Author: |
陳雅湘 Ya-Shiang Chen |
Thesis Title: |
具協商能力之網路服務選擇機制 Negotiation-capable Web Services Selection Mechanism |
Advisor: |
Nai-Wei Lo |
Committee: |
Bor-Shen Lin 查士朝 Shi-Cho Cha |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2008 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 96 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 45 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 網路服務 、服務導向架構 、服務品質 、協商 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Web service, SOA, Quality of Service (QoS), Negotiation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 427 Downloads: 3 |
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The researches in Web services have become more and more important in the academia and industry. Current researches of Web services architectures mainly focus on technological aspects, but the economic benefits of Web services architectures are often neglected. Many service providers offer Web services with the same or similar functionalities, but Quality of Service (QoS) is a good indicator to support the service requesters in selecting appropriate Web services.
However, service requesters might be partially dissatisfied with the QoS and price proposed by service providers. Because of no negotiation mechanism on QoS and price of the specific Web service between providers and requesters, it is difficult for the requesters to get the satisfactory services.
In our research, we propose a negotiation-capable Web services selection mechanism which is built on the extended Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The negotiation subjects are non-functional parameters such as price and Quality of Service (QoS) attributes for the Web services transaction. The service requester can select QoS and provisioning price, and then negotiates a best value-for-money Web service with the service provider. The objective of negotiation process is to pursue win-win outcomes between profits of service providers and enhancing effectiveness of service requesters.
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