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研究生: 余鈺茹
Yu-Ju Yu
論文名稱: 中國互聯網專車之服務體驗差異研究
Comparative analysis of Customer experiences of Internet based Limo services in China
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 專車服務服務體驗代表人物顧客旅程地圖服務藍圖利害關係人商業模式
外文關鍵詞: limo service, service experience, persona, customer journey maps, service blueprint, interested party, business model
相關次數: 點閱:797下載:29
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為分析專車服務在搶佔中高階客群上所採取的服務差異為何,本研究於2015年3 - 9月期間在上海實地體驗四大品牌專車,研究目標為:(1)探討與找出服務體驗最佳之專車平台;(2)暫行的專車管理辦法若正式實施,則商業模式與利害關係人之推演,以推測 2016年中國專車市場變化。


The rise of the sharing economy in the global market has changed the business landscape as it opens up many innovation possibilities and redefines the way of living. The most obvious example is Uber, the online ride-sharing platform that has taken the world by storm. Uber, entered China in 2013, offers a level of cost efficiency and transparency in terms of demand and supply. Rather than adopting centralized management model, Uber operates as a sole proprietorship in China, which further boosts curiosity about China’s market from around the world. In addition, many local enterprises in China replicated and altered their business models. By the end of 2015 Q2, the leading 4 ride-sharing apps in China are Uber, Yongche, Kuaidi One, and Ucar.

To analyze service differentiation between these 4 online platforms regarding their limo service for mid-to-high end customers, the researcher has conducted an experience study in Shanghai between Mar. and Sep., 2015. The research objectives are 1) to evaluate and identify the ride-sharing platform that provides the best customer experience and 2) to make assumptions of business model and interested parties if the interim measure for the administration of limo service is put into practice and to further project the change of China’s limo service market in 2016.

The researcher found out that Uber and Ucar are better able to meet the shuttle needs of business people as Ucar offers spacious and comfortable vehicles with professional drivers while Uber provides an excellent service and stylish atmosphere. With the push of a button, passengers can easily summon a driver. Regarding the limo service market in China, if the government doesn’t grant a grace period and an alternative to legalize private car ride-sharing apps, Ucar will be the only platform that has its own vehicles and drivers by the end of 2015. As long as Ucar maintains service quality and creates stable expansion, it will ultimately grab greatest market share.

1.緒論1 1.1.研究動機1 1.2.研究背景2 1.3.研究問題5 1.4.研究目的7 1.5.研究範圍與限制8 1.6.研究流程9 2.文獻探討12 2.1.專車服務12 2.1.1.名詞解釋12 2.1.2.專車服務特點13 2.1.3.專車背景與市佔率14 2.1.4.專車平台簡介16 2.1.5.專車服務模式16 2.1.6.專車管理之暫行辦法17 2.2.服務體驗19 3.研究方法20 3.1.代表人物20 3.2.觀察法22 3.3.顧客旅程地圖23 3.4.服務藍圖23 3.5.商業模式分析26 3.6.利害關係人分析29 3.7.研究流程31 3.8.體驗計畫32 4.服務體驗研究33 4.1.體驗計畫實際執行情況33 4.2.代表人物:商務人士35 4.2.1.任務38 4.2.2.痛點39 4.2.3.獲益41 4.3.專車 APP 操作流程說明41 4.4.定義顧客旅程地圖42 4.5.以「接觸點」為主之服務體驗討論44 4.5.1.綁定/儲值46 4.5.2.新用戶獎勵48 4.5.3.叫車49 4.5.4.媒合53 4.5.5.候車57 4.5.6.乘坐60 4.5.7.支付63 4.5.8.評價64 4.6.以「平台」為主之服務體驗討論69 4.6.1.UBER69 4.6.2.一號專車70 4.6.3.易到用車71 4.6.4.神州專車72 4.7.更多客戶體驗73 4.8.討論結果76 4.9.服務藍圖79 4.10.服務斷點83 5.商業模式與利害關係人分析86 5.1.中國專車服務之商業模式86 5.2.中國專車服務之利害關係人分析89 5.3.暫行辦法正式實施之推測91 5.4.各家專車平台之商業模式與利害關係人分析92 5.4.1.UBER 之商業模式與利害關係人分析93 5.4.2.易到用車之商業模式與利害關係人分析96 5.4.3.一號專車之商業模式與利害關係人分析99 5.4.4.神州專車之商業模式與利害關係人分析102 6.研究結論與建議105 6.1.研究結論105 6.2.限制與建議108 6.3.未來展望110 參考文獻 附錄 圖目錄 表目錄

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