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研究生: 黃淑容
Shu-Rong Huang
論文名稱: 於無線射頻標籤辨識系統中之行動性感知二元樹演算法
A Mobility Aware Binary Tree Algorithm in RFID Tag Identification
指導教授: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
口試委員: 徐俊傑
Chiun-Chieh Hsu
Chih-Chung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵詞: 無線射頻標籤辨識標籤辨識防碰撞動態式標籤
外文關鍵詞: RFID, tag identification, anti-collision, mobile tag
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:2
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無線射頻標籤辨識技術(RFID)廣泛應用於自動化辨識系統中,因與傳統條碼系統相比具有便利性、立即性和無需接觸欲辨識物體的特性。為了提高標籤辨識的速度,許多防標籤訊號碰撞的演算法提出以解決標籤碰撞造成的問題。但傳統的防碰撞演算法並沒有考慮標籤會進出讀取器的覆蓋範圍的移動環境,行動標籤和固定標籤相較下會產生兩個額外的問題:(1)讀取器對行動標籤的辨識時間有限;(2)由於標籤的行動性造成提供符合標籤數量的時槽數量具困難性。為處理行動標籤的辨識問題,本論文提出了行動感知二元樹演算法(Mobility Aware Binary Tree algorithm, MABT)用於解決行動標籤會進出讀取器覆蓋範圍的辨識問題。MABT具有三個特點:(1)透過將標籤作分群,以區分出標籤進出的順序和辨識的優先權;(2)為精確地預估標籤數,其透過統計方式決定恰當的訊框時槽數;(3)於隨機選取時發生碰撞的標籤採BT (Binary Tree)辨識,以縮短辨識的延遲並避免飢餓問題的發生。模擬結果顯示在輸送帶環境下,MABT的辨識效能,在移動速率是6 m/s且平均每公尺標籤密度為4個的情況下,辨識率提升了約20%,而在移動速率是4 m/s且維持辨識率98%以上的情況下,平均每公尺標籤密度增加了約17%。

The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technique is widely applied into the automated identification system because its convenience, immediate and contactless identification compared with the bar-code system. In order to accelerate the tag identification process, many RFID anti-collision algorithms were proposed to solve the RFID collisions. However, these conventional algorithms did not consider the mobile tags which will move in and out the reader’s interrogation range. Mobile tags different from fixed tags will cause two problems: (1) the reader must identify the tags under limited identification duration; (2) the reader must accurately determine the number of time slots, which is suitable to the number of tags. To cope with these problems, this thesis proposes the Mobility Aware Binary Tree algorithm (MABT) to improve the identification performance under the condition that mobile tags will enter and leave the reader’s interrogation range. The MABT has three novel features: (1) it groups the tags in order to distinguish their sequences and priorities in recognition; (2) it statistically determines the optimal number of slots in a frame according to the number of tags; (3) It adopts the BT (Binary Tree) algorithm to resolve the collisions in the slots of a frame to shorten the identification delay and avoid the starvation problem. The simulation results show that MABT can raise 20% identification rate when speed is 6 m/s and the average tag density is 4 tags/m. It also increases 17% tag density when speed is 4 m/s and the identification rate is 98% in the conveyor environment.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 壹、導論 貳、背景 2.1RFID系統概觀 2.2動態式RFID系統模型 2.3相關文獻探討 參、MABT演算法 3.1估計最佳的訊框長度 3.2MABT演算法 3.3MABT範例 肆、模擬結果 伍、結論 參考文獻

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