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研究生: 張祐菁
Yu-Ching Chang
論文名稱: 以遮罩區域卷積神經網路偵測與警示現地安全帽穿戴狀況
Automated Detection and Alert for Hard Hat Wearing on Construction Site by MRCNN
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
Albert Y. Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 工地安全深度學習網路影像辨識NHULINEMask R-CNN
外文關鍵詞: Construction Safety, NHU, Deep Learning, Mask R-CNN, Computer Vision, LINE
相關次數: 點閱:246下載:2
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  • Construction industry is definitely a crucial industry in Taiwan due to its economic status. However, according statistics, the number of occupational fatalities of construction industry is the highest compared to the other industries. Among all occupational injuries, a research mentioned that head injuries are prong to be serious and often cause fatality. Even though the governments of diverse countries are dedicated to establishing related regulations, workers may still take off hard hats as it is hard to carry, inconvenient, or uncomfortably sultry, thus increasing the risks of occupational hazards. Accordingly, how to efficiently monitor the hard hat wearing becomes the crucial issue which this research would study. However, safety inspection practices still rely heavily on inspectors' manual monitoring and reporting on construction site at present based on the user interview, and it would be a huge burden of manpower to check whether workers wear hard hat or not all the times just for safety assurance. Therefore, the research aims to exploit deep learning method to develop a non-hard-hat use (NHU) automatic detection system for not only increasing the convenience of construction safety management but also reducing the manpower and time consumed. The research would utilize the data collected from internet and real construction site to train the deep learning network, MRCNN, and combined with different backbones and data augmentation strategies for inspecting whether it would influence Precision, Recall and Accuracy, improving prediction performance. The results indicated that data augmentation strategies do really influence the model performance. Finally, the best model would be selected and connected to LINE App for informing the hard hat wearing violation to on-site managers. the needs of sufficient accuracy, notification of the status of workers not wearing hard hats, and evidences saved for imposing fines.

    Construction industry is definitely a crucial industry in Taiwan due to its economic status. However, according statistics, the number of occupational fatalities of construction industry is the highest compared to the other industries. Among all occupational injuries, a research mentioned that head injuries are prong to be serious and often cause fatality. Even though the governments of diverse countries are dedicated to establishing related regulations, workers may still take off hard hats as it is hard to carry, inconvenient, or uncomfortably sultry, thus increasing the risks of occupational hazards. Accordingly, how to efficiently monitor the hard hat wearing becomes the crucial issue which this research would study. However, safety inspection practices still rely heavily on inspectors' manual monitoring and reporting on construction site at present based on the user interview, and it would be a huge burden of manpower to check whether workers wear hard hat or not all the times just for safety assurance. Therefore, the research aims to exploit deep learning method to develop a non-hard-hat use (NHU) automatic detection system for not only increasing the convenience of construction safety management but also reducing the manpower and time consumed. The research would utilize the data collected from internet and real construction site to train the deep learning network, MRCNN, and combined with different backbones and data augmentation strategies for inspecting whether it would influence Precision, Recall and Accuracy, improving prediction accuracy. The results indicated that data augmentation strategies do really influence the model performance. Finally, the best model would be selected and connected to LINE App for informing the hard hat wearing violation to on-site managers. the needs of sufficient accuracy, notification of the status of workers not wearing hard hats, and evidences saved for imposing fines.

    由於其經濟地位(GDP),建築業在台灣絕對是至關重要的行業。可是,根據台灣職業安全衛生管理局的2017年年報統計,建築行業中的職業死亡人數卻是所有行業中最高的。在所有職業傷害中,一項研究提到頭部受傷可能很嚴重,並經常導致死亡。即使各國政府致力於製定相關法規,但由於難以攜帶,不便的悶熱等不舒服,工人可能仍會脫掉安全帽,從而增加了職業災害的風險,因此,如何有效地監測安全帽的佩戴成為該研究將要研究的關鍵問題。 根據訪談,已知目前的安全檢查實踐仍然重度依賴檢查員在施工現場的手動監測和報告,但為了安全保證而不停檢查工人是否始終戴安全帽將會是巨大的人力負擔,因此,本研究旨在探索深度學習方法,以開發一種未配戴安全帽自動檢測系統,從而增加了施工安全管理的便利性,並減少了人力和時間。該研究將利用網路和實際台灣施工現場收集的數據來訓練深度學習網絡MRCNN,並結合不同的骨幹和數據增強策略來檢查其是否會影響Precision和Recall以及Accuracy,從而提高預測準確性。結果顯示,數據增強策略是會影響的。最後,將選擇最佳模型並將其連接到LINE App,以將安全帽違規事項通知建築工地現場管理者,達到準確預測、通知、證據保存等使用者需求。

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