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研究生: 熊美菱
Mei-Ling Hsiung
論文名稱: 未來的企業第二代在哪裡?台灣中小企業二代接班議題之探討
Where is the second generation of the future enterprise? Discussion on the Issues of Succession of Taiwan SMEs in the Second Generation
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Hong-Wen Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 家族企業接班中小企業接班模式接班計畫
外文關鍵詞: family business,, succession, small and medium sized enterprises, succession mode, succession planning
相關次數: 點閱:741下載:27
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  • 在家族企業從傳承的前五年到交棒後的三年間,企業的市值平均縮水六成來看,台灣中小企業目前正面臨交接時刻的創業者是否以家族企業型態延續企業的經營模式,或是以專業經理人做為未來公司經營管理的方向,以及接班人對於接班遇到的困難點及想法,是本個案主要探討的議題。

    In the three years from the first five years of family business to the three years after the handover, the market value of enterprises has shrunk by an average of 60%. Taiwanese SMEs are currently facing the entrepreneurial mode of the handover time to continue the business model of the family business. Or it is the direction of the professional manager as the management of the future company, and the difficulties and ideas that the successor encounters in succession. This is the main topic of this case.
    The distribution of family-type Taiwanese enterprises accounts for 97% of SMEs. The concept and method of succession in China and the West are also very different. The West tends to hand over to those who have the ability, while the East tends to take over the family. The problem of succession has always been a problem that has plagued a generation of business owners. With the evolution of generations, is the current generation of entrepreneurs insisting on the second generation to take over? What is the idea of the second generation or successor?
    This study uses the Harvard case teaching method to write and discuss the issue of the second generation succession. The content brings the problem of the second generation succession from the main case, and then discusses the current situation that different companies are currently encountering. Analysis, from different angles to discuss the feasibility and development of the second generation succession, coupled with the factors of the times, the second generation's growth environment is also very different, resulting in some problems that may occur during the handover, when or the situation will come to mind Succession problem? When will the action be taken? Providing companies that are currently facing handovers can be used as a reference and improve the smoothness of the handover.

    摘要........................... I ABSTRACT....................... II 誌謝........................... III 目錄........................... IV 圖目錄......................... VI 表目錄......................... VII 壹、 個案本文............... 1 一、 序幕................... 1 二、 個案公司背景介紹........ 5 三、 家族企業的定義與特色..... 6 四、 其他案例介紹............ 8 五、 不同角度的接班問題....... 22 六、 現在的危機.............. 25 貳、 教學指引................ 28 一、 個案總覽................ 28 二、 教學目標................ 28 三、 課前準備................ 29 四、 問題討論................ 29 七、 教學建議................ 46 參、 參考文獻................ 47 中文文獻..................... 47 英文文獻..................... 47 網路文獻..................... 48 附錄一.......................... 49 附錄二.......................... 51 附錄三.......................... 54 附錄四.......................... 55 附錄五.......................... 57 附錄六.......................... 59 附錄七.......................... 62 附錄八.......................... 63 附錄九.......................... 64 附錄十.......................... 65

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