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Author: 簡源宏
Thesis Title: 企業併購之戰略性技術互補研究-以F公司併購S公司為例
Mergers and Acquisitions for Complementary Strategic Technology Deployment.- A Case Study from F M&A S Company
Advisor: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Committee: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Chao Ou-Yang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2016
Graduation Academic Year: 104
Language: 中文
Pages: 74
Keywords (in Chinese): 鴻海夏普跨國併購戰略性技術
Keywords (in other languages): Hon Hai, Sharp, Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategically Technology
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  • 戰略性技術的投資策略,關係著企業長遠的競爭優勢。而成功的併購亦是企業成長的重要策略之一。2016 年鴻海併購夏普,寫下歷史性的新頁。夏普有品牌和技術實力的優勢,但是在成本控制與定價策略上,與市場期待有所差距,同時企業經營策略調整速度緩慢。鴻海擅長以成本領導為基礎,企業執行能力佳,雙方合併是強強聯手,惟能否在短時間內讓夏普恢復過去的榮耀,擊敗韓國的三星及LG 等集團,是鴻海未來要面臨的挑戰。本個案研究的資料來源,主要是以公開資料為主,包含個案公司所公布的網站資料以及包括個案公司公開的資料與外部研究者所撰寫的評論資料,在台灣證券交易所公開資訊觀測站、相關產業政府機關的政策資料、還有各報章雜誌、產業資訊報導等有關鴻海集團併購夏普公司的資訊及新聞,以及其他相關的網站資訊。本論文著重在兩家世界級企業聯姻後,在技術面與品牌經營上如何建立起互補性的合作策略。除影響併購整合的成功關鍵因素外,並同時探討併購後在戰略性技術及企業品牌的互補性策略上的運用,與在併購的整合上如何產生最大的綜效。

    Investment strategy of strategically technology was relationship with their long-term competitive advantage. And successful acquisition strategy is also an important of business growth. In 2016, Hon Hai Group mergered Sharp Company already wrote a new page in historic. Sharp has the advantage of brand and technology strength, But in terms of cost control and pricing strategies with the expectations gap between the mainstream markets. Simultaneously their business strategic adjustment conducts slowly. Hon Hai group have good at cost-based leadership, good business execution capability, both sides are combining the strengths of the merger, but could recover in a short time Sharp past glory, defeating South Korea's Samsung and LG and other groups, it is to face the future challenges of Hon Hai. This case study source is mainly based on publicly available information, involving cases of website data published by companies that including case data with external researchers write review information MOPS in the Taiwan Stock Exchange, information related industries, government policy, as well as various newspapers and magazines, industry reports and other information relating to the Hon Hai Group's mergers of Sharp's information and news, as well as other related website information. This thesis focuses on the marriage after two world-class companies, on technical cooperation and brand management strategies on how to build complementary. In addition to the critical success factors of merger integration, also to explore after the merger technology used in the strategic and complementary brand strategy, and how to generate maximum synergy in the merger integration.

    摘要 ...................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................. II 誌謝 ..................................................................... III 目錄 ..................................................................... IV 圖目錄 ................................................................... VI 表目錄 ................................................................... VII 第一章 緒論 .............................................................. 1 第一節 研究背景 ........................................................... 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 ...................................................... 3 第三節 研究流程與論文架構 .................................................. 4 第四節 研究範圍與限制 ...................................................... 5 第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................ 7 第一節 企業跨國併購 ........................................................ 7 第二節 企業併購的理論 ....................................................... 9 第三節 企業跨國併購動機 ..................................................... 12 第四節 企業的併購策略 ....................................................... 16 第三章 研究方法 ............................................................ 21 第四章 個案企業併購之戰略性技術互補 ........................................... 23 第一節 鴻海的商業模式與技術優勢 ............................................... 23 第二節 夏普的輝煌與沒落 ...................................................... 34 第三節 個案公司的併購及整合.................................................... 50 第五章 結論與建議 ............................................................ 66 第一節 結論 ................................................................. 66 第二節 建議 ................................................................. 68 參考文獻 .................................................................... 69

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