness and privacy concern is a significant determinant for continuance intention of using a smart card. These results provide interesting implications and recommendation for smart card providers to increase the continuance intention of using smart card considering the role of digitalized artifacts’ material properties.

    摘要 iv ABSTRACT v ACKNOWLEDGMENT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Research Question 5 1.3. Research Purpose 5 1.4. Research Scope 6 1.5. Thesis Structure 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1. Digitalized Artifacts 7 2.2.1. Perceived Programmability 9 2.2.2. Perceived Addressability 9 2.2.3. Perceived Communicability 10 2.2.4. Perceived Memorability 10 2.2.5. Perceived Traceability 10 2.2.6. Perceived Associability 11 2.2. Privacy Concern 11 2.3. Prior Studies and Continuance Intention to Use Smart Card 13 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESES 19 3.1. Research Framework 19 3.2. Hypotheses Formulation 21 3.2.1. Influence of digitalized artifacts towards perceived usefulness 21 3.2.2. Influence of digitalized artifacts toward privacy concern 23 3.2.3. Influence of perceived usefulness and privacy concern towards continuance intention of use 25 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 27 4.1. Research Design 27 4.2. Questionnaire and Instrument Development 27 4.3. Data Collection 34 4.3.1. Population and Sample 34 4.3.2. Data Collection Method 35 CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 36 5.1. Respondent Demographics 36 5.2. PLS-SEM Analysis 38 5.2.1. Data Conversion 40 5.2.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis 40 5.2.3. Measurement Model 42 5.2.4. Structural Model 49 5.2.5. Hypotheses Testing Result 51 CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 54 6.1. Influence of Digitalized Artifacts Toward Perceived Usefulness 54 6.2. Influence of Digitalized Artifacts Toward Privacy Concern 55 6.3. Influence of Perceived Usefulness and Privacy Concern Toward Continuance Intention of Using Smart Card 56 6.4. Influence of Control Variables Toward Continuance Intention of Use 58 6.5. Implication for Academics 58 6.6. Implication for Smart Card Provider 59 6.7. Limitation and Future Research 60 6.8. Conclusion 61 REFERENCES 63 APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire (English) 69 APPENDIX 2 Original Questionnaire (Indonesian) 78 APPENDIX 3 Readability Test Respondents (Pilot Test) 87 APPENDIX 4 Survey Documentation 88

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