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研究生: 蘇裕仁
Philip Yu-Jen Su
論文名稱: 消費者採用行動購物網站之研究
Research of Customers’Purchase Intention on Mobile Shopping Website
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 楊亨利
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 行動商務科技接受模式
外文關鍵詞: mobile commerce, anxiety, enjoyment
相關次數: 點閱:381下載:24
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管理上的難題:是什麼阻礙了行動商務的發展腳步?另一方面看:經過文獻探討,有哪些是推動行動商務成長進步的關鍵因素?本研究整合科技接受模式(TAM)及感性狀態因素(Affective State Factors),經由結構化方程式分析研究問卷,回收369份有效樣本進行分析。考量操作行動電話進行與金錢相關之商務服務,消費者自始伴隨焦慮情緒,其研究結果顯示,負面情緒「焦慮」負向影響行動購物「採用意願」,操作行動電話熟稔與否之「行動科技熟練度」則負向影響「焦慮」、「行動科技熟練度」正向影響「享受樂趣」及該科技「有用」程度;此外,「享受樂趣」、「有用」以及該科技同個人生活工作「相容」程度,均正向影響「採用意願」。

The study explored a conceptual model for analyzing customers’ perceptions of using mobile commerce services for online shopping. Our study provides insights into consumer behavior, and our results have important implications for designers, managers, marketers, and system providers of mobile shopping (m-shopping) Websites.
I used an empirical investigation to test the hypotheses. The samples include 369 professional participants. For testing the relationships of the model, a structural equation modeling (SEM) is proposed. The results demonstrate that anxiety, which is an affective barrier against using innovative systems, is a key negative predictor of a customer’s intentions to use mobile phones. Also, the consumer’s self-perception of mobile skillfulness significantly affects anxiety, enjoyment, and usefulness. Furthermore, enjoyment, usefulness, and compatibility have an impact on a customer’s behavioral intentions.
The results not only help develop a sophisticated understanding of mobile commerce theories for researchers, but they also offer useful knowledge to those involved in promoting m-shopping to potential purchasers. The value of the paper is that could be applied to other portable information technology service adoptions, such as personal digital assistants (PDA), smart phones, advanced mobile phones, and portable global positioning systems (GPS).

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………10 1.1. Background and motivation…………………………………………………10 1.2. Research questions and purposes……………………………………………12 1.3. Organization of dissertation…………………………………………………16 2. Literature review………………………………………………………………17 2.1. Studies related to mobile services adoption………………………….17 2.2. Prior researches of affective state constructs………………………22 2.3. Technology acceptance model…………………………….…………….29 3. Research model and hypotheses…………………………….……………..36 4. Research methodology……………………………………….…………….52 4.1. Measurement development……………………………………………...52 4.2. Sample and procedure………………………………….…………………….55 5. Results…………………………………………………………………………58 5.1. Measurement model……………………………………….…………….58 5.2. Structural model…………………………………………….……………66 5.3. Analysis A: gender difference……………………………………………70 5.4. Analysis B: innovation adopter categories……………………………….74 6. Discussion and conclusion………………………………………………………85 6.1. Discussion and conclusion……………………………………………………85 6.2. Implications……………………………………………….………………….89 6.3. Limitations and future researches…………………………………………….91 7. References………………………………………………………………………93

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