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研究生: 陳建滿
Chien-Man Chen
論文名稱: 家電開關產品發展策略-以S公司研發部門為例
Product Development Strategy of Home Appliance Switches – A Case Study of R & D Department in S Company
指導教授: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Shuo-Yan Chou
yu-jen chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 家電智慧家電開關感測器策略技術藍圖
外文關鍵詞: Home appliance, Smart home appliance, Switch, Sensor, Technology roadmap (TRM)
相關次數: 點閱:220下載:2
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  • 物聯網的興起與應用,為家電市場注入了智慧家電應用商機,依據Statista 市調分析,2020年全球智慧家電市場預計有210億美元需求,年複合成長率22.0%。傳統家電市場已到成熟期,產業競爭相當激烈,毛利逐年下滑。而智慧家電正邁入成長階段,具有未來發展機會與動能,它為家的場域重新塑造不一樣的體驗。值此之際,案例為家電開關研發部門,除持續深化既有產品技術外,對智慧家電中的感測器應用與開關結合,將以往機械結構,整合到具感知功能的感測開關與模組;近年來案例逐漸朝向智慧家電市場的需求,積極開發拓展商機,期能創造新的營收與獲利來源。
    本研究首先以家電在總體環境掃描,分析市場消長與動能趨勢;應用安索夫矩陣(Ansoff Matrix)與波士頓矩陣(BCG Matrix)架構探討案例公司家電開關產品在市場的所處位置,藉由產品組合與新技術應用找出新的商業機會,並綜合強弱危機交叉分析(Cross SWOT Analysis),擬定家電開關的產品策略組合與規劃研發三年策略技術藍圖,協助案例研發部門在競爭環境中,找到市場發展趨勢方向,發揮整合價值鏈與資源運用,達成企業永續發展的目標。

    The rise in popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT) increases the business opportunities for the market of smart home appliances. According to Statista market analysis, the global smart home market is expected to create the demand of 21 billion united states dollars in 2020, with the compound annual growth rate of 22%. Since the traditional home appliance market has reached its maturity stage, there is intense competition in the industry, and the gross profit declines year by year. Meanwhile, the smart home appliance market is entering its growth stage. It has huge potential development and brings an entirely new appliance usage experience to the public. In this study, the case is the appliance switches at the R & D department in S company. In addition to improve the existing product technologies, the department integrated the sensor applications with switches in smart home appliances, and combined the origin mechanical structure with perceptual sensor switches and modules. In recent years, the department has begun to meet the needs of smart home appliance market, meanwhile, the department not only expands business opportunities but also produce the new source of revenue and profit.
    Firstly, this study gives an overview and analyzes the fluctuation and momentum trend for the home appliance market. The Ansoff Matrix and BCG Matrix have been applied to investigate the market position of the case company and to discover new business opportunities through product portfolios and new techniques. The department also integrates Cross SWOT Analysis to develop product portfolio strategy and plans the three-year technology road-map for home appliance switches. Integrating automation in their appliances not only the department assists the target company to locate future development direction, but also the department creates a value chain and utilizes resources to achieve the goal of sustainable development for the company in a highly competitive environment.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT IV 誌 謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討與市場分析 7 2.1 家電演進與發展 7 2.2 家電市場 9 2.3 家電產業結構 19 2.4 背景知識 25 2.4.1 物聯網 25 2.4.2 智慧家庭 28 2.4.3 智慧家電 30 2.4.4 感測器 33 第三章 研究方法 39 3.1 PEST分析 39 3.2 創新擴散曲線 41 3.3 五力分析 43 3.4 產品生命週期 46 3.5 安索夫矩陣分析 48 3.6 BCG矩陣分析 50 3.7 SWOT分析 52 3.8 T-Plan 53 第四章 研究分析 56 4.1 案例公司成長背景 56 4.2 內部分析 58 4.2.1 競爭力分析 59 4.2.2 產品系列分析 62 4.3 案例企業營運政策 65 4.3.1 行銷發展策略 65 4.3.2 長短期業務營運策略 66 4.3.3 研究發展 66 4.4 開發部門策略與佈局 67 4.4.1 外部形勢分析 67 4.4.2 Cross SWOT組合策略分析 72 4.5 戰略與規劃 77 4.5.1 策略技術藍圖 77 第五章 結論與建議 80 5.1 結論 80 5.2 未來發展建議 81 參考文獻 82

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