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研究生: 林祐威
論文名稱: 背包客旅館的挑戰與轉型-以窩工作旅店為例
The Challenges and Transformation of Backpacker Hostels - A Case Study on WORK INN
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 背包客旅館線上訂房平台 (OTA)商業經營模式SWOT分析企業轉型
外文關鍵詞: Backpacker Hostels, Online Travel Agency, Business Model, SWOT Analysis, enterprise transformation
相關次數: 點閱:422下載:17
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  • 本文管理個案—窩工作旅店,屬飯店旅館業中經營背包客旅館的中小企業,該旅店客群及定位為針對國內外旅客在台住宿提供較為低單價的床位及客房。經過五年的努力,現今主要經營範疇集中在台北市交通便捷、生活機能佳的市中心,針對不同的區域定位、顧客屬性,配合消費趨勢主打年輕族群,至今陸續在台北火車站、101商圈擁有三家直營連鎖背包客旅館。

    WORK INN, the subject of this case study is a SME backpacker hostel in the hospitality industry. The company positions itself in providing low-priced beds/rooms for foreign and domestic travelers in Taiwan. After five years of hard work, its main business areas are now located in the city center of Taipei City with great lifestyle support and convenient public transportation, Taipei Main Station area and 101 business/shopping district. WORK INN’s three chain hostels target young people based on its locations, customer attributes and customer spending trends.
    The operators started planning to run WORK INN five years ago. From the time they arrived to the first backpacker hostel, they encountered difficult problems and overcame one by one. And now, WORK INN leaders face its current challenges including targeting future development and operational objections which are both testing the wisdom and determination of the operators.
    WORK INN’s guests are mainly from Taiwan, China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States and other European countries. In the early years of operations, WORK INN mainly depended on its great hospitality service and word-of-mouth marketing to be able to run the hostel steadily. However, with the unfavorable factors such as the changes in the general environment, political influence and industrial competition, how to utilize and maximize its advantages and opportunities for better innovate management in the current predicament become WORK INN’s desired breakthrough.
    This article discusses our case study subject through Harvard Business School Case Method on areas such as usage of international internet booking platforms for network marketing, cross-border strategic alliances, industrial cooperation and cooperation between small hotels/hostels and international network platform companies. In terms of capabilities, such as scale or resources, WORK INN is relatively weak, especially under the drastic changes in the general environment. Innovative strategic cooperation and innovative business models seem to be the essential direction in achieving the goal of cooperation transformation. Through the exploration of the case study in this article, we hope that people can find inspiration from different perspectives in order to increase enterprise operating abilities and executive validity.

    目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、 個案本文 1 第一節 台灣旅館產業的沿革 1 第二節 關於背包客旅館 2 窩工作旅店WORK INN 2 背包客旅館的特殊性 7 背包客旅館市場分析 8 第三節 世界旅遊型態的變化 11 旅行開始不一樣 11 台灣政府的態度 12 第四節 OTA網路訂房平台趁勢崛起 14 第五節 窩工作旅店的經營處境 18 第六節 改變與創新,窩工作旅店未來展望 24 第七節 討論問題 26 貳、 教學指引 28 第一節 個案總覽 28 第二節 教學目標 29 第三節 學員課前準備 30 第四節 學員問題討論 31 第五節 適用課程與對象 31 第六節 教學總覽 32 第七節 問題與參考答案 33 第八節 教學建議與時間分配 50 第九節 板書規劃 51 參考文獻 55  圖目錄 圖1.1、公司組織圖 4 圖1.2、近年來台旅客統計 9 圖1.3、近年新設旅館間數 10 圖1.4、窩工作旅店員工年齡分布圖 20 圖1.5、窩工作旅店員工第二語言人數統計圖 21 圖1.6、窩工作旅店員工的學歷分布圖 21 圖1.7、窩工作旅店時間軸魚骨圖 25 圖1.8、窩工作旅店決策困境 26 圖2.1、個案策略思維圖 32 圖2.2、PEST模型圖 35 圖2.3、個案公司PEST模型 38 圖2.4、個案公司SWOT分析 40 圖2.5、商業模式架構圖 42 圖2.6、窩工作旅店商業模式圖 43 圖2.7、窩工作旅店建議商業模式圖 44 圖2.8、組織改造三股力量 45 圖2.9、組織學習圖 46 圖2-10、窩工作旅店五項修練圖 48 圖2.11、經營者打造學習型組織方式 48 圖2.12、教學目標層次圖 49 圖2.13、主板板書規劃 53 圖2.14、次板書一(板書2)板書規劃 54 圖2.15、次板書二(板書3)板書規劃 54 表目錄 表1.1、窩工作旅店旅館現場實景 4 表1.2、背包客旅館與一般旅館差異表 8 表1.3、近年旅客來台旅行方式 10 表1.4、新設旅館數年度統計 10 表1.5、自由行與團體旅遊差異 12 表1.6、各網路訂房平台配合方式 16 表2.1、教學目標表 30 表2.2、登場角色人物介紹 34 表2.3、PEST模型的定義 36 表2.4、SWOT的定義 39 表2.5、商業模式的定義 40 表2.6、商業模式九大因素定義 42 表2-7、七項學習障礙 46 表2-8、五項修練定義 47 表2.9、課程教學的重點及時間配置 50

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