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研究生: 梁至程
Chih-Cheng Liang
論文名稱: 應用 RFID 於汽車工廠物料裝箱載具之個案研究
A Case Study of Applying RFID to Material Containers for Automobile Factory
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Yu-Chung Tsao
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 無線射頻汽車物料載具
外文關鍵詞: RFID
相關次數: 點閱:222下載:2
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  • 個案本文主角是一家汽車生產總裝廠H公司,發現供應商之物料裝箱載具設備來廠後,陸續發生了丟失情況與求償等問題,個案中產生了幾個管理議題(如:供應鏈管理、風險管理等)與討論,以及多方責任劃分不清等情況,後續要如何面對這樣的事件且能夠得到完善的解決辦法,將是此個案探討的核心議題之一。另供應商賠償及遺失所帶來的成本、應如何降低再次發生的機會也是個案讓學習者討論的課題。最後個案採取應用RFID來解決,在未來同業之中是否可被參考運用或更多的延伸機會。期待能提供相關業者在同樣導入RFID技術應用前之參考借鏡。

    透過個案可以讓學習者了解汽車組裝工廠在營運過程中,面對類似的風險問題存在時,可以運用管理理論的方法來找出降低風險的因子又可創新突破及創造新的發展機會,在各種不同情境下,提出優化改善讓整個個案事件由危機變成轉機,成為企業核心競爭優勢之一,同時在下一步的延伸應用上面,期待能將實務同步至最新技術與趨勢相結合,例如:工業4.0 、物聯網、智慧營運、AI人工智慧…等。


    The key role of this case study is about an automobile manufacturing plant, H Company. H Company found an issue of missing containers used for packing materials after their suppliers’ unloading activities, which caused several claim arguments between H Company and her suppliers. The management issues, that we learned from this case, such as supply chain management, risk management, etc., brought us new insights to solve problems and also clarify responsibilities. How to reduce potential loss from missing containers handled by suppliers is another example for further discussion. H Company used RFID technology to smartly concur these difficulties. It is a good referral for similar enterprises to implement.
    Through this case study of H company, as an automobile assembly factory, we can apply innovative technologies and skills taught by management theories not only to lower potential risks, but also create new business opportunities. Even when different circumstances, process optimization and improvement can turn crisis into chances and be embedded as core competitive advantages of the enterprise. Meanwhile, it is also applicable in many real practices and future trends, like Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, intelligent operations, artificial intelligence.
    This study includes two main parts, case content descriptions and teaching materials. It inspires business managers in decision-making and innovative thinking by deliberate planning and thorough analysis. When managers face similar situations in the future, they can learn by analogy to view from different perspectives and ensure the effectiveness of decision making and implementation.
    Keywords: RFID, Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, Intelligent Operations.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第1章 個案本文 第1節 序論 第2節 個案產業概況 第3節 個案公司關鍵管理決策 第4節 個案事件發展 第5節 個案公司主要事件 第2章 教師教學指導手冊 第1節 個案總覽 第2節 教學指引 第3節 課前準備 第4節 學員課前討論 第5節 適用課程與對象 第6節 教學總覽 第7節 問題與參考答案 第8節 教學建議與時間分配 第9節 板書規劃 參考文獻

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    三、 網頁部分
    台灣科技網DIGITIMES : https://www.digitimes.com.tw/tech/

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