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研究生: 林政宏
Cheng-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 一個應用於智慧農場的物聯網系統-網頁應用程式設計
An Internet of Things for Smart Farm Applications-Design of Web Application
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
口試委員: 謝錫堃
Ce-Kuen Shieh
Chwan-Chia Wu
Bih-Hwang Lee
Chun-Ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網智慧農場網頁程式設計MQTT
外文關鍵詞: Internet of Things, Smart Farm, Web Design, MQTT
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:0
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  • 隨著全球網路基礎建設的普及化,數據就是商機的時代來臨了。物聯網的技術推陳出新,並有多元化和跨領域合作的特色,且應用的領域極為廣泛,舉凡工業、農業、金融、醫療、軍事等產業,都有日漸增長的趨勢。




    In recent years, with the greater popularization of global Internet infrastructure, up to date, such main sectors of industries or services as agriculture, finance, medicine, and military, have changed rapidly thanks to the enormous and fast technological innovations and growing trends of new high-techs.

    Nowadays, it has been of great assistance to introduce the technology of web-based platform along with its related applications to the smart management of agriculture thanks to the improvements of communication technique, enabling and facilitating today’s industry today to easily collect data, transform and transfer personal experience into the digital form of knowledge, from people to people, promote and improve further optimization to the field tasks, thus greatly increasing the overall production value. The introduction of this new concept of ideas, or, that is, a smart farm, makes possible the limit -breaking of time and space, as well as the managing rule more systematically efficient.

    This thesis mainly deals with the development and application of a web-based platform, through the provision of the convenient way to manage a smart farm at issue. Functions of such application includes creating the greenhouse, deleting the greenhouse, dragging the sensor icon, setting alarms by the user-determined upper and lower limits, and sensor setting, so as to allow users to create an optimal personalized farm-supervising system. The web interface discussed in this paper provides such operation options as visualization to enable most project users to intuitively operate various functions provided by the web page, thereby grasping the real-time operation status of facilitating the efficient management the smart farm.

    Finally, the major goal of monitoring is to make the farm management be more real-time oriented, thus reducing the economic losses caused by natural or man-made disasters and maximizing its managerial efficiency.

    摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 x 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究內容 3 1.4 章節架構 3 第二章、相關技術與工具介紹 4 2.1 Wireless LAN 4 2.2 Wi-Fi 4 2.3 MQTT 5 2.3.1 MQTT通訊架構 5 2.3.2 角色 5 2.3.3 動作 5 2.3.4 運作方式 6 2.4 Arduino MEGA 2560 7 2.5 ESP8266-01 8 2.6 Arduino IDE 9 2.7 資料庫與管理工具 10 2.7.1 MySQL 10 2.7.2 phpMyAdmin 11 2.7.3 ODBC 11 2.8 程式語言 12 2.8.1 PHP 12 2.8.2 ASP.NET 12 2.8.3 VBScript 13 2.9 網頁伺服器 14 第三章、系統架構設計 15 3.1 網站架構說明 17 3.2 網站運作流程說明 18 3.3 網站功能規劃 19 3.3.1「IoT網站管理平台」功能說明 20 3.3.2 遠端控制 20 3.3.3 新增溫室 22 3.3.4 感測器設置 24 3.3.5 刪除溫室 26 3.3.6 警報設定 28 3.3.7 圖示的定移位和同步 31 3.4 網站架構樹狀圖功能說明 32 3.5 網站架構樹狀圖 33 3.6 開發平台與工具選擇 34 3.6.1 微控制板與感測器套件選擇 34 3.6.2 ESP8266-01 設定說明 34 3.6.3 微控制板與感測器實作成果 36 第四章、網站開發實作與成果 37 4.1「IoT網站管理平台」首頁 37 4.2 新增溫室 38 4.3 刪除溫室 39 4.4 感測器設置 39 4.5 感測器圖示說明 40 4.6 警報功能 40 4.7 定位移位與同步 43 4.7.1 圖示定位和移位說明 43 4.7.2 同步功能 45 4.8 遠端遙控開關功能 46 4.8.1 網頁控制LED開啟畫面 47 4.8.2 網頁控制LED關閉畫面 48 第五章、結論與未來展望 49 5.1 結論 49 5.2 未來展望 49 參考文獻 50 附錄A、微控制板與感測器程式碼 52 附錄B、網站首頁程式碼 60 附錄C、新增溫室程式碼 63 附錄D、刪除溫室程式碼 66 附錄E、警報設定程式碼 67 附錄F、拖曳程式碼 69

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