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研究生: 楊志豪
Chih-Hao Yang
論文名稱: WiMAX與HSDPA網路互聯機制
WiMAX and HSDPA Interworking Mechanism
指導教授: 鄭瑞光
Ray-Guang Cheng
口試委員: 陳金蓮
Jean-Lien C. Wu
Jenq-Shiou Leu
Shiao-Li Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 全球互通微波存取高速下行封包接取服務品質移動IP垂直交替異質網路
外文關鍵詞: WiMAX, HSDPA, QoS, Mobile IP, Vertical Handover, Heterogeneous Network
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:2
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本論文提出一套完整之WiMAX (World Interoperability for Microwave Access;全球互通微波存取)與HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access;高速下行封包接取)網路互聯機制,以因應目前無線寬頻數據服務之整合與發展。本互聯機制包括兩個網路的互聯架構,服務品質保證機制,以及交遞觸發模組HTM (Handover Trigger Module)等。
本論文首先提出一套可符合HSDPA及WiMAX標準的網路互連架構,根據此架構,本論文設計一個服務品質保證機制,此機制建議在網路進行交遞時,可透過“服務感知式之服務品質映射” (WiMAX-HSDPA Service Aware QoS Mapping;WHSAQM);使應用服務從原先網路交遞至下個網路時,仍能維持服務品質之接續;此外,並可透過交遞觸發模組之各運作機制:如網路連接管理,預先註冊,場強監控及交遞觸發等機制以即時反應網路及無線通道狀況,減少可能發生之服務品質衰減或交遞中斷。本論文最後依據文中所提出之互聯機制,在實際WiMAX及HSDPA網路上進行測試,以驗證各服務之關鍵績效指標(KPI)及所提機制之可行性。

This thesis presented a set of comprehensive interworking mechanisms between WiMAX (World Interoperability for Microwave Access) and HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) to fulfill the integration and development of latest wireless broadband data service. The proposed interworking mechanisms comprise: WiMAX-HSDPA interworking architecture, QoS (Quality of Service) guarantee mechanism, as well as handover trigger module (HTM).
This thesis first introduced an interworking architecture which complied with both HSDPA and WiMAX standards. Based on this architecture, we recommended a QoS guarantee mechanism i.e. “WiMAX-HSDPA service aware QoS mapping” (WHSAQM) to assure the QoS continuity between these two networks during handover. Furthermore, the HTM which consists of network connection management, pre-registration, signal monitoring and handover trigger mechanisms support to reply the network and radio channel status promptly to minimize the potential service degradation and handover interruption. Eventually, field tests are performed to verify the key performance indicators (KPIs) of services and the feasibility of the recommended mechanisms.
After verification in the field test, all the services can be seamlessly handover between these two networks, and the QoS requirement of services can be guaranteed. While the WiMAX spectrum had just been released by some countries, this thesis provides a feasible interworking solution for those existing cellular operators or green-field operators who have plans to implement the WiMAX and HSDPA in the future.

中 文 摘 要(Chinese Abstract) Abstract Acknowledgment List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Background 1.2.1 Network Architecture WiMAX Network Architecture HSDPA Network Architecture 1.2.2 QoS Support QoS support in WiMAX Network QoS support in UMTS-HSDPA Network Network Layer QoS Assurance – DSCP 1.2.3 Mobility Support Low Layer Mobility Support: IEEE 802.11 MIH Network Layer Mobility Support: Mobile IP Upper Layer Mobility Support: SIP 1.3 Related Work 1.4 Organization Chapter 2. WiMAX and HSDPA Interworking Architecture 2.1 WiMAX and HSDPA Interworking Architecture 2.2 Proposed Mechanisms in Interworking Architecture 2.3 Network Authentication Chapter 3. QoS Guarantee in Interworking Network 3.1 WiMAX-HSDPA Service Aware QoS Mapping (WHSAQM) 3.2 MAC to Network Cross Layer QoS Translation (M2N-CLQT) Chapter 4. Handover Trigger Module (HTM) in UE 4.1 HTM : Mobile IP 4.2 HTM : Network Connection and Selection 4.3 HTM : Min. Best Connected Pre-registration - (MBCPR) 4.4 HTM : Signal Monitoring 4.5 HTM : Handover Trigger Control Chapter 5. Field Test Results 5.1 Test Network Architecture 5.2 Test Scenarios and Tools 5.3 Field Test Result Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Work Reference

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