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研究生: 黃禹澄
Yu-Checng Hung
論文名稱: 以SOAP 網路式服務建構分散式運算之高延展性自動化監測系統
A Scalable Automated Monitoring Information System using Distributed Computing Technique based on SOAP Web Services
指導教授: 謝佑明
Yo-Ming Hsieh
口試委員: 陳鴻銘
Hung-Ming Chen
M.Y. Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 網路式服務服務導向架構自動化監測資訊系統無線感測器
外文關鍵詞: Web Services, Automated monitoring system, Wireless Sensor Network
相關次數: 點閱:218下載:3
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  • 本研究提供一個以Web Services 技術作為基礎的整合型自動化監測系統,其
    伺服器亦提供存取系統功能之Web Services API,簡化異質平台或應用程式對於

    This thesis offers a automated monitoring information system using web services
    technology, which integrate different monitor projects, strengthen the security of
    monitoring data, improve the scalable of system structure, and offers one open
    standard of development interface providing different kinds of system platform to
    setup up and integrate easily. In the other side, the system will combine wireless
    sensor network to set up a flexible and easy-deployed automated monitoring
    information system structure.
    There are three system members in the system structure; 1) Field Server
    coondinates the sensors and save the monitoring data, sending the monitoring data
    back to Data Server regularity, and offers a flexibility driver manage for user to add
    his own sensor; 2) Data Server, the goal of which is to save monitoring data and
    manage monitoring data, offers hardware redundancy and spatial redundancy to
    provide higher system availability. Data Server also offers a web services API to save
    or read monitoring data, which makes user set up or develop more easily; 3) The
    Mediation Server, which is responsible for coordinating and managing the Field
    Server and Data Server, enables plenty of investigations to go on smoothly under this
    structure at the same time; When the upexpected situation or the demand of capacity
    expand is eccountered, users can appointment and manage again to have the system
    resume services in the shortest time and improve the reliability of monitoring data.
    It will permit relevant technology of data mining to combine more information
    management technology or data investigation technologye in the future, and turn the
    monitoring data into meaningful project knowledge automatically, the ones that put
    into different categories will be stored in the knowledge database. Such knowledge
    accumulation will be the important basis for building engineering design, constructing
    and safeguarding in the future.

    論文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 致謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XV 第一章 序論 1 1-1 研究背景與動機 1 1-2 研究架構與流程 2 1-3 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2-1 營建工程監測系統 5 2-1-1 營建工程的監測領域 5 2-1-2 營建工程自動化監測系統案例 10 2-2 監測系統中資料傳輸的通訊模式 10 2-2-1 有線與無線通訊技術簡介 10 2-2-2 無線通訊的應用 13 2-2-3 通訊模式的選擇 15 2-3 Wireless Sensor Network - ZigBee 17 2-3-1 簡介 17 2-3-2 特色 18 2-3-3 硬體架構 18 2-3-4 網路拓樸與技術標準 20 2-3-5 應用案例 22 2-4 Service-Oriented Architecture 23 2-5 Web Services 26 2-5-1 Web Services簡介 26 2-5-2 XML 28 2-5-3 SOAP 28 2-5-4 WSDL 30 2-5-5 UDDI 31 2-5-6 PHP與Web Services簡介 32 2-5-7 Web Services的應用實例 33 第三章 系統設計與研究方法 35 3-1 監測專案規劃 35 3-2 系統架構 37 3-3 系統軟體開發平台 37 3-4 PHP與Web Services 39 3-4-1 建置Web Services範例 39 3-5 資料伺服器系統服務平台 42 3-5-1 Linux Virtual Server 42 3-5-2 Storage Sharing/Replication 48 3-6 媒合伺服器與現地伺服器 49 3-6-1 媒合伺服器 49 3-6-2 現地伺服器平台考量 51 第四章 系統分析 54 4-1 系統架構圖 54 4-2 使用案例圖 54 4-3 循序圖 62 4-4 系統佈署圖 63 4-5 資料庫關聯圖 64 第五章 現地伺服器系統與實作 70 5-1 現地伺服器系統架構 70 5-2 現地伺服器系統運作流程 71 5-3 現地伺服器軟硬體設備 72 5-3-1 硬體設備 72 5-3-2 系統軟體 74 5-4 驅動管理員(Driver Manager) 76 5-5 資料過濾處理器(Data Filter) 78 第六章 資料伺服器與媒合伺服器系統實作 80 6-1 資料伺服器系統架構 80 6-2 資料伺服器系統運作流程 80 6-3 資料伺服器軟硬體架構 82 6-3-1 資料伺服器硬體架構 82 6-3-2 資料伺服器軟體架構 83 6-4 Linux on High-Availability DataServer 83 6-5 媒合伺服器系統架構 85 第七章 無線感測器規劃與實作 87 7-1 無線感測器 87 7-2 感測器電路規劃 89 7-3 感測器資料展示 92 第八章 資訊系統架構之探討 95 8-1 情境探討 95 8-2 小結 96 第九章 結論與討論 99 9-1 總結 99 9-2 未來研究建議 102 參考資料 104

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